define("dojox/mobile/ScreenSizeAware", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/config", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom", "dijit/registry" ], function(kernel, array, config, connect, declare, lang, win, dom, registry){ // module: // dojox/mobile/ScreenSizeAware kernel.experimental(""); // should consider support for other UI layout patterns var cls = declare("", null, { // summary: // A module to make a screen size aware application. // description: // This module helps you create an application that transforms its // UI layout according to the screen size. It assumes that the // application consists of two horizontally split panes, and the // left pane has a list widget. If you place this module in such an // application, the application is rendered in split view when the // screen size is detected as tablet size, while it is rendered in // single view layout when the screen size is detected as phone size. // // example: // | // |
// |
// |
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Left Pane

// |
    // |
  • // | .... // |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |

Right Pane

// | .... // |
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// splitterId: String // The id of the FixedSplitter. splitterId: "", // leftPaneId: String // The id of the left pane. leftPaneId: "", // rightPaneId: String // The id of the right pane. rightPaneId: "", // leftViewId: String // The id of the left View. leftViewId: "", // leftListId: String // The id of the list widget in the left view. leftListId: "", constructor: function(/*Object?*/options){ // summary: // Creates a new instance of the class. // options: // Contains properties to be set. if (options){ lang.mixin(this, options); } connect.subscribe("/dojox/mobile/screenSize/tablet", this, function(dim){ this.transformUI("tablet"); }); connect.subscribe("/dojox/mobile/screenSize/phone", this, function(dim){ this.transformUI("phone"); }); }, init: function(){ // summary: // Initializes the application. if(this._initialized){ return; } this._initialized = true; // analyze the page structure this.splitter = this.splitterId ? registry.byId(this.splitterId) : array.filter(registry.findWidgets(win.body()), function(c){ return c.declaredClass.indexOf("Splitter") !== -1; })[0]; if(!this.splitter){ console.error("Splitter not found."); return; } this.leftPane = this.leftPaneId ? registry.byId(this.leftPaneId) : this.splitter.getChildren()[0]; if(!this.leftPane){ console.error("Left pane not found."); return; } this.rightPane = this.rightPaneId ? registry.byId(this.rightPaneId) : this.splitter.getChildren()[1]; if(!this.rightPane){ console.error("Right pane not found."); return; } this.leftView = this.leftViewId ? registry.byId(this.leftViewId) : array.filter(registry.findWidgets(this.leftPane.containerNode), function(c){ return c.declaredClass.indexOf("View") !== -1; })[0]; if(!this.leftView){ console.error("Left view not found."); return; } this.leftList = this.leftListId ? registry.byId(this.leftListId) : array.filter(registry.findWidgets(this.leftView.containerNode), function(c){ return c.declaredClass.indexOf("List") !== -1 || c.declaredClass.indexOf("IconContainer") !== -1; })[0]; if(!this.leftList){ console.error("Left list not found."); return; } }, isPhone: function(){ // summary: // Returns true if the current mode set by transformUI(mode) is "phone". return this._currentMode === "phone"; // Boolean }, getShowingView: function(){ // summary: // Returns the view currently shown. var firstView = array.filter(this.rightPane.getChildren(), function(c){ return c.declaredClass.indexOf("View") !== -1; })[0]; if(!firstView){ return null; } return firstView.getShowingView() || array.filter(this.rightPane.getChildren(), function(c){ return c.selected; })[0] || firstView; }, updateStateful: function(){ // summary: // Updates the stateful property of the list widget in the left-side pane. this.leftList.set("stateful", !this.isPhone()); }, getDestinationId: function(item){ // summary: // Returns the id of the target view of the given item. return item.moveTo; }, updateBackButton: function(){ // summary: // Updates the back button. array.forEach(this.leftList.getChildren(), function(item){ var id = this.getDestinationId(item); var view = registry.byId(id); if(view){ var heading = array.filter(view.getChildren(), function(c){ return c.declaredClass.indexOf("Heading") !== -1; })[0]; if(heading.backButton){ = this.isPhone() ? "" : "none"; } if(heading.backBtnNode){ // TODO: remove this block later = this.isPhone() ? "" : "none"; } } }, this); }, updateTransition: function(){ // summary: // Updates the transition property of the items in the left-side widget. var transition = this.isPhone() ? "slide" : "none"; array.forEach(this.leftList.getChildren(), function(item){ item.set("transition", transition); }); }, moveList: function(){ // summary: // Places the list widget. If the current mode is "phone", it // places the list widget in the right pane, otherwise in the left pane. var to = this.isPhone() ? this.rightPane: this.leftPane; to.containerNode.appendChild(this.leftView.domNode); }, showLeftView: function(){ // summary: // Shows the left-side view. = this.isPhone() ? "none" : "";; }, showRightView: function(){ // summary: // Shows the right-side view. if(this.isPhone()){ return; } var view = this.getShowingView(); if(view){; }else{ this.leftItemSelected(); } }, updateSelectedItem: function(){ // summary: // Updates the selected item. var id; var view = this.getShowingView(); if(view && !this.isPhone()){ id =; } if(id){ var items = array.filter(this.leftList.getChildren(), function(item){ return this.getDestinationId(item) === id; }, this); if(items && items.length > 0){ items[0].set("selected", true); } }else{ this.leftList.deselectAll && this.leftList.deselectAll(); } }, leftItemSelected: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // Function called when an item in the left-side list is selected. }, transformUI: function(/*String*/mode){ // summary: // Applies an UI mode. // mode: // If this argument is "phone", sets the UI in phone mode, otherwise // in tablet mode. this.init(); if(mode === this._currentMode){ return; } this._currentMode = mode; this.updateStateful(); this.updateBackButton(); this.updateTransition(); this.moveList(); this.showLeftView(); this.showRightView(); this.updateSelectedItem(); } }); cls._instance = null; cls.getInstance = function(){ if(!cls._instance){ cls._instance = new cls(); } return cls._instance; }; return cls; });