Examples ======== Common setup: .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key: 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret') Simple broadcast to all devices ------------------------------- .. code-block:: ruby push = airship.create_push push.audience = UA.all push.notification = UA.notification(alert: "Hello, world!") push.device_types = UA.all push.send_push Complex audience with platform specifics --------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: ruby push = airship.create_push push.audience = UA.and( UA.tag("breakingnews"), UA.or( UA.tag("sports"), UA.tag("worldnews") ) ) push.notification = UA.notification( ios: UA.ios( alert: "Serena Williams wins U.S. Open", badge: "+1", extra: {"articleid" => "123456"} ), android: UA.android( alert: "Breaking Android News! Serena Williams wins U.S. Open!", extra: {"articleid" => "http://m.example.com/123456"} ), amazon: UA.amazon( alert: 'Breaking Amazon News!', expires_after: 60, extra: {'articleid' => '12345'}, summary: 'This is a short message summary', ) ) push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios', 'android', 'amazon']) push.send_push Single iOS push --------------- .. code-block:: ruby push = airship.create_push push.audience = UA.ios_channel('channel-id') push.notification = UA.notification( ios: UA.ios(alert="Your package is on its way!") ) push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios']) push.send_push Single iOS Rich Push with notification -------------------------------------- .. code-block:: ruby push = airship.create_push push.audience = UA.ios_channel('channel-id') push.notification = UA.notification( ios: UA.ios(alert="Your package is on its way!") ) push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios']) push.message = UA.message(title: "Your package is on the way!", body: "<h1>Please complete our survey</h1>") push.send_push Rich Push with extra and without notification --------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: ruby push = airship.create_push push.audience = UA.all push.device_types = UA.all push.message = UA.message( title: "Your package is on its way!", body: "<h1>Would you please complete our customer survey?</h1>", extra: {"articleid" => "http://m.example.com/123456"} ) push.send_push Scheduled iOS Push ------------------ .. code-block:: ruby sched = airship.create_scheduled_push sched.schedule = UA.scheduled_time(Time.now.utc + 60) sched.push = airship.create_push sched.push.audience = UA.ios_channel('channel-id') sched.push.notification = UA.notification( ios: UA.ios(alert: "Your package is on its way!")) sched.push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios']) sched.send_push