# The CocoaPods namespace # module Pod class Command # The pod try command. # class Try < Command self.summary = 'Try a Pod!' self.description = <<-DESC Downloads the Pod with the given `NAME` (or Git `URL`), install its dependencies if needed and opens its demo project. If a Git URL is provided the head of the repo is used. DESC self.arguments = [CLAide::Argument.new(%w(NAME URL), true)] def self.options [ ['--no-repo-update', 'Skip running `pod repo update` before install'], ].concat(super) end def initialize(argv) config.skip_repo_update = !argv.flag?('repo-update', !config.skip_repo_update) @name = argv.shift_argument super end def validate! super help! 'A Pod name or URL is required.' unless @name end def run ensure_master_spec_repo_exists! sandbox = Sandbox.new(TRY_TMP_DIR) if git_url?(@name) spec = spec_with_url(@name) sandbox.store_pre_downloaded_pod(spec.name) else update_specs_repos spec = spec_with_name(@name) end UI.title "Trying #{spec.name}" do pod_dir = install_pod(spec, sandbox) proj = pick_demo_project(pod_dir) file = install_podfile(proj) if file open_project(file) else UI.puts "Unable to locate a project for #{spec.name}" end end end public # Helpers #-----------------------------------------------------------------------# # @return [Pathname] # TRY_TMP_DIR = Pathname.new('/tmp/CocoaPods/Try') # Returns the specification of the last version of the Pod with the given # name. # # @param [String] name # The name of the pod. # # @return [Specification] The specification. # def spec_with_name(name) set = SourcesManager.search(Dependency.new(name)) if set set.specification.root else raise Informative, "Unable to find a specification for `#{name}`" end end # Returns the specification found in the given Git repository URL by # downloading the repository. # # @param [String] url # The URL for the pod Git repository. # # @return [Specification] The specification. # def spec_with_url(url) name = url.split('/').last name = name.chomp('.git') if name.end_with?('.git') target_dir = TRY_TMP_DIR + name target_dir.rmtree if target_dir.exist? downloader = Pod::Downloader.for_target(target_dir, :git => url) downloader.download spec_file = target_dir + "#{name}.podspec" Pod::Specification.from_file(spec_file) end # Installs the specification in the given directory. # # @param [Specification] The specification of the Pod. # @param [Pathname] The directory of the sandbox where to install the # Pod. # # @return [Pathname] The path where the Pod was installed # def install_pod(spec, sandbox) specs = { :ios => spec, :osx => spec } clean = config.clean config.clean = false installer = Installer::PodSourceInstaller.new(sandbox, specs) installer.install! config.clean = clean sandbox.root + spec.name end # Picks a project or workspace suitable for the demo purposes in the # given directory. # # To decide the project simple heuristics are used according to the name, # if no project is found this method raises and `Informative` otherwise # if more than one project is found the choice is presented to the user. # # @param [#to_s] dir # The path where to look for projects. # # @return [String] The path of the project. # def pick_demo_project(dir) projs = projects_in_dir(dir) if projs.count == 0 raise Informative, 'Unable to find any project in the source files' \ " of the Pod: `#{dir}`" elsif projs.count == 1 projs.first elsif (workspaces = projs.grep(/(demo|example|sample).*\.xcworkspace$/i)).count == 1 workspaces.first elsif (projects = projs.grep(/demo|example|sample/i)).count == 1 projects.first else message = 'Which project would you like to open' selection_array = projs.map do |p| Pathname.new(p).relative_path_from(dir).to_s end index = choose_from_array(selection_array, message) projs[index] end end # Performs a CocoaPods installation for the given project if Podfile is # found. Shells out to avoid issues with the config of the process # running the try command. # # @return [String] proj # The path of the project. # # @return [String] The path of the file to open, in other words the # workspace of the installation or the given project. # def install_podfile(proj) return unless proj dirname = Pathname.new(proj).dirname podfile_path = dirname + 'Podfile' if podfile_path.exist? Dir.chdir(dirname) do perform_cocoapods_installation podfile = Pod::Podfile.from_file(podfile_path) if podfile.workspace_path File.expand_path(podfile.workspace_path) else proj.chomp(File.extname(proj.to_s)) + '.xcworkspace' end end else proj end end public # Private Helpers #-----------------------------------------------------------------------# # @return [void] Updates the specs repo unless disabled by the config. # def update_specs_repos return if config.skip_repo_update? UI.section 'Updating spec repositories' do SourcesManager.update end end # Opens the project at the given path. # # @return [String] path # The path of the project. # # @return [void] # def open_project(path) UI.puts "Opening '#{path}'" `open "#{path}"` end # Presents a choice among the elements of an array to the user. # # @param [Array<#to_s>] array # The list of the elements among which the user should make his # choice. # # @param [String] message # The message to display to the user. # # @return [Fixnum] The index of the chosen array item. # # @todo This method was duplicated from the spec subcommands # def choose_from_array(array, message) array.each_with_index do |item, index| UI.puts "#{ index + 1 }: #{ item }" end UI.puts "#{message} [1-#{array.count}]?" index = STDIN.gets.chomp.to_i - 1 if index < 0 || index > array.count raise Informative, "#{ index + 1 } is invalid [1-#{array.count}]" else index end end # @return [void] Performs a CocoaPods installation in the working # directory. # def perform_cocoapods_installation UI.puts `pod install` end # @return [Bool] Wether the given string is the name of a Pod or an URL # for a Git repo. # def git_url?(name) prefixes = ['https://', 'http://'] prefixes.any? { |prefix| name.start_with?(prefix) } end # @return [Array<String>] The list of the workspaces and projects in a # given directory excluding The Pods project and the projects # that have a sister workspace. # def projects_in_dir(dir) glob_match = Dir.glob("#{dir}/**/*.xc{odeproj,workspace}") glob_match = glob_match.reject do |p| next true if p.include?('Pods.xcodeproj') next true if p.end_with?('.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace') sister_workspace = p.chomp(File.extname(p.to_s)) + '.xcworkspace' p.end_with?('.xcodeproj') && glob_match.include?(sister_workspace) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------# end end end