## --- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK --- # Copyright (c) 2016-present WeWantToKnow AS # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. ## --- END LICENSE BLOCK --- module U3d class UnityModule # Basic module attributes attr_reader :id, :name, :description, :url # Validation attributes attr_reader :installed_size, :download_size, :checksum # Internal attributes attr_reader :os, :depends_on, :command, :destination, :rename_from, :rename_to # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def initialize( id:, name: nil, description: nil, url: nil, installed_size: nil, download_size: nil, checksum: nil, os: nil, depends_on: nil, command: nil, destination: nil, rename_from: nil, rename_to: nil ) @id = id.downcase @name = name @description = description @url = url @installed_size = installed_size @download_size = download_size @checksum = checksum @os = os @depends_on = depends_on @command = command @destination = destination @rename_from = rename_from @rename_to = rename_to end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists def depends_on?(other) return true if other.id == 'unity' return false unless depends_on other.id == depends_on || other.name == depends_on end class << self def load_modules(version, cached_versions, os: U3dCore::Helper.operating_system, offline: false) if version.is_a? Array UI.verbose "Loading modules for several versions: #{version}" load_versions_modules(version, cached_versions, os, offline) else UI.verbose "Loading modules for version #{version}" load_version_modules(version, cached_versions, os, offline) end end private # Optimized version of load_version_modules that only makes one HTTP call def load_versions_modules(versions, cached_versions, os, offline) ini_modules = versions .map { |version| [version, INIModulesParser.load_ini(version, cached_versions, os: os, offline: offline)] } .map do |version, ini_data| url_root = cached_versions[version] modules = ini_data.map { |k, v| module_from_ini_data(k, v, url_root, os) } [version, modules] end.to_h HubModulesParser.download_modules(os: os) unless offline hub_modules = versions .map { |version| [version, HubModulesParser.load_modules(version, os: os, offline: true)] } .map do |version, json_data| modules = json_data.map { |data| module_from_json_data(data, os) } [version, modules] end.to_h return ini_modules.merge(hub_modules) do |_version, ini_version_modules, json_version_modules| (ini_version_modules + json_version_modules).uniq(&:id) end end def load_version_modules(version, cached_versions, os, offline) ini_data = INIModulesParser.load_ini(version, cached_versions, os: os, offline: offline) url_root = cached_versions[version] ini_modules = ini_data.map { |k, v| module_from_ini_data(k, v, url_root, os) } json_data = HubModulesParser.load_modules(version, os: os, offline: offline) json_modules = json_data.map { |data| module_from_json_data(data, os) } return (ini_modules + json_modules).uniq(&:id) end def module_from_ini_data(module_key, entries, url_root, os) url = entries['url'] url = url_root + url unless /^http/ =~ url UnityModule.new( id: module_key, name: entries['title'], description: entries['description'], url: url, download_size: entries['size'], installed_size: entries['installedsize'], checksum: entries['md5'], command: entries['cmd'], depends_on: entries['sync'], os: os ) end def module_from_json_data(entries, os) UnityModule.new( id: entries['id'], name: entries['name'], description: entries['description'], url: entries['downloadUrl'], download_size: entries['downloadSize'], installed_size: entries['installedSize'], checksum: entries['checksum'], destination: entries['destination'], rename_from: entries['renameFrom'], rename_to: entries['renameTo'], command: entries['cmd'], depends_on: entries['sync'], os: os ) end end end end