webshims.register('form-core', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){ "use strict"; webshims.capturingEventPrevented = function(e){ if(!e._isPolyfilled){ var isDefaultPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented; var preventDefault = e.preventDefault; e.preventDefault = function(){ clearTimeout($.data(e.target, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented')); $.data(e.target, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented', setTimeout(function(){ $.removeData(e.target, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented'); }, 30)); return preventDefault.apply(this, arguments); }; e.isDefaultPrevented = function(){ return !!(isDefaultPrevented.apply(this, arguments) || $.data(e.target, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented') || false); }; e._isPolyfilled = true; } }; if(Modernizr.formvalidation && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){ //create delegatable events webshims.capturingEvents(['invalid'], true); } var isValid = function(elem){ return ($.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1}).valid; }; var lazyLoad = function(){ var toLoad = ['form-validation']; if(options.lazyCustomMessages){ options.customMessages = true; toLoad.push('form-message'); } if(options.customDatalist){ options.fD = true; toLoad.push('form-datalist'); } if(options.addValidators){ toLoad.push('form-validators'); } webshims.reTest(toLoad); $(document).off('.lazyloadvalidation'); }; /* * Selectors for all browsers */ var hasInvalid = function(elem){ var ret = false; $(elem).jProp('elements').each(function(){ ret = $(this).is(':invalid'); if(ret){ return false; } }); return ret; }; var rElementsGroup = /^(?:form)$/i;///^(?:form|fieldset)$/i $.extend($.expr[":"], { "valid-element": function(elem){ return rElementsGroup.test(elem.nodeName || '') ? !hasInvalid(elem) :!!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && isValid(elem)); }, "invalid-element": function(elem){ return rElementsGroup.test(elem.nodeName || '') ? hasInvalid(elem) : !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && !isValid(elem)); }, "required-element": function(elem){ return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required')); }, "user-error": function(elem){ return ($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $(elem).hasClass('user-error')); }, "optional-element": function(elem){ return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required') === false); } }); ['valid', 'invalid', 'required', 'optional'].forEach(function(name){ $.expr[":"][name] = $.expr.filters[name+"-element"]; }); //bug was partially fixed in 1.10.0 for IE9, but not IE8 (move to es5 as soon as 1.10.2 is used) var pseudoFocus = $.expr[":"].focus; $.expr[":"].focus = function(){ try { return pseudoFocus.apply(this, arguments); } catch(e){ webshims.error(e); } return false; }; webshims.triggerInlineForm = function(elem, event){ $(elem).trigger(event); }; var lazyLoadProxy = function(obj, fn, args){ lazyLoad(); webshims.ready('form-validation', function(){ obj[fn].apply(obj, args); }); }; var transClass = ('transitionDelay' in document.documentElement.style) ? '' : ' no-transition'; var poCFG = webshims.cfg.wspopover; if(!poCFG.position && poCFG.position !== false){ poCFG.position = { at: 'left bottom', my: 'left top', collision: 'fit flip' }; } webshims.wsPopover = { id: 0, _create: function(){ this.options = $.extend(true, {}, poCFG, this.options); this.id = webshims.wsPopover.id++; this.eventns = '.wsoverlay' + this.id; this.timers = {}; this.element = $('
'); this.contentElement = $('.ws-po-box', this.element); this.lastElement = $([]); this.bindElement(); this.element.data('wspopover', this); }, options: {}, content: function(html){ this.contentElement.html(html); }, bindElement: function(){ var that = this; var stopBlur = function(){ that.stopBlur = false; }; this.preventBlur = function(e){ that.stopBlur = true; clearTimeout(that.timers.stopBlur); that.timers.stopBlur = setTimeout(stopBlur, 9); }; this.element.on({ 'mousedown': this.preventBlur }); }, show: function(){ lazyLoadProxy(this, 'show', arguments); } }; /* some extra validation UI */ webshims.validityAlert = { showFor: function(){ lazyLoadProxy(this, 'showFor', arguments); } }; webshims.getContentValidationMessage = function(elem, validity, key){ var message = $(elem).data('errormessage') || elem.getAttribute('x-moz-errormessage') || ''; if(key && message[key]){ message = message[key]; } else if(message) { validity = validity || $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1}; if(validity.valid){ message = ''; } } if(typeof message == 'object'){ validity = validity || $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1}; if(!validity.valid){ $.each(validity, function(name, prop){ if(prop && name != 'valid' && message[name]){ message = message[name]; return false; } }); if(typeof message == 'object'){ if(validity.typeMismatch && message.badInput){ message = message.badInput; } if(validity.badInput && message.typeMismatch){ message = message.typeMismatch; } } } } if(typeof message == 'object'){ message = message.defaultMessage; } return message || ''; }; $.fn.getErrorMessage = function(key){ var message = ''; var elem = this[0]; if(elem){ message = webshims.getContentValidationMessage(elem, false, key) || $.prop(elem, 'customValidationMessage') || $.prop(elem, 'validationMessage'); } return message; }; $(document).on('focusin.lazyloadvalidation', function(e){ if('form' in e.target && (e.target.list || $(e.target).is(':invalid'))){ lazyLoad(); } }); webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', lazyLoad); });