module NdrError # Stores instances of logs. Child of NdrError::Fingerprint. # Log records may be purged, whereas fingerprints are # designed to be eternally persisted. # class Log < NdrError.abstract_model_class include NdrError::BacktraceCompression include NdrError::Fuzzing include NdrError::UuidBuilder # Migrate away from host-specific column name: unless :user_id == NdrError.user_column alias_attribute :user_id, NdrError.user_column end self.primary_key = 'error_logid' belongs_to :error_fingerprint, class_name: 'NdrError::Fingerprint', foreign_key: 'error_fingerprintid' scope :deleted, -> { where("status like 'deleted%'") } scope :not_deleted, -> { where("(status is null) or (status not like 'deleted%')") } scope :latest_first, -> { order('created_at DESC, error_logid DESC') } validates :error_fingerprintid, presence: true validates :description, presence: true before_create :calculate_md5_digest before_create :register_system before_create :set_uuid_primary_key def self.text_columns user_column = NdrError.user_column.to_s %w(error_class description).tap do |text_columns| # Allow searching of `user_column` if it is textual: if :string == columns_hash[user_column].try(:type) text_columns << user_column else fail SecurityError, "Column '#{user_column}' not found!" end end end def self.filter_by_keywords(keywords) fragment = { |column| "lower(#{column}) LIKE lower(:key)" }.join(' OR ') name_match = { |part| sanitize_sql([fragment, key: "%#{part}%"]) }.join(' OR ') where(name_match) end # Deletes all those errors that have been flagged for # deletion and whose soft-delete grace period has ended. # # Returns true if any records were deleted. def self.perform_cleanup! destroys = do |record| stamp_string = record.status.sub(/^[^\d]+/, '') record.destroy if < NdrError.log_grace_period.ago end destroys.any? end # Finds gets all errors that share an MD5 hash # (including _error_). def self.similar_to(error) error.error_fingerprint.error_logs.not_deleted end # Gets similar errors. def similar_errors(include_self = false) unless defined?(@_similar) @_similar = {} @_similar[true] = self.class.similar_to(self) @_similar[false] = @_similar[true] - [self] end @_similar[include_self ? true : false] end # Returns the previous historical occurence, # or nil if there wasn't one. def previous lookup = similar_errors(true).reverse index = lookup.index(self) lookup[0...index].last end # Returns the next historical occurence, # or nil if there hasn't been one. def next lookup = similar_errors(true).to_a index = lookup.index(self) lookup[0...index].last end # Performs a soft-delete of this log. def flag_as_deleted!(time = Time.current) update_attribute(:status, "deleted at #{time.to_s(:db)}") end # Copy across attributes from the exception object. def register_exception(exception) self.error_class = exception.class.to_s self.backtrace = exception.backtrace self.description = description_from(exception.message) end # Stores parameters from the given _request_ object # as YAML. Will attempt to store as many as possible # of the parameters in the available 4000 chars. def register_request(request) extract_request_params(request) extract_request_attributes(request) end # Store as much of `params' as possible in # the YAML parameters column. def parameters_yml=(params) yml_dump = {}.to_yaml parts = params.sort_by { |_k, v| v.inspect.length } # `parts' was sorted by length so that we # can capture as many different parameters # as possible in the given column space: ( do |length| sub_hash = Hash[parts.first(length)] sub_yml = sub_hash.to_yaml break if sub_yml.length >= 4000 yml_dump = sub_yml end self[:parameters_yml] = yml_dump end alias set_parameters_yml parameters_yml= # Returns the params hash associated # with the request. def parameters YAML.load(parameters_yml) end # Formats error to be like the ruby error. def error_string [error_class, description].compact.join(': ') end # Returns true if clock drift of more than 3 # seconds was present at the time of the error. def clock_drift? clock_drift && clock_drift >= 3.0 end # Creates (and caches) the md5 of this error, # which is used to match to similar errors. def md5_digest @_digest ||= fuzz(description, backtrace) end # Allow the digest to be set manually if so desired. def md5_digest=(digest) @_digest = digest end private # For the given `request' object, return the # parameters in a form suitable for logging. def extract_request_params(request) params = {} filter = if request sources = [:parameters, :request_parameters, :query_parameters] sources.inject(params) { |a, e| a.merge! request.send(e) } end self.parameters_yml = filter.filter(params) end def extract_request_attributes(request) return unless request self.port = request.env['SERVER_PORT'] self.ip = "#{request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']}/#{request.remote_ip}" self.url = "#{request.env['REQUEST_URI']} (on #{})" self.user_agent = request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] end def description_from(message) return 'No Description available' if message.blank? message.size < 4000 ? message : "#{message[0..4000 - 15]}...[truncated]" end def set_uuid_primary_key self.error_logid = construct_uuid end # Fill in other fields regarding system status. def register_system self.process_id = self.database = self.clock_drift = calculate_clock_drift self.hostname = end # Get the drift between the app server and the database. def calculate_clock_drift time_0 = Time.current db_time = time_1 = Time.current db_time ? ((db_time - time_0) + (db_time - time_1)).abs / 2 : nil end # Strip line numbers from the backtrace, and hex # object ids from the error message, and create # an MD5 hash of the resultant string for comparison. def calculate_md5_digest self.error_fingerprintid = md5_digest end end end