module GLFW ## # Provides methods for interacting and querying joystick and gamepad peripherals. module Joystick ## # Retrieves the state of the specified joystick remapped to an Xbox-like gamepad. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [GamepadState?] the gamepad input state of the joystick or `nil` if an error occurred. def self.gamepad_state(jid) end ## # Returns the name, encoded as UTF-8, of the specified joystick. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [String?] the UTF-8 encoded name of the gamepad, or `nil` if the joystick is not present, does not # have a mapping or an error occurred. def end ## # Returns the human-readable name of the gamepad from the gamepad mapping assigned to the specified joystick. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [String?] the UTF-8 encoded name of the gamepad, or `nil` if the joystick is not present, does not # have a mapping or an error occurred. def self.gamepad_name(jid) end ## # Returns whether the specified joystick is present. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # @return [Boolean] `true` if joystick is detected, otherwise `false`. # @note There is no need to call this function before other functions that accept a joystick ID, as they all check # for presence before performing any other work. def self.present?(jid) end ## # Returns whether the specified joystick is both present and has a gamepad mapping. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if joystick is detected and it has gamepad mappings, otherwise `false` def self.gamepad?(jid) end ## # Returns the SDL compatible GUID, as a UTF-8 encoded hexadecimal string, of the specified joystick # The GUID is what connects a joystick to a gamepad mapping. A connected joystick will always have a # GUID even if there is no gamepad mapping assigned to it. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [String?] The UTF-8 encoded GUID of the joystick, or `nil` if the joystick is not present or an error occurred. def self.guid(jid) end ## # Returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [Array] an array where each element represents the joystick button at the same index, whose value # if either `true` (pressed) or `false` (released). def self.buttons(jid) end ## # Returns the values of all axes of the specified joystick. Each element in the array is a value between # `-1.0` and `1.0`. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [Array] an array where each element represents the joystick axis at the same index def self.axes(jid) end ## # Returns the state of all hats of the specified joystick. # # @param jid [Integer] The joystick index to query. # # @return [Array] an array where each element represents the joystick hats at the same index, whose value # if either `true` (pressed) or `false` (released). def self.hats(jid) end ## # Parses the specified ASCII encoded string(s) and updates the internal list with any gamepad mappings it finds. # This string may contain either a single gamepad mapping or many mappings separated by newlines. # # If there is already a gamepad mapping for a given GUID in the internal list, it will be replaced by the one # passed to this function. If the library is terminated and re-initialized the internal list will revert to the # built-in default. # # @note The parser supports standard SDL gamepad mappings. # # @param mapping [String,Array] One or more mappings to update. # # @return [Integer] the number of mappings that were updated. def self.update_mappings(*mapping) end ## # @overload self.on_connection(&block) # When called with a block, sets a callback to be invoked when the connection state of a joystick is changed. # @yieldparam connected [Boolean] `true` if device was connected, otherwise `false` if disconectted. # # @overload self.on_connection # When called without a block, clears any callback that is set. # # @return [Proc?] the previous callback that was set, or `nil` if none existed. def self.on_connection end end end