# SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi All URIs are relative to *http://localhost* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**delete_agent**](SlingApi.md#delete_agent) | **DELETE** /etc/replication/agents.{runmode}/{name} | [**delete_node**](SlingApi.md#delete_node) | **DELETE** /{path}/{name} | [**get_agent**](SlingApi.md#get_agent) | **GET** /etc/replication/agents.{runmode}/{name} | [**get_agents**](SlingApi.md#get_agents) | **GET** /etc/replication/agents.{runmode}.-1.json | [**get_authorizable_keystore**](SlingApi.md#get_authorizable_keystore) | **GET** /{intermediatePath}/{authorizableId}.ks.json | [**get_keystore**](SlingApi.md#get_keystore) | **GET** /{intermediatePath}/{authorizableId}/keystore/store.p12 | [**get_node**](SlingApi.md#get_node) | **GET** /{path}/{name} | [**get_package**](SlingApi.md#get_package) | **GET** /etc/packages/{group}/{name}-{version}.zip | [**get_package_filter**](SlingApi.md#get_package_filter) | **GET** /etc/packages/{group}/{name}-{version}.zip/jcr:content/vlt:definition/filter.tidy.2.json | [**get_query**](SlingApi.md#get_query) | **GET** /bin/querybuilder.json | [**get_truststore**](SlingApi.md#get_truststore) | **GET** /etc/truststore/truststore.p12 | [**get_truststore_info**](SlingApi.md#get_truststore_info) | **GET** /libs/granite/security/truststore.json | [**post_agent**](SlingApi.md#post_agent) | **POST** /etc/replication/agents.{runmode}/{name} | [**post_authorizable_keystore**](SlingApi.md#post_authorizable_keystore) | **POST** /{intermediatePath}/{authorizableId}.ks.html | [**post_authorizables**](SlingApi.md#post_authorizables) | **POST** /libs/granite/security/post/authorizables | [**post_config_adobe_granite_saml_authentication_handler**](SlingApi.md#post_config_adobe_granite_saml_authentication_handler) | **POST** /apps/system/config/com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler.config | [**post_config_apache_felix_jetty_based_http_service**](SlingApi.md#post_config_apache_felix_jetty_based_http_service) | **POST** /apps/system/config/org.apache.felix.http | [**post_config_apache_http_components_proxy_configuration**](SlingApi.md#post_config_apache_http_components_proxy_configuration) | **POST** /apps/system/config/org.apache.http.proxyconfigurator.config | [**post_config_apache_sling_dav_ex_servlet**](SlingApi.md#post_config_apache_sling_dav_ex_servlet) | **POST** /apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.jcr.davex.impl.servlets.SlingDavExServlet | [**post_config_apache_sling_get_servlet**](SlingApi.md#post_config_apache_sling_get_servlet) | **POST** /apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet | [**post_config_apache_sling_referrer_filter**](SlingApi.md#post_config_apache_sling_referrer_filter) | **POST** /apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.security.impl.ReferrerFilter | [**post_node**](SlingApi.md#post_node) | **POST** /{path}/{name} | [**post_node_rw**](SlingApi.md#post_node_rw) | **POST** /{path}/{name}.rw.html | [**post_path**](SlingApi.md#post_path) | **POST** /{path}/ | [**post_query**](SlingApi.md#post_query) | **POST** /bin/querybuilder.json | [**post_tree_activation**](SlingApi.md#post_tree_activation) | **POST** /etc/replication/treeactivation.html | [**post_truststore**](SlingApi.md#post_truststore) | **POST** /libs/granite/security/post/truststore | [**post_truststore_pkcs12**](SlingApi.md#post_truststore_pkcs12) | **POST** /etc/truststore | # **delete_agent** > delete_agent(runmode, name) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new runmode = 'runmode_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | begin api_instance.delete_agent(runmode, name) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->delete_agent: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **runmode** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **delete_node** > delete_node(path, name) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | begin api_instance.delete_node(path, name) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->delete_node: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **get_agent** > get_agent(runmode, name) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new runmode = 'runmode_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | begin api_instance.get_agent(runmode, name) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_agent: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **runmode** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **get_agents** > String get_agents(runmode) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new runmode = 'runmode_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.get_agents(runmode) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_agents: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **runmode** | **String**| | ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json # **get_authorizable_keystore** > KeystoreInfo get_authorizable_keystore(intermediate_path, authorizable_id) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new intermediate_path = 'intermediate_path_example' # String | authorizable_id = 'authorizable_id_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.get_authorizable_keystore(intermediate_path, authorizable_id) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_authorizable_keystore: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **intermediate_path** | **String**| | **authorizable_id** | **String**| | ### Return type [**KeystoreInfo**](KeystoreInfo.md) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: text/plain # **get_keystore** > File get_keystore(intermediate_path, authorizable_id) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new intermediate_path = 'intermediate_path_example' # String | authorizable_id = 'authorizable_id_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.get_keystore(intermediate_path, authorizable_id) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_keystore: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **intermediate_path** | **String**| | **authorizable_id** | **String**| | ### Return type **File** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/octet-stream # **get_node** > get_node(path, name) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | begin api_instance.get_node(path, name) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_node: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **get_package** > File