# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card # Card::Query is for finding implicit lists (or counts of lists) of cards. # # Search and Set cards use Card::Query to query the database, and it's also # frequently used directly in code. # # Query "statements" (objects, really) are made in WQL (Wagn Query # Language). Because WQL is used by Deckers, the primary language # documentation is on wagn.org. (https://decko.org/WQL_Syntax). Note that the # examples there are in JSON, like Search card content, but statements in # Card::Query are in ruby form. # # In Decko's current form, Card::Query generates and executes SQL statements. # However, the SQL generation is largely (not yet fully) separated from the # WQL statement interpretation. # # The most common way to use Card::Query is as follows: # list_of_cards = Card::Query.run(statement) # # This is equivalent to: # query = Card::Query.new(statement) # list_of_cards = query.run # # Upon initiation, the query is interpreted, and the following key objects # are populated: # # - @join - an Array of Card::Query::Join objects # - @conditions - an Array of conditions # - @mod - a Hash of other query-altering keys # - @subqueries - a list of other queries nested within this one # # Each condition is either a SQL-ready string (boo) or an Array in this form: # [ field_string_or_sym, Card::Value::Query object ] module Query require_dependency "card/query/card_query" ATTRIBUTES = { # Each of the "basic" fields corresponds directly to a database field. # their values are translated fairly directly into SQL-safe values basic: %w[id name key type_id content left_id right_id creator_id updater_id codename read_rule_id], # "Relational" values can involve tying multiple queries together relational: %w[type part left right editor_of edited_by last_editor_of last_edited_by creator_of created_by updater_of updated_by link_to linked_to_by include included_by refer_to referred_to_by member_of member found_by not sort match name_match complete extension_type], plus_relational: %w[plus left_plus right_plus], conjunction: %w[and or all any], ignore: %w[prepend append view params vars size] }.each_with_object({}) do |pair, h| pair[1].each { |v| h[v.to_sym] = pair[0] } end CONJUNCTIONS = { any: :or, in: :or, or: :or, all: :and, and: :and }.freeze MODIFIERS = %w(conj return sort sort_as group dir limit offset) .each_with_object({}) { |v, h| h[v.to_sym] = nil } OPERATORS = %w(!= = =~ < > in ~).each_with_object({}) { |v, h| h[v] = v }.merge( { eq: "=", gt: ">", lt: "<", match: "~", ne: "!=", "not in": "not in" }.stringify_keys ) DEFAULT_ORDER_DIRS = { update: "desc", relevance: "desc" }.freeze class << self def new statement, comment=nil Query::CardQuery.new statement, comment end def run statement, comment=nil new(statement, comment).run end def class_for type const_get "#{type.capitalize}Query" end end end end