module Sequel module Plugins # The blacklist_security plugin contains blacklist-based support for # mass assignment, specifying which columns to not allow mass assignment for, # implicitly allowing mass assignment for columns not listed. This is only # for backwards compatibility, it should not be used by new code. # # Usage: # # # Make all model subclasses support the blacklist security features. # Sequel::Model.plugin :blacklist_security # # # Make the Album class support the blacklist security features. # Album.plugin :blacklist_security module BlacklistSecurity module ClassMethods # Which columns are specifically restricted in a call to set/update/new/etc. # (default: not set). Some columns are restricted regardless of # this setting, such as the primary key column and columns in Model::RESTRICTED_SETTER_METHODS. attr_reader :restricted_columns # Set the columns to restrict when using mass assignment (e.g. +set+). Using this means that # attempts to call setter methods for the columns listed here will cause an # exception or be silently skipped (based on the +strict_param_setting+ setting). # If you have any virtual setter methods (methods that end in =) that you # want not to be used during mass assignment, they need to be listed here as well (without the =). # # It's generally a bad idea to rely on a blacklist approach for security. Using a whitelist # approach such as set_allowed_columns or the instance level set_only or set_fields methods # is usually a better choice. So use of this method is generally a bad idea. # # Artist.set_restricted_columns(:records_sold) # Artist.set(:name=>'Bob', :hometown=>'Sactown') # No Error # Artist.set(:name=>'Bob', :records_sold=>30000) # Error def set_restricted_columns(*cols) clear_setter_methods_cache @restricted_columns = cols end end module InstanceMethods # Set all values using the entries in the hash, except for the keys # given in except. You should probably use +set_fields+ or +set_only+ # instead of this method, as blacklist approaches to security are a bad idea. # # artist.set_except({:name=>'Jim'}, :hometown) # # => 'Jim' def set_except(hash, *except) set_restricted(hash, false, except.flatten) end # Update all values using the entries in the hash, except for the keys # given in except. You should probably use +update_fields+ or +update_only+ # instead of this method, as blacklist approaches to security are a bad idea. # # artist.update_except({:name=>'Jim'}, :hometown) # UPDATE artists SET name = 'Jim' WHERE (id = 1) def update_except(hash, *except) update_restricted(hash, false, except.flatten) end end end end end