# nation_builder A very simple ruby gem for interacting with NB people API. http://nationbuilder.com/api_documentation ### Usage ``` require 'nation_builder' client = NationBuilder.new(hostname: 'whatever.nationbuilder.com', client_id: 'id', client_secret: 'secret', username: 'you@nation.com', password: 'pass') client.people.create('person' => {'first_name' => 'George', 'last_name' => 'Washington', 'email' => 'george@washington.com'}) client.people.match('email' => 'george@washington.com) # either a person hash or nil. client.people.list # returns people in nation ``` ### Contributing The current gem is minimalist -- but we'd welcome pull requests with additional functionality! [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/controlshift/nation_builder.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/controlshift/nation_builder) ### Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 ControlShift Ltd. See LICENSE.txt for further details.