Feature: match unless raises with an unexpected error In order to know when a match_unless_raises block raises an unexpected error As an RSpec user I want the error to bubble up Background: Given a file named "example.rb" with: """ Spec::Matchers.define :be_the_same_as do |expected| match_unless_raises SyntaxError do |actual| raise "unexpected error" end end """ Scenario: failing examples Given a file named "match_unless_raises_spec.rb" with: """ require 'example.rb' describe 4 do it "is 4" do # intentionally fail 4.should_not be_the_same_as(4) end end describe 5 do it "is not 4" do # intentionally fail 5.should be_the_same_as(4) end end """ When I run "spec match_unless_raises_spec.rb" Then the stdout should include "2 examples, 2 failures" Then the stdout should include "unexpected error"