/** @class @extends rio.Attr Page is used to create page classes in a rio application. It handles css dependencies, rendering, templating, layout management, and popup management. @author Jason Tillery @copyright 2008-2009 Thinklink LLC */ rio.Page = { create: function() { var args = $A(arguments); if (args.length > 0 && args.last() != undefined && !args.last().ATTR) { args[args.size() - 1] = Object.extend({ noExtend: true }, args.last()); } var page = rio.Attr.create.apply(this, args); Object.extend(page, { requireCss: function(name) { rio.Application.includeCss("pages/" + name); }, template: function(name) { rio.boot.loadedTemplates.push(rio.boot.appRoot + "pages/" + name); this._templateName = name; }, applyTemplate: function() { if (this._templateName && !this._templateApplied) { var template = rio.JsTemplate.build("pages/" + this._templateName); page.addMethods(template.mixinMethods()); this._templateApplied = true; } }, manageLayout: function() { this.__manageLayout = true; }, manageUndo: function() { this.__manageUndo = true; } }); page.addMethods({ html: function() { if (!this._html) { this._html = this.buildHtml(); } return this._html; }, popup: function() { if (this.__popup && this.__popupOpen) { this.__popup.deactivate(true); } this.__popupOpen = true; if (!this.__popup) { this.__popup = new rio.components.Popup({ content: this.html(), onDeactivate: function() { this.__popupOpen = false; }.bind(this) }); } this.__popup.activate(); this.render(); }, resizePopup: function() { this.__popup.resize(); }, closePopup: function(skipFade) { this.__popup.deactivate(skipFade); }, isManagingLayout: function() { return page.__manageLayout; }, _manageLayout: function() { if (page.__manageLayout) { this.__lm = new rio.LayoutManager(this.html()); } }, layoutManager: function() { return this.__lm; }, _afterRender: function() { if (this.isManagingLayout()) { (function() { this.__lm.resize(); }.bind(this)).defer(); (function() { this.__lm.resize(); }.bind(this)).delay(2); (function() { this.__lm.resize(); }.bind(this)).delay(5); } }, render: function() { this._manageLayout(); this._afterRender(); }, show: function() { this.html().show(); this.resizePopup(); }, hide: function() { this.html().hide(); }, addHistoryEntry: function(location, isTransient) { rio.app.addHistoryEntry(location, isTransient); }, applyHistoryEntry: function() { // Meant to be overriden }, keyPress: function(e) { // Meant to be overriden }, keyDown: function(e) { // Meant to be overriden }, resize: function() { // Meant to be overriden }, getKeyMap: function() { if (!this._keyMap) { var maps = this.keyMap ? this.keyMap() : []; if (page.__manageUndo) { maps.push({ mac: { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: "z" }, win: { ctrl: true, alt: false, key: "z" }, handler: function(e) { if (e.target.value == undefined && this.undoShortcutsEnabled()) { rio.Undo.undo(); } }.bind(this) }); maps.push({ mac: { meta: true, shift: true, alt: false, key: "z" }, win: { ctrl: true, alt: false, key: "y" }, handler: function(e) { if (e.target.value == undefined && this.undoShortcutsEnabled()) { rio.Undo.redo(); e.stop(); } }.bind(this) }); } this._keyMap = rio.KeyMap.build(maps); } return this._keyMap; }, enableUndoKeyboardShortcuts: function() { this._undoShortuctsEnabled = true; }, disableUndoKeyboardShortcuts: function() { this._undoShortuctsEnabled = false; }, undoShortcutsEnabled: function() { if (this._undoShortuctsEnabled == undefined) { this._undoShortuctsEnabled = true; } return this._undoShortuctsEnabled; }, _keyDown: function(e) { this.getKeyMap().handle(e); this.keyDown(e); }, navigateTo: function(path) { rio.app.navigateTo(path); }, refresh: function() { rio.app.refresh(); }, rootUrl: function() { return rio.app.rootUrl(); }, getCurrentLocation: function() { return rio.app.getCurrentLocation(); }, toString: function() { return "[rio.pages.*]"; } }); // if (last arg is a concise syntax initializer) if (args.length > 0 && args.last() != undefined && !args.last().ATTR) { var initializers = args.last(); if (Object.isString(initializers.requireCss)) { page.requireCss(initializers.requireCss); } if (Object.isString(initializers.template)) { page.template(initializers.template); } if (Object.isString(initializers.jstemplate)) { page.template(initializers.jstemplate); } if (initializers.manageLayout) { page.manageLayout(); } if (initializers.manageUndo) { page.manageUndo(); } rio.Page.extend(page, initializers.methods || {}); } return page; }, extend: function(page, extension) { extension._render = extension.render || Prototype.emptyFunction; extension.render = function() { this._manageLayout(); this._render(); this._afterRender(); }; extension.__initialize = extension.initialize || Prototype.emptyFunction; extension.initialize = function(options) { page.applyTemplate(); (this.__initialize.bind(this))(options); }; rio.Attr.extend(page, extension); } };