<% shared_helper = GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::SharedHelper.new(local_assigns) autocomplete ||= nil controls ||= nil data ||= nil describedby ||= nil enterkeyhint ||= nil id ||= "input-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}" spellcheck ||= "false" type ||= "text" value ||= nil inputmode ||= nil pattern ||= nil label ||= nil hint ||= nil error_message ||= nil error_items ||= [] grouped ||= nil autofocus ||= nil tabindex ||= nil readonly ||= nil maxlength ||= nil width ||= nil has_error ||= error_message || error_items.any? hint_id = "hint-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}" error_id = "error-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}" search_icon ||= nil heading_size = false unless shared_helper.valid_heading_size?(heading_size) heading_level ||= nil prefix ||= nil suffix ||= nil css_classes = %w(gem-c-input govuk-input) css_classes << "govuk-input--error" if has_error css_classes << "govuk-input--width-#{width}" if [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30].include?(width) css_classes << "gem-c-input--with-search-icon" if search_icon form_group_css_classes = %w(govuk-form-group) form_group_css_classes << "govuk-form-group--error" if has_error && !grouped aria_described_by ||= nil if hint || has_error || describedby aria_described_by = [] aria_described_by << hint_id if hint aria_described_by << error_id if has_error && !grouped aria_described_by << describedby if describedby aria_described_by = aria_described_by.join(" ") end checked_enterkeyhint = enterkeyhint if [ "done", "enter", "go", "next", "previous", "search", "send", ].include?(enterkeyhint) if type == "number" type = "text" inputmode = "numeric" end %> <%= content_tag :div, class: form_group_css_classes do %> <% if label %> <% label_markup = capture do %> <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/label", { html_for: id, heading_size: heading_size }.merge(label.symbolize_keys) %> <% end %> <% if heading_level %> <%= content_tag(shared_helper.get_heading_level, class: "govuk-label-wrapper") do %> <%= label_markup %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= label_markup %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if hint %> <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/hint", { id: hint_id, text: hint } %> <% end %> <% if has_error %> <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/error_message", { id: error_id, text: error_message, items: error_items, } %> <% end %> <% input_tag = tag.input( aria: { describedby: aria_described_by, controls: controls }, autocomplete: autocomplete, autofocus: autofocus, class: css_classes, data: data, enterkeyhint: checked_enterkeyhint, id: id, inputmode: inputmode, maxlength: maxlength, name: name, pattern: pattern, readonly: readonly, spellcheck: spellcheck, tabindex: tabindex, type: type, value: value ) %> <% if prefix && suffix %> <%= tag.div class: "govuk-input__wrapper" do %> <% # The line below relies on in-line styling for legacy browsers and it's whitespace-sensitive %> <%= tag.span prefix, class: "govuk-input__prefix", aria: { hidden: true } %><%= input_tag %><%= tag.span suffix, class: "govuk-input__suffix", aria: { hidden: true } %> <% end %> <% elsif prefix %> <%= tag.div class: "govuk-input__wrapper" do %> <%= tag.span prefix, class: "govuk-input__prefix", aria: { hidden: true } %><%= input_tag %> <% end %> <% elsif suffix %> <%= tag.div class: "govuk-input__wrapper" do %> <%= input_tag %><%= tag.span suffix, class: "govuk-input__suffix", aria: { hidden: true } %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= tag.span class: "gem-c-input__search-icon" if search_icon %> <%= input_tag %> <% end %> <% end %>