get_package(group, name, version) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new group = 'group_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | version = 'version_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.get_package(group, name, version) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_package: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **group** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | **version** | **String**| | ### Return type **File** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/octet-stream # **get_package_filter** > String get_package_filter(group, name, version) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new group = 'group_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | version = 'version_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.get_package_filter(group, name, version) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_package_filter: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **group** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | **version** | **String**| | ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json # **get_query** > String get_query(path, p_limit, _1_property, _1_property_value) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | p_limit = 3.4 # Float | _1_property = '_1_property_example' # String | _1_property_value = '_1_property_value_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.get_query(path, p_limit, _1_property, _1_property_value) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_query: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **p_limit** | **Float**| | **_1_property** | **String**| | **_1_property_value** | **String**| | ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json # **get_truststore** > File get_truststore ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new begin result = api_instance.get_truststore p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_truststore: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. ### Return type **File** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/octet-stream # **get_truststore_info** > TruststoreInfo get_truststore_info ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new begin result = api_instance.get_truststore_info p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->get_truststore_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. ### Return type [**TruststoreInfo**](TruststoreInfo.md) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json # **post_agent** > post_agent(runmode, name, opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new runmode = 'runmode_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | opts = { jcrcontentcqdistribute: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentcqdistribute_type_hint: 'jcrcontentcqdistribute_type_hint_example', # String | jcrcontentcqname: 'jcrcontentcqname_example', # String | jcrcontentcqtemplate: 'jcrcontentcqtemplate_example', # String | jcrcontentenabled: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentjcrdescription: 'jcrcontentjcrdescription_example', # String | jcrcontentjcrlast_modified: 'jcrcontentjcrlast_modified_example', # String | jcrcontentjcrlast_modified_by: 'jcrcontentjcrlast_modified_by_example', # String | jcrcontentjcrmixin_types: 'jcrcontentjcrmixin_types_example', # String | jcrcontentjcrtitle: 'jcrcontentjcrtitle_example', # String | jcrcontentlog_level: 'jcrcontentlog_level_example', # String | jcrcontentno_status_update: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentno_versioning: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentprotocol_connect_timeout: 3.4, # Float | jcrcontentprotocol_http_connection_closed: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentprotocol_http_expired: 'jcrcontentprotocol_http_expired_example', # String | jcrcontentprotocol_http_headers: ['jcrcontentprotocol_http_headers_example'], # Array | jcrcontentprotocol_http_headers_type_hint: 'jcrcontentprotocol_http_headers_type_hint_example', # String | jcrcontentprotocol_http_method: 'jcrcontentprotocol_http_method_example', # String | jcrcontentprotocol_https_relaxed: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentprotocol_interface: 'jcrcontentprotocol_interface_example', # String | jcrcontentprotocol_socket_timeout: 3.4, # Float | jcrcontentprotocol_version: 'jcrcontentprotocol_version_example', # String | jcrcontentproxy_ntlm_domain: 'jcrcontentproxy_ntlm_domain_example', # String | jcrcontentproxy_ntlm_host: 'jcrcontentproxy_ntlm_host_example', # String | jcrcontentproxy_host: 'jcrcontentproxy_host_example', # String | jcrcontentproxy_password: 'jcrcontentproxy_password_example', # String | jcrcontentproxy_port: 3.4, # Float | jcrcontentproxy_user: 'jcrcontentproxy_user_example', # String | jcrcontentqueue_batch_max_size: 3.4, # Float | jcrcontentqueue_batch_mode: 'jcrcontentqueue_batch_mode_example', # String | jcrcontentqueue_batch_wait_time: 3.4, # Float | jcrcontentretry_delay: 'jcrcontentretry_delay_example', # String | jcrcontentreverse_replication: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentserialization_type: 'jcrcontentserialization_type_example', # String | jcrcontentslingresource_type: 'jcrcontentslingresource_type_example', # String | jcrcontentssl: 'jcrcontentssl_example', # String | jcrcontenttransport_ntlm_domain: 'jcrcontenttransport_ntlm_domain_example', # String | jcrcontenttransport_ntlm_host: 'jcrcontenttransport_ntlm_host_example', # String | jcrcontenttransport_password: 'jcrcontenttransport_password_example', # String | jcrcontenttransport_uri: 'jcrcontenttransport_uri_example', # String | jcrcontenttransport_user: 'jcrcontenttransport_user_example', # String | jcrcontenttrigger_distribute: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontenttrigger_modified: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontenttrigger_on_off_time: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontenttrigger_receive: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontenttrigger_specific: true, # BOOLEAN | jcrcontentuser_id: 'jcrcontentuser_id_example', # String | jcrprimary_type: 'jcrprimary_type_example', # String | operation: 