module Eps class NaiveBayes < BaseEstimator attr_reader :probabilities def initialize(probabilities: nil, target: nil) @probabilities = probabilities @target = target end def train(*args) super @y = { |yi| yi.to_s } prior = group_count(@y) conditional = {} if @x.any? keys = @x.first.keys x = @x.dup x.each_with_index do |xi, i| xi[@target] = @y[i] end keys.each do |k| conditional[k.to_s] = {} x.group_by { |xi| xi[@target] }.each do |group, xs| v = { |xi| xi[k] } if categorical?(v[0]) # TODO apply smoothing # apply smoothing only to # 1. categorical features # 2. conditional probabilities # TODO more efficient count conditional[k.to_s][group] = group_count(v) else conditional[k.to_s][group] = {mean: mean(v), stdev: stdev(v)} end end end end @probabilities = { prior: prior, conditional: conditional } end # TODO better summary def summary(extended: false) str ="") probabilities[:prior].each do |k, v| str += "#{k}: #{v}\n" end str += "\n" str += "accuracy: %d%%\n" % [(100 * accuracy).round] str end def accuracy self.class.metrics(predict(@x), @y)[:accuracy] end # pmml def self.load_pmml(data) # TODO more validation node = data.css("NaiveBayesModel") prior = {} node.css("BayesOutput TargetValueCount").each do |n| prior[n.attribute("value").value] = n.attribute("count").value.to_f end conditional = {} node.css("BayesInput").each do |n| prob = {} n.css("TargetValueStat").each do |n2| n3 = n2.css("GaussianDistribution") prob[n2.attribute("value").value] = { mean: n3.attribute("mean").value.to_f, stdev: Math.sqrt(n3.attribute("variance").value.to_f) } end n.css("PairCounts").each do |n2| boom = {} n2.css("TargetValueCount").each do |n3| boom[n3.attribute("value").value] = n3.attribute("count").value.to_f end prob[n2.attribute("value").value] = boom end conditional[n.attribute("fieldName").value] = prob end @target = node.css("BayesOutput").attribute("fieldName").value probabilities = { prior: prior, conditional: conditional } new(probabilities: probabilities, target: @target) end def to_pmml data_fields = {} data_fields[@target] = probabilities[:prior].keys probabilities[:conditional].each do |k, v| if !v.values[0][:mean] data_fields[k] = v.keys else data_fields[k] = nil end end builder = do |xml| xml.PMML(version: "4.3", xmlns: "", "xmlns:xsi" => "") do xml.Header xml.DataDictionary do data_fields.each do |k, vs| if vs xml.DataField(name: k, optype: "categorical", dataType: "string") do vs.each do |v| xml.Value(value: v) end end else xml.DataField(name: k, optype: "continuous", dataType: "double") end end end xml.NaiveBayesModel(functionName: "classification", threshold: 0.001) do xml.MiningSchema do data_fields.each do |k, _| xml.MiningField(name: k) end end xml.BayesInputs do probabilities[:conditional].each do |k, v| xml.BayesInput(fieldName: k) do if !v.values[0][:mean] v.each do |k2, v2| xml.PairCounts(value: k2) do xml.TargetValueCounts do v2.each do |k3, v3| xml.TargetValueCount(value: k3, count: v3) end end end end else xml.TargetValueStats do v.each do |k2, v2| xml.TargetValueStat(value: k2) do xml.GaussianDistribution(mean: v2[:mean], variance: v2[:stdev]**2) end end end end end end end xml.BayesOutput(fieldName: "target") do xml.TargetValueCounts do probabilities[:prior].each do |k, v| xml.TargetValueCount(value: k, count: v) end end end end end end.to_xml end # metrics def self.metrics(actual, estimated) { accuracy: { |yi, yi2| yi == yi2 } / actual.size.to_f } end private def _predict(x) do |xi| probs = calculate_class_probabilities(stringify_keys(xi)) # deterministic for equal probabilities probs.sort_by { |k, v| [-v, k.to_s] }[0][0] end end def calculate_class_probabilities(x) prob = {} probabilities[:prior].each do |c, cv| prob[c] = cv.to_f / probabilities[:prior].values.sum probabilities[:conditional].each do |k, v| if !v[c][:mean] # TODO compute ahead of time p2 = v[c][x[k]].to_f / v[c].values.sum # assign very small probability if probability is 0 # TODO use proper smoothing instead if p2 == 0 p2 = 0.0001 end prob[c] *= p2 else prob[c] *= calculate_probability(x[k], v[c][:mean], v[c][:stdev]) end end end prob end def calculate_probability(x, mean, stdev) exponent = Math.exp(-((x - mean)**2) / (2 * (stdev**2))) (1 / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math::PI) * stdev)) * exponent end def group_count(arr) r = arr.inject( { |h, e| h[e.to_s] += 1 ; h } r.default = nil r end def mean(arr) arr.sum / arr.size.to_f end def stdev(arr) m = mean(arr) sum = arr.inject(0) { |accum, i| accum + (i - m)**2 } Math.sqrt(sum / (arr.length - 1).to_f) end def stringify_keys(h) o = {} h.each do |k, v| o[k.to_s] = v end o end end end