<para/> <title/> </section> </x:context> <x:expect-rule context="title[position() gt 1]"/> </x:scenario> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="count"> <x:scenario label="0"> <x:context> <article/> </x:context> <x:expect-rule label="verify that a rule does not fire" count="0"/> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="1"> <x:context> <section/> </x:context> <x:expect-rule count="1"/> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="2"> <x:context> <article> <section/> <section/> </article> </x:context> <x:expect-rule count="2"/> </x:scenario> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="id and context"> <x:context> <article> <title/> </article> </x:context> <x:expect-rule context="title[position() eq 1]" id="r3"/> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="id and count"> <x:context> <article> <para/> <para/> <para/> </article> </x:context> <x:expect-rule id="r1" count="3"/> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="context and count"> <x:context> <article> <para/> <para/> <para/> <para/> </article> </x:context> <x:expect-rule context="para" count="4"/> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="id, context, and count"> <x:context> <article> <para/> <para/> <para/> <para/> <para/> </article> </x:context> <x:expect-rule id="r1" context="para" count="5"/> </x:scenario> <x:scenario label="specific rules fire or do not fire"> <x:context> <section/> </x:context> <x:expect-rule label="verify that a specific rule does not fire" id="r1" count="0"/> <x:expect-rule label="verify that a specific rule does fire" id="r2" count="1"/> </x:scenario> </x:scenario> </x:description>