module Hirb =begin rdoc This class is format an output into a string using Hirb::Helpers::*, Hirb::Views::* or any user-created views. The formatter object looks for an output's class config in Hirb::Formatter.config and if found applies a helper to the output. == Create and Configure Views Let's create a simple view and configure it in different ways to be Hash's default view: === Setup irb>> require 'hirb' =>true irb>> Hirb.enable =>nil irb>> require 'yaml' =>true === Configure As View Method A view method is the smallest reuseable view. # Create yaml view method irb>> def yaml(output); output.to_yaml; end =>nil # Configure view irb>>Hirb::View.format_class Hash, :method=>:yaml =>true # Hashes now appear as yaml irb>>{:a=>1, :b=>{:c=>3}} --- :a : 1 :b : :c : 3 => true === Configure As View Class A view class is suited for more complex views. View classes can be under any namespace and are expected to provide a render method. However, if a class is under the Hirb::Views namespace, it will be automatically loaded with no configuration. Something to think about when sharing views with others. # Create yaml view class irb>> class Hirb::Views::Hash; def self.render(output, options={}); output.to_yaml; end ;end =>nil # Just reload since no configuration is necessary irb>>Hirb::View.formatter.reload # Hashes now appear as yaml ... Although the Hirb::Views namespace is great for quick classes that just plug and play, you often want view classes that can be reused with multiple outputs. For this case, it's recommended to use the Hirb::Helpers namespace. # Create yaml view class irb>> class Hirb::Helpers::Yaml; def self.render(output, options={}); output.to_yaml; end ;end =>nil # Configure view and reload it irb>>Hirb::View.format_class Hash, :class=>"Hirb::Helpers::Yaml" =>true # Hashes now appear as yaml ... == Configure At Startup Once you know what views are associated with what output classes, you can configure them at startup by passing Hirb.enable an options hash: # In .irbrc require 'hirb' # View class needs to come before enable() class Hirb::Helpers::Yaml; def self.render(output, options={}); output.to_yaml; end ;end Hirb.enable :output=>{"Hash"=>{:class=>"Hirb::Helpers::Yaml"}} Or by creating a config file at config/hirb.yml or ~/.hirb.yml: # The config file for the yaml example would look like: # --- # :output : # Hash : # :class : Hirb::Helpers::Yaml # In .irbrc require 'hirb' # View class needs to come before enable() class Hirb::Helpers::Yaml; def self.render(output, options={}); output.to_yaml; end ;end Hirb.enable =end class Formatter def initialize(additional_config={}) @klass_config = {} @config = Util.recursive_hash_merge default_config, additional_config || {} end # A hash of Ruby class strings mapped to helper config hashes. A helper config hash must have at least a :method, :output_method # or :class option for a helper to be applied to an output. A helper config hash has the following keys: # [:method] Specifies a global (Kernel) method to do the formatting. # [:class] Specifies a class to do the formatting, using its render() class method. If a symbol it's converted to a corresponding # Hirb::Helpers::* class if it exists. # [:output_method] Specifies a method or proc to call on output before passing it to a helper. If the output is an array, it's applied # to every element in the array. # [:options] Options to pass the helper method or class. # [:ancestor] Boolean which when true causes subclasses of the output class to inherit its config. This doesn't effect the current # output class. Defaults to false. This is used by ActiveRecord classes. # # Examples: # {'WWW::Delicious::Element'=>{:class=>'Hirb::Helpers::ObjectTable', :ancestor=>true, :options=>{:max_width=>180}}} # {'Date'=>{:class=>:auto_table, :ancestor=>true}} def config @config end # Sets the helper config for the given output class. def format_class(klass, helper_config) @klass_config.delete(klass) @config[klass.to_s] = helper_config true end # Reloads autodetected Hirb::Views def reload @config = Util.recursive_hash_merge default_config, @config end # This is the main method of this class. The formatter looks for the first helper in its config for the given output class. # If a helper is found, the output is converted by the helper into a string and returned. If not, nil is returned. The options # this class takes are a helper config hash as described in config. These options will be merged with any existing helper config hash # an output class has in config. Any block given is passed along to a helper class. def format_output(output, options={}, &block) output_class = determine_output_class(output) options = parse_console_options(options) if options.delete(:console) options = Util.recursive_hash_merge(klass_config(output_class), options) output = options[:output_method] ? (output.is_a?(Array) ? {|e| call_output_method(options[:output_method], e) } : call_output_method(options[:output_method], output) ) : output args = [output] args << options[:options] if options[:options] && !options[:options].empty? if options[:method] new_output = send(options[:method],*args) elsif options[:class] && (helper_class = determine_helper_class(options[:class])) new_output = helper_class.render(*args, &block) elsif options[:output_method] new_output = output end new_output end #:stopdoc: def parse_console_options(options) #:nodoc: real_options = [:method, :class, :output_method].inject({}) do |h, e| h[e] = options.delete(e) if options[e]; h end real_options.merge! :options=>options real_options end def determine_helper_class(klass) if klass.is_a?(Symbol) && (helper_class = Helpers.constants.find {|e| e == Util.camelize(klass.to_s)}) klass = "Hirb::Helpers::#{helper_class}" end Util.any_const_get(klass) end def determine_output_class(output) if output.is_a?(Array) output[0].class else output.class end end def call_output_method(output_method, output) output_method.is_a?(Proc) ? : output.send(output_method) end # Internal view options built from user-defined ones. Options are built by recursively merging options from oldest # ancestors to the most recent ones. def klass_config(output_class) @klass_config[output_class] ||= begin output_ancestors_with_config = {|e| e.to_s}.select {|e| @config.has_key?(e)} @klass_config[output_class] = output_ancestors_with_config.reverse.inject({}) {|h, klass| (klass == output_class.to_s || @config[klass][:ancestor]) ? Util.recursive_hash_merge(h, @config[klass]) : h } end end def reset_klass_config @klass_config = {} end def default_config Views.constants.inject({}) {|h,e| output_class = e.to_s.gsub("_", "::") if (views_class = Views.const_get(e)) && views_class.respond_to?(:render) default_options = views_class.respond_to?(:default_options) ? views_class.default_options : {} h[output_class] = default_options.merge({:class=>"Hirb::Views::#{e}"}) end h } end #:startdoc: end end