Version 5.0.4 2011-06-16 - File Cleanup Version 5.0.3 2011-06-16 - Fixed Compatability with Rails 2 Version 5.0.2 2011-06-16 - Fixed Compatability with Rails 3 - Added support, with deprecation warning, for pre-5.0.0 API. Version 5.0.0 2011-06-14 - Added .txt extension to CHANGELOG and LICENSE - Improved dependency declarations in Gemfile (removed from Rakefile/gemspec) Version 5.0.0 2011-06-13 - Ruby 1.9.2p136 compatible - Rails 3.0.x compatible Version 4.1.0 2010-09-26 - Ruby 1.9.2p0 compatible Version 4.0.11 2010-03-08 - PirateShip now respects CsvPirate.parlay setting instead of always overwriting it. - CsvPirate importing actually works now Version 4.0.8, 4.0.9, 4.0.10 2010-03-08 - Trying to get a gemcutter push to work Version 4.0.7 2010-03-08 - Fixed bug preventing use with rake db: tasks (create, reset, etc) Version 4.0.6 2010-02-12 - Fixed bug in init preventing use with rake Version 4.0.5 2010-02-02 - Fixed bug in check_booty - Improved init scripts Version 4.0.4 2010-01-18 - Fixed bug with find_or_create param to to_memory Version 4.0.3 2010-01-18 - Fixed typos in new to_memory method Version 4.0.2 2010-01-18 - Improving to_memory method on CsvPirate - Improving raise_anchor method on PirateShip Version 4.0.1 2010-01-15 - Improving import / export - Updating Readme to reflect 4.0.0 API Version 4.0.0 2010-01-14 (never released) - CSV Imports from old CsvPirate Dumps - Lots of refactoring - Lots of bug reduction - added Rspec tests! Version 3.4.4 2009-11-10 - Fixed installation instructions to refer to gemcutter, and removed github as gemhost Version 3.4.3 2009-11-03 - Fixed has_csv_pirate_ship to allow models to load pre-migration, so rake tasks will still run. Version 3.4.2 2009-10-15 - fixed has_csv_pirate_ship to work with any non-ActiveRecord (i.e. standard Ruby) classes... for real. Version 3.4.1 2009-10-12 - :blackjack option :join is now working. - Added warnings, and improved Readme Version 3.4.0 2009-10-12 - Now the auto generated columns based on the booty array print nicely, with customization options - You are now able to specify your own array of strings to use as the CSV header, in case you don't want to use the booty methods. Version 3.3.2 2009-10-11 - You can now declare has_csv_pirate_ship in a model whose migration has not been run yet without making the app barf. - Cleaned up Gem Dependency (faster_csv) Version 3.3.1 2009-10-06 - Oops! Declaring has_csv_pirate_ship with no options was broken. Version 3.3.0 2009-10-05 - Fixed ArgumentError bugs in Initializer and has_csv_pirate_ship - Fixed typo in piratey_args - Major enhancements to documentation - Now complete control over filename is possible Version 3.2.1 2009-10-04 - Fixed bug in parlay by creating method parlance Version 3.2.0 2009-10-01 - Fixed typo in documentation - Added land_ho method! Version 3.1.1 2009-10-01 - Readme Cleanup - Removing broken say_your_last_words method Version 3.1.0 2009-10-01 - Fixed bug with handling of Rails.root & RAILS_ROOT Version 3.0.1 2009-10-01 - Updated readme with new :chart api Version 3.0.0 2009-10-01 - Added northwest_passage to create all the directories in :chart Version 2.4.1-4 2009-10-01 - Fixed critical typo Version 2.4.0 2009-10-01 - Added blindfold to pirate_ship - Added say_your_last_words to pirate_ship which is hash for send_data Version 2.3.0 2009-10-01 - No longer requires rails at all - hoise_mainstay now returns the exported text - Better documentation in Readme and source Version 2.2.0 2009-10-01 - Use FasterCSV for all backend work - Added shrouds for creating tsv and psv files Version 2.1.0 2009-10-01 - Added handling of nested methods! Version 2.0.1 2009-10-01 - Fixed Readme formatting Version 2.0.0 2009-09-30 - Added a new API a la attachment_fu - Fixed bug: now works when specifying grub with no spyglasses - Fixed rails/init.rb for use as gem with rails