# Copyright (c) 2023 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. # frozen_string_literal: true require 'contrast/components/base' require 'contrast/components/scope' module Contrast module Components module Ruby # A wrapper build around the Common Agent Configuration project to allow # for access of the values contained in its parent_configuration_spec.yaml. # Those in this section pertain to the specific settings that apply to Ruby. class Interface include Contrast::Components::ComponentBase DISABLED_RAKE_TASK_LIST = %w[ about assets:clean assets:clobber assets:environment assets:precompile assets:precompile:all db:create db:drop db:fixtures:load db:migrate db:migrate:status db:rollback db:schema:cache:clear db:schema:cache:dump db:schema:dump db:schema:load db:seed db:setup db:structure:dump db:version doc:app graphql:install graphql:object log:clear middleware notes notes:custom rails:template rails:update routes secret spec spec:features spec:requests spec:controllers spec:helpers spec:models spec:views spec:routing spec:rcov stats test test:all test:all:db test:recent test:single test:uncommitted time:zones:all tmp:clear tmp:create webpacker:compile ].cs__freeze DEFAULT_UNINSTRUMENTED_NAMESPACES = %w[FactoryGirl FactoryBot].cs__freeze CANON_NAME = 'agent.ruby' CONFIG_VALUES = %w[ disabled_agent_rake_tasks propagate_yield require_scan non_request_tracking uninstrument_namespace application_scope ].cs__freeze # Set a comma-separated string of rake tasks in which to disable agent operation. # # @return [Array] attr_writer :disabled_agent_rake_tasks # @return [ExceptionConfiguration] attr_writer :exceptions # Controls whether or not we patch the rb_yield block to track split propagation # # @return [Boolean] attr_writer :propagate_yield # Controls the scan of the given trace_point, built from an :end event, to determine # where the loaded code lives and scanning that code for policy any violations. # @return [Boolean] attr_writer :require_scan # Controls whether the agent should track outside request # # @return [Boolean] attr_writer :non_request_tracking # listed module names for skipping instrumentation. # # @return [Array] attr_writer :uninstrument_namespace # Controls if the agent should instrument only the application code # # @return[Boolean] attr_accessor :application_scope # @return [String] attr_reader :canon_name # @return [Array] attr_reader :config_values def initialize hsh = {} @config_values = CONFIG_VALUES @canon_name = CANON_NAME return unless hsh @disabled_agent_rake_tasks = hsh[:disabled_agent_rake_tasks] @exceptions = Contrast::Config::ExceptionConfiguration.new(hsh[:exceptions]) @propagate_yield = hsh[:propagate_yield] @require_scan = hsh[:require_scan] @non_request_tracking = hsh[:non_request_tracking] @uninstrument_namespace = hsh[:uninstrument_namespace] # This value must only be read form ENV. The cs__with_app_scope? method handles the # validation of the set Application Scope Flag. @application_scope = Contrast::Components::Scope.cs__with_app_scope? == 1 end # These commands being detected will result the agent disabling instrumentation, generally any command # that doesn't result in the application listening on a port can be added here, this normally includes tasks # that are ran pre-startup(like migrations) or to show information about the application(such as routes) # @return [Array, DISABLED_RAKE_TASK_LIST] def disabled_agent_rake_tasks @disabled_agent_rake_tasks.nil? ? DISABLED_RAKE_TASK_LIST : @disabled_agent_rake_tasks end # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName # @return [Contrast::Config::ExceptionConfiguration] def exceptions @exceptions ||= Contrast::Config::ExceptionConfiguration.new end # rubocop:enable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName # controls whether or not we patch the rb_yield block to track split propagation # @return [Boolean, Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::TRUE] def propagate_yield @propagate_yield.nil? ? Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::TRUE : @propagate_yield end # control whether or not we run file scanning rules on require # @return [Boolean, Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::TRUE] def require_scan @require_scan.nil? ? Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::TRUE : @require_scan end # controls tracking outside of request # @return [Boolean, Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::FALSE] def non_request_tracking @non_request_tracking.nil? ? Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::FALSE : @non_request_tracking end # @return [Array, DEFAULT_UNINSTRUMENTED_NAMESPACES] def uninstrument_namespace @uninstrument_namespace.nil? ? DEFAULT_UNINSTRUMENTED_NAMESPACES : @uninstrument_namespace end # Checks to see if we support with_app_scope for the current Agent Startup. # Defaults to false if configuration is not set. # # @return [Boolean] def start_with_application_scope? return application_scope if application_scope false end end end end end