'operation_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_agent(runmode, name, opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_agent: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **runmode** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | **jcrcontentcqdistribute** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentcqdistribute_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentcqname** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentcqtemplate** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentenabled** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentjcrdescription** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentjcrlast_modified** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentjcrlast_modified_by** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentjcrmixin_types** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentjcrtitle** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentlog_level** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentno_status_update** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentno_versioning** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_connect_timeout** | **Float**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_http_connection_closed** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_http_expired** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_http_headers** | [**Array<String>**](String.md)| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_http_headers_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_http_method** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_https_relaxed** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_interface** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_socket_timeout** | **Float**| | [optional] **jcrcontentprotocol_version** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentproxy_ntlm_domain** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentproxy_ntlm_host** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentproxy_host** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentproxy_password** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentproxy_port** | **Float**| | [optional] **jcrcontentproxy_user** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentqueue_batch_max_size** | **Float**| | [optional] **jcrcontentqueue_batch_mode** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentqueue_batch_wait_time** | **Float**| | [optional] **jcrcontentretry_delay** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentreverse_replication** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentserialization_type** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentslingresource_type** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontentssl** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttransport_ntlm_domain** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttransport_ntlm_host** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttransport_password** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttransport_uri** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttransport_user** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttrigger_distribute** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttrigger_modified** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttrigger_on_off_time** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttrigger_receive** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontenttrigger_specific** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **jcrcontentuser_id** | **String**| | [optional] **jcrprimary_type** | **String**| | [optional] **operation** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_authorizable_keystore** > KeystoreInfo post_authorizable_keystore(intermediate_path, authorizable_id, opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new intermediate_path = 'intermediate_path_example' # String | authorizable_id = 'authorizable_id_example' # String | opts = { operation: 'operation_example', # String | current_password: 'current_password_example', # String | new_password: 'new_password_example', # String | re_password: 're_password_example', # String | key_password: 'key_password_example', # String | key_store_pass: 'key_store_pass_example', # String | _alias: '_alias_example', # String | new_alias: 'new_alias_example', # String | remove_alias: 'remove_alias_example', # String | cert_chain: File.new('/path/to/file'), # File | pk: File.new('/path/to/file'), # File | key_store: File.new('/path/to/file') # File | } begin result = api_instance.post_authorizable_keystore(intermediate_path, authorizable_id, opts) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_authorizable_keystore: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **intermediate_path** | **String**| | **authorizable_id** | **String**| | **operation** | **String**| | [optional] **current_password** | **String**| | [optional] **new_password** | **String**| | [optional] **re_password** | **String**| | [optional] **key_password** | **String**| | [optional] **key_store_pass** | **String**| | [optional] **_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **new_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **remove_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **cert_chain** | **File**| | [optional] **pk** | **File**| | [optional] **key_store** | **File**| | [optional] ### Return type [**KeystoreInfo**](KeystoreInfo.md) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data - **Accept**: text/plain # **post_authorizables** > String post_authorizables(authorizable_id, intermediate_path, opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new authorizable_id = 'authorizable_id_example' # String | intermediate_path = 'intermediate_path_example' # String | opts = { create_user: 'create_user_example', # String | create_group: 'create_group_example', # String | reppassword: 'reppassword_example', # String | profilegiven_name: 'profilegiven_name_example' # String | } begin result = api_instance.post_authorizables(authorizable_id, intermediate_path, opts) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_authorizables: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **authorizable_id** | **String**| | **intermediate_path** | **String**| | **create_user** | **String**| | [optional] **create_group** | **String**| | [optional] **reppassword** | **String**| | [optional] **profilegiven_name** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: text/html # **post_config_adobe_granite_saml_authentication_handler** > post_config_adobe_granite_saml_authentication_handler(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { