--- en: create: success: You have successfully added a new %{model_name}. failed: You have failed to add a new %{model_name}. update: success: You have successfully updated this %{model_name}. failed: You have failed to update this %{model_name}. destroy: success: You have successfully removed this %{model_name}. success_with_name: You have successfully removed '%{name}'. failed: You have failed to remove this %{model_name}. renalware: beta_message: title: "Important notice: " body: > This is the Renalware 2.0 test system. Not for clinical use. Any data entered will not be retained. feedback_button: Provide feedback or report a bug esrf: update: success: Successfully updated. form: prd_prompt: Please select primary renal diagnosis letters: hints: cc_hint: cc_on_all_letters: "If not the recipient, the patient will be CCd on the letter." not_cc_on_all_letters: | If not the recipient, the patient will NOT be CCd on the letter. This can be changed in the patients profile. pending_review_letters: create: success: You have successfully submitted the letter for review. rejected_letters: create: success: You have successfully rejected the letter. approved_letters: create: success: You have successfully approved and archived the letter. completed_letters: create: success: You have successfully marked the letter as printed.