{% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %} {%- set menuButtonText = params.menuButtonText if params.menuButtonText else 'Menu' -%} {%- set _stEdwardsCrown %} GOV.UK {% endset %} {%- set _tudorCrown %} GOV.UK {% endset -%} {#- The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does not treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be 'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate. We use a single compound path for the logo to prevent subpixel rounding shifting different elements unevenly relative to one another. #} {{ (_stEdwardsCrown if (params.useTudorCrown !== undefined and params.useTudorCrown === false) else _tudorCrown) | safe | trim | indent(8) }} {% if (params.productName) %} {{ params.productName }} {% endif %} {% if params.serviceName or params.navigation | length %} {% if params.serviceName %} {% if params.serviceUrl %} {{ params.serviceName }} {% else %} {{ params.serviceName }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if params.navigation | length %} {{ menuButtonText }} {% for item in params.navigation %} {% if item.text or item.html %} {% if item.href %} {% endif %} {{ item.html | safe | trim | indent(14) if item.html else item.text }} {% if item.href %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}