key_store_password: 'key_store_password_example', # String | key_store_password_type_hint: 'key_store_password_type_hint_example', # String | service_ranking: 56, # Integer | service_ranking_type_hint: 'service_ranking_type_hint_example', # String | idp_http_redirect: true, # BOOLEAN | idp_http_redirect_type_hint: 'idp_http_redirect_type_hint_example', # String | create_user: true, # BOOLEAN | create_user_type_hint: 'create_user_type_hint_example', # String | default_redirect_url: 'default_redirect_url_example', # String | default_redirect_url_type_hint: 'default_redirect_url_type_hint_example', # String | user_id_attribute: 'user_id_attribute_example', # String | user_id_attribute_type_hint: 'user_id_attribute_type_hint_example', # String | default_groups: ['default_groups_example'], # Array | default_groups_type_hint: 'default_groups_type_hint_example', # String | idp_cert_alias: 'idp_cert_alias_example', # String | idp_cert_alias_type_hint: 'idp_cert_alias_type_hint_example', # String | add_group_memberships: true, # BOOLEAN | add_group_memberships_type_hint: 'add_group_memberships_type_hint_example', # String | path: ['path_example'], # Array | path_type_hint: 'path_type_hint_example', # String | synchronize_attributes: ['synchronize_attributes_example'], # Array | synchronize_attributes_type_hint: 'synchronize_attributes_type_hint_example', # String | clock_tolerance: 56, # Integer | clock_tolerance_type_hint: 'clock_tolerance_type_hint_example', # String | group_membership_attribute: 'group_membership_attribute_example', # String | group_membership_attribute_type_hint: 'group_membership_attribute_type_hint_example', # String | idp_url: 'idp_url_example', # String | idp_url_type_hint: 'idp_url_type_hint_example', # String | logout_url: 'logout_url_example', # String | logout_url_type_hint: 'logout_url_type_hint_example', # String | service_provider_entity_id: 'service_provider_entity_id_example', # String | service_provider_entity_id_type_hint: 'service_provider_entity_id_type_hint_example', # String | assertion_consumer_service_url: 'assertion_consumer_service_url_example', # String | assertion_consumer_service_url_type_hint: 'assertion_consumer_service_url_type_hint_example', # String | handle_logout: true, # BOOLEAN | handle_logout_type_hint: 'handle_logout_type_hint_example', # String | sp_private_key_alias: 'sp_private_key_alias_example', # String | sp_private_key_alias_type_hint: 'sp_private_key_alias_type_hint_example', # String | use_encryption: true, # BOOLEAN | use_encryption_type_hint: 'use_encryption_type_hint_example', # String | name_id_format: 'name_id_format_example', # String | name_id_format_type_hint: 'name_id_format_type_hint_example', # String | digest_method: 'digest_method_example', # String | digest_method_type_hint: 'digest_method_type_hint_example', # String | signature_method: 'signature_method_example', # String | signature_method_type_hint: 'signature_method_type_hint_example', # String | user_intermediate_path: 'user_intermediate_path_example', # String | user_intermediate_path_type_hint: 'user_intermediate_path_type_hint_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_config_adobe_granite_saml_authentication_handler(opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_config_adobe_granite_saml_authentication_handler: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **key_store_password** | **String**| | [optional] **key_store_password_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **service_ranking** | **Integer**| | [optional] **service_ranking_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **idp_http_redirect** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **idp_http_redirect_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **create_user** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **create_user_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **default_redirect_url** | **String**| | [optional] **default_redirect_url_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **user_id_attribute** | **String**| | [optional] **user_id_attribute_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **default_groups** | [**Array<String>**](String.md)| | [optional] **default_groups_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **idp_cert_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **idp_cert_alias_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **add_group_memberships** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **add_group_memberships_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **path** | [**Array<String>**](String.md)| | [optional] **path_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **synchronize_attributes** | [**Array<String>**](String.md)| | [optional] **synchronize_attributes_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **clock_tolerance** | **Integer**| | [optional] **clock_tolerance_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **group_membership_attribute** | **String**| | [optional] **group_membership_attribute_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **idp_url** | **String**| | [optional] **idp_url_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **logout_url** | **String**| | [optional] **logout_url_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **service_provider_entity_id** | **String**| | [optional] **service_provider_entity_id_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **assertion_consumer_service_url** | **String**| | [optional] **assertion_consumer_service_url_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **handle_logout** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **handle_logout_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **sp_private_key_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **sp_private_key_alias_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **use_encryption** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **use_encryption_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **name_id_format** | **String**| | [optional] **name_id_format_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **digest_method** | **String**| | [optional] **digest_method_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **signature_method** | **String**| | [optional] **signature_method_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **user_intermediate_path** | **String**| | [optional] **user_intermediate_path_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_config_apache_felix_jetty_based_http_service** > post_config_apache_felix_jetty_based_http_service(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { