# TODO - Dunno what a lot of this stuff is... Tune with benchmarks # http://rainbows.rubyforge.org/Rainbows/Configurator.html Rainbows! do use :EventMachine # concurrency model worker_connections 400 keepalive_timeout 0 # disables keepalives keepalive_requests 666 # default:100 client_max_body_size 5 * 1024 * 1024 # 5 megabytes client_header_buffer_size 2 * 1024 # 2 kilobytes end # the rest of the Unicorn configuration... worker_processes [ENV['WORKER_PROCESSES'].to_i, 1].max # Default to 1 working_directory ENV['WORKING_DIRECTORY'] if ENV['WORKING_DIRECTORY'] logger Firehose.logger after_fork do |server, worker| require 'rainbows_em_swf_policy' end if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development'