Power sectorOtherTotalCO2 price€/tCO2% ChangemtCO2mtCO3mtCO4€bnEmissionsProportion auctionedAuction revenuesUK - Possible phase III auction revenuesEU-27 Emissions2005 UK ETS Emissions2005 EU ETS EmissionsBasic UK share of auction revenuesAmount of share auctioned in UKActual UK share of auction revenuesUK Auction revenuesNote, numbers not checked. Worry about power sector figure. Worry about the UK share of auction revenues.Carbon PricePrice per allowance2005-6Leakage sectorsAnnualProportion allocated for freeTotal free allocation, % emissionsTotal free allocation, MtCO2Total allowancesNote: 1720 "based on current scope"Volume available for auctioningAdditionsExpansionPhase IIPhase IIIOther sectorsTotal revenue from auctionsEU-27 Auction volumes- bought into proportion to net shortfallRevenuesAverage non-power sectorsProportion auctioned, other sectors