org_apache_felix_https_nio: true, # BOOLEAN | org_apache_felix_https_nio_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_nio_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_password: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_password_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_password_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_password_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_password: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_password_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_password_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_password_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_truststore: 'org_apache_felix_https_truststore_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_truststore_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_truststore_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_truststore_password: 'org_apache_felix_https_truststore_password_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_truststore_password_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_truststore_password_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_clientcertificate: 'org_apache_felix_https_clientcertificate_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_clientcertificate_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_clientcertificate_type_hint_example', # String | org_apache_felix_https_enable: true, # BOOLEAN | org_apache_felix_https_enable_type_hint: 'org_apache_felix_https_enable_type_hint_example', # String | org_osgi_service_http_port_secure: 'org_osgi_service_http_port_secure_example', # String | org_osgi_service_http_port_secure_type_hint: 'org_osgi_service_http_port_secure_type_hint_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_config_apache_felix_jetty_based_http_service(opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_config_apache_felix_jetty_based_http_service: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **org_apache_felix_https_nio** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_nio_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_password** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_password_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_password** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_keystore_key_password_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_truststore** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_truststore_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_truststore_password** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_truststore_password_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_clientcertificate** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_clientcertificate_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_enable** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **org_apache_felix_https_enable_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **org_osgi_service_http_port_secure** | **String**| | [optional] **org_osgi_service_http_port_secure_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_config_apache_http_components_proxy_configuration** > post_config_apache_http_components_proxy_configuration(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { proxy_host: 'proxy_host_example', # String | proxy_host_type_hint: 'proxy_host_type_hint_example', # String | proxy_port: 56, # Integer | proxy_port_type_hint: 'proxy_port_type_hint_example', # String | proxy_exceptions: ['proxy_exceptions_example'], # Array | proxy_exceptions_type_hint: 'proxy_exceptions_type_hint_example', # String | proxy_enabled: true, # BOOLEAN | proxy_enabled_type_hint: 'proxy_enabled_type_hint_example', # String | proxy_user: 'proxy_user_example', # String | proxy_user_type_hint: 'proxy_user_type_hint_example', # String | proxy_password: 'proxy_password_example', # String | proxy_password_type_hint: 'proxy_password_type_hint_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_config_apache_http_components_proxy_configuration(opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_config_apache_http_components_proxy_configuration: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **proxy_host** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_host_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_port** | **Integer**| | [optional] **proxy_port_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_exceptions** | [**Array<String>**](String.md)| | [optional] **proxy_exceptions_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_enabled** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **proxy_enabled_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_user** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_user_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_password** | **String**| | [optional] **proxy_password_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_config_apache_sling_dav_ex_servlet** > post_config_apache_sling_dav_ex_servlet(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { _alias: '_alias_example', # String | alias_type_hint: 'alias_type_hint_example', # String | dav_create_absolute_uri: true, # BOOLEAN | dav_create_absolute_uri_type_hint: 'dav_create_absolute_uri_type_hint_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_config_apache_sling_dav_ex_servlet(opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_config_apache_sling_dav_ex_servlet: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **alias_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **dav_create_absolute_uri** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **dav_create_absolute_uri_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_config_apache_sling_get_servlet** > post_config_apache_sling_get_servlet(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { json_maximumresults: 'json_maximumresults_example', # String | json_maximumresults_type_hint: 'json_maximumresults_type_hint_example', # String | enable_html: true, # BOOLEAN | enable_html_type_hint: 'enable_html_type_hint_example', # String | enable_txt: true, # BOOLEAN | enable_txt_type_hint: 'enable_txt_type_hint_example', # String | enable_xml: true, # BOOLEAN | enable_xml_type_hint: 