/* variables.scss * Variables and mixins to pre-ignite any new web development project * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // Links $linkColor: #0069d6; $linkColorHover: darken($linkColor, 15); // Grays $black: #000; $grayDark: lighten($black, 25%); $gray: lighten($black, 50%); $grayLight: lighten($black, 75%); $grayLighter: lighten($black, 90%); $white: #fff; // Accent Colors $blue: #049CDB; $blueDark: #0064CD; $green: #46a546; $red: #9d261d; $yellow: #ffc40d; $orange: #f89406; $pink: #c3325f; $purple: #7a43b6; // Baseline grid $basefont: 13px; $baseline: 18px; // Griditude // Modify the grid styles in mixins.scss $gridColumns: 16; $gridColumnWidth: 40px; $gridGutterWidth: 20px; $extraSpace: ($gridGutterWidth * 2); // For our grid calculations $siteWidth: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($gridColumns - 1)); // Color Scheme // Use this to roll your own color schemes if you like (unused by Bootstrap by default) $baseColor: $blue; // Set a base color $complement: complement($baseColor); // Determine a complementary color $split1: adjust-hue($baseColor, 158); // Split complements $split2: adjust-hue($baseColor, -158); $triad1: adjust-hue($baseColor, 135); // Triads colors $triad2: adjust-hue($baseColor, -135); $tetra1: adjust-hue($baseColor, 90); // Tetra colors $tetra2: adjust-hue($baseColor, -90); $analog1: adjust-hue($baseColor, 22); // Analogs colors $analog2: adjust-hue($baseColor, -22); // More variables coming soon: // - @basefont to @baseFontSize // - @baseline to @baseLineHeight // - @baseFontFamily // - @primaryButtonColor // - anything else? File an issue on GitHub