# frozen_string_literal: true class Serega # # Stores serialization config # class SeregaConfig # :nocov: We can't use both :oj and :json adapters together # # Default config options # DEFAULTS = { plugins: [], initiate_keys: %i[only with except check_initiate_params].freeze, attribute_keys: %i[method value serializer many hide const delegate default].freeze, serialize_keys: %i[context many].freeze, check_attribute_name: true, check_initiate_params: true, delegate_default_allow_nil: false, max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count: 0, to_json: (SeregaJSON.adapter == :oj) ? SeregaJSON::OjDump : SeregaJSON::JSONDump, from_json: (SeregaJSON.adapter == :oj) ? SeregaJSON::OjLoad : SeregaJSON::JSONLoad }.freeze # :nocov: # SeregaConfig Instance methods module SeregaConfigInstanceMethods # # Shows current config as Hash # # @return [Hash] config options # attr_reader :opts # # Initializes new config instance. # # @param opts [Hash] Initial config options # def initialize(opts = nil) opts ||= DEFAULTS @opts = SeregaUtils::EnumDeepDup.call(opts) end # # Shows used plugins # # @return [Array] Used plugins # def plugins opts.fetch(:plugins) end # Returns options names allowed in `Serega#new` method # @return [Array<Symbol>] allowed options keys def initiate_keys opts.fetch(:initiate_keys) end # Returns options names allowed in `Serega.attribute` method # @return [Array<Symbol>] Allowed options keys for attribute initialization def attribute_keys opts.fetch(:attribute_keys) end # Returns options names allowed in `to_h, to_json, as_json` methods # @return [Array<Symbol>] Allowed options keys for serialization def serialize_keys opts.fetch(:serialize_keys) end # Returns :check_initiate_params config option # @return [Boolean] Current :check_initiate_params config option def check_initiate_params opts.fetch(:check_initiate_params) end # Sets :check_initiate_params config option # # @param value [Boolean] Set :check_initiate_params config option # # @return [Boolean] :check_initiate_params config option def check_initiate_params=(value) raise SeregaError, "Must have boolean value, #{value.inspect} provided" if (value != true) && (value != false) opts[:check_initiate_params] = value end # Returns :delegate_default_allow_nil config option # @return [Boolean] Current :delegate_default_allow_nil config option def delegate_default_allow_nil opts.fetch(:delegate_default_allow_nil) end # Sets :delegate_default_allow_nil config option # # @param value [Boolean] Set :delegate_default_allow_nil config option # # @return [Boolean] :delegate_default_allow_nil config option def delegate_default_allow_nil=(value) raise SeregaError, "Must have boolean value, #{value.inspect} provided" if (value != true) && (value != false) opts[:delegate_default_allow_nil] = value end # Returns :max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count config option # @return [Boolean] Current :max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count config option def max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count opts.fetch(:max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count) end # Sets :max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count config option # # @param value [Boolean] Set :check_initiate_params config option # # @return [Boolean] New :max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count config option def max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count=(value) raise SeregaError, "Must have Integer value, #{value.inspect} provided" unless value.is_a?(Integer) opts[:max_cached_plans_per_serializer_count] = value end # Returns whether attributes names check is disabled def check_attribute_name opts.fetch(:check_attribute_name) end # Sets :check_attribute_name config option # # @param value [Boolean] Set :check_attribute_name config option # # @return [Boolean] New :check_attribute_name config option def check_attribute_name=(value) raise SeregaError, "Must have boolean value, #{value.inspect} provided" if (value != true) && (value != false) opts[:check_attribute_name] = value end # Returns current `to_json` adapter # @return [#call] Callable that used to construct JSON def to_json opts.fetch(:to_json) end # Sets current `to_json` adapter # @param value [#call] Callable that used to construct JSON # @return [#call] Provided callable object def to_json=(value) opts[:to_json] = value end # Returns current `from_json` adapter # @return [#call] Callable that used to parse JSON def from_json opts.fetch(:from_json) end # Sets current `from_json` adapter # @param value [#call] Callable that used to parse JSON # @return [#call] Provided callable object def from_json=(value) opts[:from_json] = value end end include SeregaConfigInstanceMethods extend Serega::SeregaHelpers::SerializerClassHelper end end