'enable_xml_type_hint_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_config_apache_sling_get_servlet(opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_config_apache_sling_get_servlet: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **json_maximumresults** | **String**| | [optional] **json_maximumresults_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **enable_html** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **enable_html_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **enable_txt** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **enable_txt_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **enable_xml** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **enable_xml_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_config_apache_sling_referrer_filter** > post_config_apache_sling_referrer_filter(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { allow_empty: true, # BOOLEAN | allow_empty_type_hint: 'allow_empty_type_hint_example', # String | allow_hosts: 'allow_hosts_example', # String | allow_hosts_type_hint: 'allow_hosts_type_hint_example', # String | allow_hosts_regexp: 'allow_hosts_regexp_example', # String | allow_hosts_regexp_type_hint: 'allow_hosts_regexp_type_hint_example', # String | filter_methods: 'filter_methods_example', # String | filter_methods_type_hint: 'filter_methods_type_hint_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_config_apache_sling_referrer_filter(opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_config_apache_sling_referrer_filter: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **allow_empty** | **BOOLEAN**| | [optional] **allow_empty_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **allow_hosts** | **String**| | [optional] **allow_hosts_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **allow_hosts_regexp** | **String**| | [optional] **allow_hosts_regexp_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] **filter_methods** | **String**| | [optional] **filter_methods_type_hint** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_node** > post_node(path, name, opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | opts = { operation: 'operation_example', # String | delete_authorizable: 'delete_authorizable_example', # String | file: File.new('/path/to/file') # File | } begin api_instance.post_node(path, name, opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_node: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | **operation** | **String**| | [optional] **delete_authorizable** | **String**| | [optional] **file** | **File**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_node_rw** > post_node_rw(path, name, opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | opts = { add_members: 'add_members_example' # String | } begin api_instance.post_node_rw(path, name, opts) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_node_rw: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | **add_members** | **String**| | [optional] ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_path** > post_path(path, jcrprimary_type, name) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | jcrprimary_type = 'jcrprimary_type_example' # String | name = 'name_example' # String | begin api_instance.post_path(path, jcrprimary_type, name) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_path: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **jcrprimary_type** | **String**| | **name** | **String**| | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_query** > String post_query(path, p_limit, _1_property, _1_property_value) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new path = 'path_example' # String | p_limit = 3.4 # Float | _1_property = '_1_property_example' # String | _1_property_value = '_1_property_value_example' # String | begin result = api_instance.post_query(path, p_limit, _1_property, _1_property_value) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_query: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **path** | **String**| | **p_limit** | **Float**| | **_1_property** | **String**| | **_1_property_value** | **String**| | ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json # **post_tree_activation** > post_tree_activation(ignoredeactivated, onlymodified, path) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new ignoredeactivated = true # BOOLEAN | onlymodified = true # BOOLEAN | path = 'path_example' # String | begin api_instance.post_tree_activation(ignoredeactivated, onlymodified, path) rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_tree_activation: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **ignoredeactivated** | **BOOLEAN**| | **onlymodified** | **BOOLEAN**| | **path** | **String**| | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **post_truststore** > String post_truststore(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { operation: 'operation_example', # String | new_password: 'new_password_example', # String | re_password: 're_password_example', # String | key_store_type: 'key_store_type_example', # String | remove_alias: 'remove_alias_example', # String | certificate: File.new('/path/to/file') # File | } begin result = api_instance.post_truststore(opts) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_truststore: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **operation** | **String**| | [optional] **new_password** | **String**| | [optional] **re_password** | **String**| | [optional] **key_store_type** | **String**| | [optional] **remove_alias** | **String**| | [optional] **certificate** | **File**| | [optional] ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data - **Accept**: text/plain # **post_truststore_pkcs12** > String post_truststore_pkcs12(opts) ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_aem' # setup authorization SwaggerAemClient.configure do |config| # Configure HTTP basic authorization: aemAuth config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' end api_instance = SwaggerAemClient::SlingApi.new opts = { truststore_p12: File.new('/path/to/file') # File | } begin result = api_instance.post_truststore_pkcs12(opts) p result rescue SwaggerAemClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling SlingApi->post_truststore_pkcs12: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **truststore_p12** | **File**| | [optional] ### Return type **String** ### Authorization [aemAuth](../README.md#aemAuth) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data - **Accept**: text/plain