/** * Checks type of each item in list * * @access private * * @param {List} $list - list of items * @param {String|List} $assert-types (null) - single or list of types to assert * @param {Number} $assert-length (null) - assert length of list * * @return {Bool} * * @group Internal Functions */ @function flint-types-in-list($list, $assert-types: null, $assert-length: null) { @if flint-is-list($list) { // Assert types in list? @if $assert-types { // Assert length of list? @if $assert-length { // Get length of list $length: length($list); // Make sure lengths match @if $length == $assert-length { // Keep empty list of types $types: (); // List of asserted types? @if flint-is-list($assert-types) { // Make sure length of types match list @if length($assert-types) == $length { // Loop over each item in list @for $i from 1 through $assert-length { $item: nth($list, $i); $type: nth($assert-types, $i); // Check if type of item matches asserted type @if type-of($item) != $type { @return false; } $types: append($types, $type); } // Lengths did not match } @else { @return false; } // Assert a single type across list } @else { // Assert single type $type: nth($assert-types, 1); // Loop over each item in list @for $i from 1 through $assert-length { $item: nth($list, $i); // Check if type of item matches asserted type @if type-of($item) != $type { @return false; } } $types: append($types, $type); } // Return list of types @return true; // Lengths did not match, return false } @else { @return false; } // Just assert types in list, any length } @else { // Get asserted type $type: $assert-types; // Check each items type @each $item in $list { // Check if type of item matches asserted type @if type-of($item) != $type { @return false; } } // Passed check @return true; } // Just assert type of first item in list } @else { // Get type of first item in list $type: type-of(nth($list, 1)); // Check each items type @each $item in $list { // Check if type of item matches asserted type @if type-of($item) != $type { @return false; } } @return true; } // Was not a list, return false } @else { @return false; } }