# # *********************************************************************
# # *  Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Natural Resources Canada
# # *  All rights reserved.
# # *
# # *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# # *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# # *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# # *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# # *
# # *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# # *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
# # *
# # *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# # *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# # *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# # **********************************************************************/
# # To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
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# #require 'openstudio'
# #require 'win32/registry'
# require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/btap"
# class Utilities
#   #this will determine which diff client to use.. Windows must use kdiff3
#   #this method will get the path of Kdiff3 from the registry.
# #  def self.get_diff_client
# #    Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.open('Software\Kdiff3') do |reg|
# #      reg_typ, reg_val = reg.read('')
# #      return reg_val
# #    end
# #  end
#   #This method checks the bounds and raise an exception if the value is out of bounds.
#   #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca
#   #@param left_value [Number]
#   #@param left_operator [String]
#   #@param center_value [Number]
#   #@param right_operator [String]
#   #@param right_value [Number]
#   def self.check_bounds(left_value,left_operator,center_value,right_operator,right_value)
#     operation = left_value.to_s + " " + left_operator.to_s + " " + center_value.to_s + " or " + center_value.to_s + " " + right_operator.to_s + " " + right_value.to_s
#     raise("Error: in bounds." + operation_1  )  unless eval(operation +" ? true :false")
#   end
#   #This method will take 3 variables and will bring up Kdiff3 for a 2 or 3-way diff view of the OSM file.
#   #argument model(s). This is handy for quickly viewing changes to the file during
#   #runtime for debugging and QA.
#   #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca
#   #@param model1 [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object.
#   #@param model2 [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object.
#   #@param model3 [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object.
#   def self.kdiff3_model_osm(model1, model2, model3 = "")
#     Dir::mkdir("C:\\kdiff_test") unless File.exists?("C:\\kdiff_test")
#     model1.save(OpenStudio::Path.new("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.osm"))
#     model2.save(OpenStudio::Path.new("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffB.osm"))
#     if model3 == ""
#       system(self.get_diff_client + "\\kdiff3.exe", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.osm", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffB.osm")
#     else
#       model3.save(OpenStudio::Path.new("c:\\kdiff_test\\C.osm"))
#       system(self.get_diff_client + "\\kdiff3.exe", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.osm", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffB.osm", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffC.osm" )
#     end
#     FileUtils.rm_rf("C:\\kdiff_test")
#   end
#   #This method will take 3 variables and bring up Kdiff3 for a 2 or 3-way diff view of the OSM file.
#   #The second argument is optional, it will compare the current model with the
#   #argument model(s). This is handy for quickly viewing changes to the file during
#   #runtime for debugging and QA.
#   #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca
#   #@param model1 [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object.
#   #@param model2 [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object.
#   #@param model3 [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object.
#   def self.kdiff3_model_idf(model1, model2, model3 = "")
#     Dir::mkdir("C:\\kdiff_test") unless File.exists?("C:\\kdiff_test")
#     OpenStudio::EnergyPlus::ForwardTranslator.new().translateModel(model1).toIdfFile().save(OpenStudio::Path.new("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.idf"),true)
#     self.sort_idf_file("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.idf")
#     OpenStudio::EnergyPlus::ForwardTranslator.new().translateModel(model2).toIdfFile().save(OpenStudio::Path.new("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffB.idf"),true)
#     self.sort_idf_file("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffB.idf")
#     if model3 == ""
#       system(self.get_diff_client + "\\kdiff3.exe", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.idf.sorted", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffB.idf.sorted")
#     else
#       OpenStudio::EnergyPlus::ForwardTranslator.new().translateModel(model3).toIdfFile().save(OpenStudio::Path.new("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffC.idf"),true)
#       self.sort_idf_file("c:\\kdiff_test\\diffC.idf")
#       system(self.get_diff_client + "\\kdiff3.exe", "c:\\kdiff_test\\diffA.idf.sorted", "c:\\kdiff_test\diffB.idf.sorted", "c:\\kdiff_test\diffC.idf.sorted" )
#     end
#   end
#   #This method will sort an idf file and produce a sorted idf file. This is helpful for doing diffs on idf files.
#   #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca
#   #@param idf_file [String]
#   def self.sort_idf_file(idf_file)
#     idf_model = OpenStudio::IdfFile::load(OpenStudio::Path.new(idf_file), "EnergyPlus".to_IddFileType).get
#     save_filename = idf_file + ".sorted"
#     # Iterate over all the IDF objects and put into a ruby array.
#     # Note that you must strip the object name because for some reason it has
#     # trailing characters
#     sorted_idf = {}
#     verobj = idf_model.versionObject
#     if not verobj.empty?
#       verobj = verobj.get
#       objname = verobj.getString(0).get
#       obj = verobj.to_s.gsub("!-", "!")
#       sorted_idf["#{verobj.iddObject.name()} #{objname}"] = obj
#     end
#     idf_model.objects.each do |object|
#       if object.iddObject.type != "CommentOnly".to_IddObjectType
#         objname = object.name()
#         objname = objname.to_s.strip
#         if objname == ""
#           # puts "[DEBUG] ObjectName is Blank, using first field"
#           objname = object.getString(0).get
#         end
#         # puts "Class Name: #{object.iddObject.name()}    Object Name: #{objname}      Size: #{object.numFields()}"
#         # Clean up the comment field. They comments flags change on translation!
#         obj = object.to_s.gsub("!-", "!")
#         sorted_idf["#{object.iddObject.name()} #{objname}"] = obj
#       end
#     end
#     out = sorted_idf.sort #returns a nested array, 0 is key, 1 is value
#     File.open(save_filename, 'w') do |file|
#       out.each do |value|
#         file << value[1]
#       end
#     end
#   end
# end