require 'rake' require 'mokio' require 'rails/generators' namespace :mokio do desc "Reset pg columns sequence" task reset_pg_sequence: :environment do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |t| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(t) end end desc "Add mokio routing to routes.rb" task :install_routes => :environment do |t| path = "#{Rails.root}/config/routes.rb" text = if !Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.method_defined?(:mokio_url), "w") do |file| file.puts text.gsub(/Rails.application.routes.draw do/, "Rails.application.routes.draw do \n mount Mokio::Engine => '/backend'") end end end desc "Create database, running migrations and creating some default data for Mokio application" task :install, [:email, :password] => :environment do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:email => "", :password => "admin") puts "\nRunning task: 'rake:db:create'...".green Rake::Task["db:create"].execute puts "\nRunning task: 'rake:db:migrate'...".green Rake::Task["db:migrate"].execute puts "\nCreating initial data...".green default_lang ={ :name => Mokio.frontend_default_lang, :shortname => Mokio.frontend_default_lang, :active => true, :menu_id => Mokio.frontend_initial_pl, :id => 1 }) puts "\n\tCreated default lang '#{}'".green if menu = Mokio::Menu.find_by_name(default_lang.shortname) puts "\n\tCreated default initial menu '#{}'".green unless menu.nil? top_menu ={ name: "top", seq: 1, deletable: false, editable: false, lang_id: 1, id: 2, content_editable: false, modules_editable: false, fake: true, parent: menu, slug: "top" }) puts "\n\tCreated default initial menu 'top'".green if => false) Mokio::ModulePosition.create!(:name => 'footer') puts "\n\tCreated default module position 'footer'".green user ={ email: args[:email], password: args[:password], password_confirmation: args[:password], roles_mask: 1 }) puts "\n\tCreated default user '#{args[:email]}' with password '#{args[:password]}'".green if => false) Rake::Task["mokio:install_routes"].execute # text ="#{Rails.root}/config/routes.rb") #"#{Rails.root}/config/routes.rb", "w") do |file| # file.puts text.gsub(/# The priority is based upon order of creation: first created \-\> highest priority\./, "mount Mokio::Engine => '/backend'") # end unless File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/mokio.rb") puts "\n" result = Rails::Generators.invoke("mokio:install") puts "\n\tCreated initializer(configuration file) in #{result}".green end if(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['adapter']) == "postgresql" Rake::Task["mokio:reset_pg_sequence"].execute end Rake::Task["webpacker:install"].execute puts "\nMokio is ready to start! Run 'rails server' and go to localhost:3000/backend to see your application in development mode" end namespace :menu do desc "Creates menu tree based on menu.yml file" task :create_final_tree => :environment do config = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/menu.yml") langs = [] config['langs'].each do |l| langs << end Mokio::Lang.import langs menus = build_menu(config['menus'], nil) menus.each do |me| false) #validation needs to be turned off as we create menu elements with editable flag set to false end end #recursively prepares Menu nodes based on given node list (menu_params) def build_menu(menu_params, ancestry) menus = [] menu_params.each do |m| m["ancestry"] = ancestry new_menu ="children")) menus << new_menu unless m["children"].nil? menus += build_menu(m["children"], ancestry.blank? ? m['id'].to_s : ancestry + "/#{m['id'].to_s}") end end menus end end end