module Asciidoctor module Gb class Converter < ISO::Converter def standard_type(node) type = node.attr("mandate") || "mandatory" type = "standard" if type == "mandatory" type = "recommendation" if type == "recommended" type end def front(node, xml) xml.bibdata **attr_code(type: standard_type(node)) do |b| metadata node, b end metadata_version(node, xml) end def metadata_author(node, xml) author = node.attr("author") || return author.split(/, ?/).each do |author| xml.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "author" } c.person do |p| do |n| n.surname author end end end end end def metadata_contributor1(node, xml, type, role) contrib = node.attr(type) || "GB" contrib.split(/, ?/).each do |c| xml.contributor do |x| x.role **{ type: role } x.organization do |a| { |n| n << c } end end end end def metadata_copyright(node, xml) from = node.attr("copyright-year") || xml.copyright do |c| c.from from c.owner do |owner| owner.organization do |o| "GB" end end end end def metadata_committee(node, xml) attrs = { type: node.attr("technical-committee-type") } xml.gbcommittee **attr_code(attrs) do |a| a << node.attr("technical-committee") end i = 2 while node.attr("technical-committee_#{i}") do attrs = { type: node.attr("technical-committee-type_#{i}") } xml.gbcommittee **attr_code(attrs) do |a| a << node.attr("technical-committee_#{i}") end i += 1 end end def metadata_equivalence(node, xml) isostd = node.attr("iso-standard") || return type = node.attr("equivalence") || "equivalent" m = /^(?[^,]+),?(?.*)$/.match isostd title = m[:title].empty? ? "[not supplied]" : m[:title] xml.relation **{ type: type } do |r| r.bibitem do |b| b.title { |t| t << title } b.docidentifier m[:code] end end end def metadata_obsoletes(node, xml) std = node.attr("obsoletes") || return m = /^(?<code>[^,]+),?(?<title>.*)$/.match std title = m[:title].empty? ? "[not supplied]" : m[:title] xml.relation **{ type: "obsoletes" } do |r| r.bibitem do |b| b.title { |t| t << title } b.docidentifier m[:code] end r.bpart node.attr("obsoletes-parts") if node.attr("obsoletes-parts") end end def get_scope(node) node.attr("scope") and return node.attr("scope") scope = if %r{^[TQ]/}.match? node.attr("prefix") m = node.attr("prefix").split(%{/}) mandate = m[0] == "T" ? "social-group" : m[0] == "Q" ? "enterprise" : nil end return scope unless scope.nil? warn "GB: no scope supplied, defaulting to National" "national" end def get_prefix(node) scope = get_scope(node) if prefix = node.attr("prefix") prefix.gsub!(%r{/[TZ]$}, "") prefix.gsub!(%r{^[TQ]/([TZ]/)?}, "") prefix.gsub!(/^DB/, "") if scope == "local" else prefix = "GB" scope = "national" warn "GB: no prefix supplied, defaulting to GB" end [scope, prefix] end def get_mandate(node) node.attr("mandate") and return node.attr("mandate") p = node.attr("prefix") mandate = %r{/T}.match?(p) ? "recommended" : %r{/Z}.match?(p) ? "guidelines" : nil if mandate.nil? mandate = "mandatory" warn "GB: no mandate supplied, defaulting to mandatory" end mandate end def get_topic(node) node.attr("topic") and return node.attr("topic") warn "GB: no topic supplied, defaulting to basic" "basic" end def metadata_gbtype(node, xml) xml.gbtype do |t| scope, prefix = get_prefix(node) t.gbscope { |s| s << scope } t.gbprefix { |p| p << prefix } t.gbmandate { |m| m << get_mandate(node) } t.gbtopic { |t| t << get_topic(node) } end end def metadata_date1(node, xml, type) date = node.attr("#{type}-date") date and **{ type: type } do |d| d.on date end end DATETYPES = %w{ published accessed created implemented obsoleted confirmed updated issued }.freeze def metadata_date(node, xml) DATETYPES.each do |t| metadata_date1(node, xml, t) end end def metadata_gblibraryids(node, xml) ccs = node.attr("library-ccs") ccs and ccs.split(/, ?/).each do |l| xml.ccs { |c| c << l } end l = node.attr("library-plan") l && xml.plannumber { |plan| plan << l } end def metadata_contributors(node, xml) metadata_author(node, xml) metadata_contributor1(node, xml, "author-committee", "author") i = 2 while node.attr("author-committee_#{i}") do metadata_contributor1(node, xml, "author-committee_#{i}", "author") i += 1 end metadata_contributor1(node, xml, "publisher", "publisher") metadata_contributor1(node, xml, "authority", "authority") metadata_contributor1(node, xml, "proposer", "proposer") metadata_contributor1(node, xml, "issuer", "issuer") end def metadata(node, xml) title node, xml metadata_source(node, xml) metadata_id(node, xml) metadata_date(node, xml) metadata_contributors(node, xml) xml.language (node.attr("language") || "zh") xml.script (node.attr("script") || "Hans") metadata_status(node, xml) metadata_copyright(node, xml) metadata_equivalence(node, xml) metadata_obsoletes(node, xml) metadata_ics(node, xml) metadata_committee(node, xml) metadata_gbtype(node, xml) metadata_gblibraryids(node, xml) end def title_intro(node, lang, t, at) node.attr("title-intro-#{lang}") and t.title_intro **attr_code(at) do |t1| t1 << asciidoc_sub(node.attr("title-intro-#{lang}")) end end def title_main(node, lang, t, at) t.title_main **attr_code(at) do |t1| t1 << asciidoc_sub(node.attr("title-main-#{lang}")) end end def title_part(node, lang, t, at) node.attr("title-part-#{lang}") and t.title_part **attr_code(at) do |t1| t1 << asciidoc_sub(node.attr("title-part-#{lang}")) end end def title(node, xml) ["en", "zh"].each do |lang| xml.title do |t| at = { language: lang, format: "plain" } title_intro(node, lang, t, at) title_main(node, lang, t, at) title_part(node, lang, t, at) end end end end end end