##NEED A SEPERATE MODEL THAT IMPLEMENTS IT module Auth::Concerns::Shopping::PaymentConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern include Auth::Concerns::OwnerConcern included do FAILED = "Failed" SUCCESS = "Success" PENDING = "You need to complete this payment" ## the params that are passed into the payment controller at create or update. ## used in the before_update callback ## for the gateway_callback ## in that callback we need access ## to the full params hash. ## so this accessor is set in the controller #update ## and #create methods. attr_accessor :payment_params ## this is expected to be passed into the params by the user, when he is calling refresh_payment. ## expected to be a string ## can be "true" or "false" ## if true -> gateway_callback is ignored, and verify payment is done, and vice versa. attr_accessor :is_verify_payment ##the amount for this payment field :amount, type: Float ##gateway ##card ##cash ##cheque field :payment_type, type: String ## gateway callback called field :gateway_callback_called, type: Boolean, default: false ##the id of the cart for which this payment was made field :cart_id, type: String ## success : 1 ## fail : 0 ## pending : null. field :payment_status, type: Integer ## payment ack proof. field :payment_ack_proof, type: String ## is it a refund? ## true if it is a refund, false otherwise. field :refund, type: Boolean ## the cart associated with this payment attr_accessor :cart ## Hash with two keys: ## cart => with all its attributes ## payment => with an array of cart_item objects accepted due to it. attr_accessor :payment_receipt ## ## how much change should be given to the customer. ## field :cash_change, type: Float, default: 0 validates_presence_of :cart_id validates_presence_of :resource_id validates_presence_of :amount validates_presence_of :payment_type validates_presence_of :resource_class ## only applicable if not already approved. ## only applicalbe if we are not changing the payment_status to not approved from approved. validate :cheque_or_card_payment_not_excessive, if: Proc.new{|a| a.payment_status.nil?} validates :amount, numericality: { :greater_than => 0.00 }, unless: Proc.new { |document| document.refund } ## payment is invalid if the minimum payable amount of the cart is not satisfied. validate :cart_not_empty validate :refund_created_or_approved_only_if_balance_is_negative validate :refund_created_or_approved_only_if_sum_of_discount_payments_does_not_cover_cart_pending_balance validate :refund_approved_if_cart_pending_balance_is_equal_to_refund_amount validate :update_cart_items_accepted ### only applicable if not already accepted, ### also not applicable, if we are deeming this payment status as failed from approved. ## this basically does not do the validation if the payment status is already success or failed. ## and also does not do the validation if we are going from success -> failed. validate :payment_satisfies_minimum_payment_requirement, if: Proc.new{|a| a.payment_status.nil?} ## if the payment is card or cheque and is being set as approved. ## it must check that the url is present. validate :card_and_cheque_payment_provides_proof, if: Proc.new{|a| a.payment_status_changed? && a.payment_status == 1 && (a.is_card? || a.is_cheque? || a.refund)} validate :check_owner_matches before_validation do |document| puts "came to before validation." document.set_cart(document.cart_id) document.payment_callback(document.payment_type,document.payment_params) ## we can hook the refresh into this. document.refresh_refund document.verify_payment end ## because the validation will not allow the payment status to be changed in case this is not an admin user, and we need to allow the user to refresh the payment state, in case of refunds which need to set as failed because some later refund was accepted but in that callback the nil refund was for some reason not set as failed. ## also in case of gateway payments, we need to allow to see if it can be verified. ## both these methods change the state of the payment suo moto. it is not necessary that the user should be an admin. #after_validation do |document| # if document.errors.full_messages.empty? # end #end before_save do |document| if !document.skip_callback?("before_save") end end ## when a refund is accepted, any pening refund requests are considered to have failed, since this one has succeeded. after_save do |document| if !document.skip_callback?("after_save") ## find all pending refunds and set them as failed. if document.payment_status_changed? && document.payment_status == 1 if document.refund ## find previous refunds. any_pending_refunds = self.class.where(:refund => true, :payment_status => nil) any_pending_refunds.each do |pen_ref| pen_ref.signed_in_resource = document.signed_in_resource pen_ref.refund_failed ## so that it doesnt do this recursively for every refund. pen_ref.skip_callbacks = {:after_save => true} res = pen_ref.save end end ## set the payment receipt document.set_payment_receipt end end end ##################################################### ## ## ## DISCOUNT ## ## ##################################################### ## id of discount coupon. field :discount_id, type: String ## the discount_object => set in the discount_callback. attr_accessor :discount end module ClassMethods def find_payments(resource,cart) res = Auth.configuration.payment_class.constantize.where(:resource_id => resource.id.to_s, :cart_id => cart.id.to_s) res.each do |p| #puts "found payment: #{p.id.to_s}" end end ## will return discount_payments of this cart id with a payments_status of 1. def get_discount_payments(cart_id) discount_payments = Auth.configuration.payment_class.constantize.where(:cart_id => cart_id, :discount_id.nin => ["", nil], :payment_status => 1) discount_payments end ## will return the sum of the amounts of all successfull discount_payments. def get_sum_of_discount_payments(cart_id) sum_of_discount_payments = 0 get_discount_payments(cart_id).each do |dp| sum_of_discount_payments+= dp.amount end sum_of_discount_payments end end ## basically checks if there is any refund that was accepted after this refund_request was created. then in that case sets this refund as failed. ## this is basically done because while normally, whenever a refund is accepted, all other pending refunds are updated as failed, but suppose that that operation does not complete and some refunds are left still pending. ## then in the controller update action, this method is called on the payment. def refresh_refund if self.refund && self.payment_status.nil? already_accepted_refunds = self.class.where(:refund => true, :payment_status => 1, :updated_at => { :$gte => self.created_at}) if already_accepted_refunds.size > 0 self.refund_failed end end end ## returns the cart_item ids which were accepted due to this payment. ## called after_save callback. ## called in show action of controller. ## return[Array] def set_payment_receipt self.payment_receipt = {:current_payment => [], :cart => {}} Auth.configuration.cart_item_class.constantize.where(:accepted_by_payment_id => self.id.to_s).each do |c_item| self.payment_receipt[:current_payment] << c_item end set_cart(self.cart_id) if self.cart.nil? self.payment_receipt[:cart] = self.cart.prepare_receipt end ##res : 59a5405c421aa90f732c9059 ##cart : 59a54d7a421aa9173c834728 ##used in pay_u_money_helper.rb def get_cart_name self.cart.nil? ? "shopping_cart" : (self.cart.name.nil? ? "shopping_cart" : self.cart.name) end def is_gateway? payment_type && payment_type == "gateway" end def is_cash? payment_type && payment_type == "cash" end def is_card? payment_type && payment_type == "card" end def is_cheque? payment_type && payment_type == "cheque" end def payment_callback(type,params,&block) if self.refund self.send("refund_callback",params,&block) elsif self.discount_id self.send("discount_callback",params,&block) else self.send("#{type}_callback",params,&block) if self.respond_to? "#{type}_callback" end yield if block_given? end def payment_excessive? self.amount > self.cart.cart_pending_balance && self.amount > 0 end ## the if new_record? is added so that the callback is done only when the payment is first made and not every time the payment is updated ## calculate the change ## make the amount equal to the pending balance if it is excesive. def cash_callback(params,&block) if self.new_record? calculate_change self.amount = self.cart.cart_pending_balance if payment_excessive? end end ## sets the change to be given to the customer ## @used_in : cash_callback ## @return[nil] : returns nothing, just sets the cash_change attribute. def calculate_change ## by this point in time the cart has already been set, and prepared, so we know the total pending amount. if self.amount > self.cart.cart_pending_balance self.cash_change = self.amount - self.cart.cart_pending_balance else self.cash_change = 0 end end ## the if new_record? is added so that the callback is done only when the payment is first made and not every time the payment is updated def cheque_callback(params,&block) end def refund_callback(params,&block) end def refund_success self.amount = self.cart.refund_amount self.payment_status = 1 end def refund_failed self.amount = 0 self.payment_status = 0 end ## the if new_record? is added so that the callback is done only when the payment is first made and not every time the payment is updated def card_callback(params,&block) end def payment_failed payment_status && payment_status == 0 end def payment_success payment_status && payment_status == 1 end def payment_pending !payment_status end ##override this method depending upon the gateway that you use. def gateway_callback(params,&block) ## if its a new_record we don't do any callback, because the payment doesnt exist to check it . ## if the user has passed in is_verify_payment, we still don;t do this callback, because return if (self.new_record? || self.is_verify_payment == "true") yield if block_given? end def discount_callback(params,&block) ## the callback should fire on create/update, so new_record checking is not required. ## first check if the discount id exists -> get the discount object. #begin self.discount = Auth.configuration.discount_class.constantize.find(discount_id) #puts "discount is: #{self.discount}" if self.discount.requires_verification == true #puts "detected discount requires verification" self.payment_status = Auth.configuration.discount_class.constantize.get_payment_status(self,discount_id) #puts "the payment status is detected as: #{self.payment_status}" else ## what about floating discount codes? ## can a user use them repeatedly? self.payment_status = Auth.configuration.discount_class.constantize.use_discount(self.discount,self) end ## now also set the payment amount to be equal to the discount amount or the discount percentage whichever works out be greater. ## first preference is given to check the discount amount. if self.discount.discount_amount > 0 self.amount = self.discount.discount_amount elsif self.discount.discount_percentage > 0 self.amount = self.cart.cart_pending_balance*self.discount.discount_percentage else self.amount = 0 end ##finally ensure its not more than the cart_pending_balance self.amount = self.cart.cart_pending_balance if self.amount > self.cart.cart_pending_balance #rescue # self.payment_status = 0 #end end def physical_payment? is_card? || is_cash? || is_cheque? end def verify_payment if self.new_record? return nil else if self.is_verify_payment == "true" if self.payment_pending return true else return nil end else return nil end end end ## finds the cart that this payment refers to ## sets it to an attr_accessor called cart ## prepares the cart(refer to cart concern for a description of this method) def set_cart(cart_id) self.cart = Auth.configuration.cart_class.constantize.find(cart_id) self.cart.prepare_cart end ## is called on payment_status_changed ## check whether this payment was already registered on the cart as success or failed. ## and then debit/credit. ## return[Boolean] : true/false depending on whether all the cart items could be successfully updated or not. def update_cart_items_accepted if payment_status_changed? if payment_status == 1 self.cart.cart_credit+= self.amount elsif payment_status == 0 && payment_status_was == 1 self.cart.cart_credit-= self.amount else end cart_item_update_results = self.cart.get_cart_items.map{|cart_item| cart_item.signed_in_resource = self.signed_in_resource ## first all the expected cart items should exist ## then they should all get saved ## none of them should be already accepted. ## if all these conditions are satisfied. ## then we can say that nothing else has happedn ## we do an atomic request ## where(item_id => whatever, accepted => false).set(accepted => true) ## if this fails for even one, then the payment fails. ## and all the remaining cart items -> can be refreshed to show that they are not accepted ## refresh will say -> where(:payment_id => x, and status = acceptd) ## so if some other payment gets in the way, either it will fail or this will fail, so it works. cart_item.set_accepted(self,nil) }.compact.uniq self.errors.add(:cart,"cart item status could not be updated") if cart_item_update_results[0] == false else if (payment_status == 0 || payment_status == 1) cart_item_update_results = self.cart.get_cart_items.map{|cart_item| #puts "now mapping cart item" #puts cart_item.id.to_s cart_item.signed_in_resource = self.signed_in_resource res = cart_item.set_accepted(self,nil) res } end end end ####################################################### ## ## CUSTOM VALIDATION DEFS ## ####################################################### ## validation def cheque_or_card_payment_not_excessive self.errors.add(:amount,"payment is excessive") if payment_excessive? && (is_cheque? || is_card?) && !refund end ## validation def cart_not_empty return if self.refund == true self.errors.add(:cart,"cart has to have some items in order to make a payment") if !self.cart.has_items? end =begin ## not really a validation, basically doesnt allow any user provided attributes to be set if the user is not an admin and trying to update the document. def document_updated_only_by_admin if !new_record? if !signed_in_resource.is_admin? self.attributes.clear end end end ## validation def document_status_set_only_by_admin if payment_status_changed? if !signed_in_resource.is_admin? ## delete the payment_status if resource is not an admin, whether he is saving or updating the document. self.attributes.delete("payment_status") self.errors.add(:payment_status,"only admin can set or change the payment status") end end end =end ## validation def refund_created_or_approved_only_if_balance_is_negative if refund ## in case the admin wants to mark a refund as failed. if payment_status == 0 && payment_status_changed? else self.errors.add("payment_status","you cannot authorize a refund since the pending balance is positive.") if self.cart.cart_pending_balance >= 0 end end end ## validation def refund_approved_if_cart_pending_balance_is_equal_to_refund_amount if payment_status_changed? && payment_status == 1 && refund self.errors.add("payment_status","you cannot authorize a refund since the amount you entered is wrong") if self.cart.cart_pending_balance != self.amount end end ## validation def refund_created_or_approved_only_if_sum_of_discount_payments_does_not_cover_cart_pending_balance if refund ## get the approved discount payments ## then check the sum of those payments. discount_sum = self.class.get_sum_of_discount_payments(self.cart_id) if self.cart.cart_pending_balance < 0 if discount_sum > self.cart.cart_pending_balance*-1 self.errors.add("amount","the discounts you availed, cover the need for the refund.") end end end end ## validation def payment_satisfies_minimum_payment_requirement self.cart.prepare_cart puts "the minimum payment amoutn is:" puts self.cart.cart_minimum_payable_amount return if (self.refund == true || self.discount) self.errors.add("amount","payment amount is not sufficient") if (self.cart.cart_minimum_payable_amount.nil? || (self.cart.cart_minimum_payable_amount > self.amount)) end def card_and_cheque_payment_provides_proof ## it is not directly possible to create a card / cheque payment as successfull even as an administrator ## you have to first create an image resource, and it will check for that in this def, to exist ## so search for an image resource, that has the payment id of this payment. ## eg , add this error. ##self.errors.add("payment_type","you have to upload an image of the card mahine receipt/cheque, to approve this payment.") end def check_owner_matches self.errors.add("cart_id","the cart id and payment are being created by different users.") if (owner_matches(self.cart) == false) end def as_json(options={}) super(options).merge({:payment_receipt => self.payment_receipt,:cash_change => self.cash_change}) end end