require 'ostruct' require 'persist' require 'open-uri' require 'json' require 'unitwise' require 'tzinfo' module Plugins # Forecast is a Cinch plugin for getting the weather forecast. # @original_author Jonah Ruiz # @author Liothen class Weather include Cinch::Plugin include Cinch::Helpers enable_acl set( plugin_name: "Weather", help: "Get the Weather?.\nUsage: `?weather`\nUsage: `?wx zip` `?w zip` `?setw zip` `?forecast zip`", ) match /w (.+)/, method: :weather match 'w', method: :weather match /setw (.+)/, method: :set_location match /wx (.+)/, method: :weather match /weather (.+)/, method: :weather match /almanac (.+)/, method: :almanac match /hurricane/, method: :hurricane ##### def initialize(*args) @api_src = %w{noaa owm} @store =, '.zeta', 'cache', 'weather.pstore')) super end # ?w def weather(msg, query = nil) # Pull data source and scrub query # Lookup user from pstore if !@store[msg.user.to_s].nil? && query.nil? stored_location, stored_source = @store[msg.user.to_s].split('::') stored_source = @api_src.include?(stored_source) ? stored_source : 'owm' data = send("#{stored_source}_src", stored_location) # location = geolookup(@store[msg.user.to_s]) # data = wunderground_src(stored_location, false) elsif query.nil? return msg.reply 'No location set. ?setw :(noaa|owm)' else # data = wu_src(query, true) src = query[/:\w+/].gsub(/:/, '') if query[/:\w+/] query = query.gsub(/:\w+/, '').strip if query true_src = @api_src.include?(src) ? src : 'owm' data = send("#{true_src}_src", query) end return msg.reply "No results found for #{query} with #{true_src} source." if data.nil? # return msg.reply 'Problem getting data. Try again later.' if data.nil? msg.reply(data.reply) end # ?setw def set_location(msg, query) # Establish source src = query[/:\w+/].gsub(/:/, '') if query[/:\w+/] query = query.gsub(/:\w+/, '').strip if query # Sanity Check true_src = @api_src.include?(src) ? src : 'owm' data = send("#{true_src}_src", query) # Error return msg.reply "No results found for #{query}." if data.nil? # Store and display general location serial_location = "#{query}::#{src}" @store[msg.user.to_s] = serial_location unless data.nil? msg.reply "Your location is now set to #{}, #{}!" end # -private private # Open Weather map - def owm_src(location) location = CGI.escape(location) ac = JSON.parse( RestClient.get( "{location}&key=#{Config.secrets[:google]}" ).body, object_class: OpenStruct ) return nil if ac.results.nil? ## Unable to locate ac = ac.results[0] lat = lon = ac.geometry.location.lng # Get Data data = JSON.parse( RestClient.get("{lat}&lon=#{lon}&APPID=#{Config.secrets[:owm]}" ).body, object_class: OpenStruct ) temp = Unitwise(data.main.temp, 'K') # Data is given in kelvin pressure = Unitwise(data.main.pressure.to_f, 'mbar') wind = Unitwise(data.wind.speed, 'kilometer') data.reply = "OWM ∴ #{ac.formatted_address} " \ "≈ #{( + data.timezone.seconds).strftime("%c")} " \ "≈ #{[0].description}, #{temp.convert_to('[degF]').to_i.round(2)} F (#{temp.convert_to('Cel').to_i.round(2)} C) " \ "≈ Humidity: #{data.main.humidity.to_i.round(2)}% " \ "≈ Pressure: #{pressure.convert_to('[in_i\'Hg]').to_f.round(2)} in/Hg " \ "(#{pressure.convert_to("kPa").to_f.round(2)} kPa) " \ "≈ Wind: #{wind.convert_to('mile').to_i.round(2)} mph (#{wind.to_i.round(2)} km/h) ∴" return data end # NOAA - def noaa_src(location) location = CGI.escape(location) ac = JSON.parse( RestClient.get("{location}&key=#{Config.secrets[:google]}").body, object_class: OpenStruct ) return nil if ac.results.nil? ## Unable to locate ac = ac.results[0] lat = lon = ac.geometry.location.lng stations = JSON.parse( RestClient.get("{lat},#{lon}/stations/").body ) rescue nil return nil if stations.nil? ## Unable to find station. probably not in the USA parsed = JSON.parse( RestClient.get("#{CGI.escape(stations['observationStations'][0])}/observations/current").body, object_class: OpenStruct ) data = = ac f = data.temperature.value * 9 / 5 temp = "#{f.round(2)} F (#{data.temperature.value.to_i.round(2)} C) " wind = "Gusts: #{data.windGust.value} avg: #{data.windSpeed.value.to_i.round(2)}" feelslike = "#{data.windChill.value.to_i.round(2)} C" pressure = Unitwise(data.barometricPressure.value.to_f, 'Pa') data.reply = "NOAA ∴ #{ac.formatted_address} " \ "≈ #{data.textDescription} #{temp} " \ "≈ Feels like #{feelslike} " \ "≈ Humidity: #{data.relativeHumidity.value.round(2)} " \ "≈ Pressure: #{pressure.convert_to('[in_i\'Hg]').to_f.round(2)} in/Hg " \ "(#{pressure.convert_to("kPa").to_f.round(2)} kPa) " \ "≈ Wind: #{wind} ≈ Alerts: ∴" return data # rescue # data.reply = "Error fetching data" end end end # AutoLoad Bot.config.plugins.plugins.push Plugins::Weather