# ActiveModelSerializers::Model is a convenient # serializable class to inherit from when making # serializable non-activerecord objects. module ActiveModelSerializers class Model include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON attr_reader :attributes, :errors def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes @errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self) super end # Defaults to the downcased model name. def id attributes.fetch(:id) { self.class.name.downcase } end # Defaults to the downcased model name and updated_at def cache_key attributes.fetch(:cache_key) { "#{self.class.name.downcase}/#{id}-#{updated_at.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%9N")}" } end # Defaults to the time the serializer file was modified. def updated_at attributes.fetch(:updated_at) { File.mtime(__FILE__) } end def read_attribute_for_serialization(key) if key == :id || key == 'id' attributes.fetch(key) { id } else attributes[key] end end # The following methods are needed to be minimally implemented for ActiveModel::Errors def self.human_attribute_name(attr, _options = {}) attr end def self.lookup_ancestors [self] end end end