package org.msgpack.jruby; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyHash; import org.jruby.RubyArray; import org.jruby.RubyModule; import org.jruby.RubyFixnum; import org.jruby.RubySymbol; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; public class ExtensionRegistry { private final Map extensionsByModule; private final Map extensionsByAncestor; private final ExtensionEntry[] extensionsByTypeId; public ExtensionRegistry() { this(new HashMap()); } private ExtensionRegistry(Map extensionsByModule) { this.extensionsByModule = new HashMap(extensionsByModule); this.extensionsByAncestor = new HashMap(); this.extensionsByTypeId = new ExtensionEntry[256]; for (ExtensionEntry entry : extensionsByModule.values()) { if (entry.hasUnpacker()) { extensionsByTypeId[entry.getTypeId() + 128] = entry; } } } public ExtensionRegistry dup() { return new ExtensionRegistry(extensionsByModule); } public IRubyObject toInternalPackerRegistry(ThreadContext ctx) { RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(ctx.runtime); for (RubyModule extensionModule : extensionsByModule.keySet()) { ExtensionEntry entry = extensionsByModule.get(extensionModule); if (entry.hasPacker()) { hash.put(extensionModule, entry.toPackerTuple(ctx)); } } return hash; } public IRubyObject toInternalUnpackerRegistry(ThreadContext ctx) { RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(ctx.runtime); for (int typeIdIndex = 0 ; typeIdIndex < 256 ; typeIdIndex++) { ExtensionEntry entry = extensionsByTypeId[typeIdIndex]; if (entry != null && entry.hasUnpacker()) { IRubyObject typeId = RubyFixnum.newFixnum(ctx.runtime, typeIdIndex - 128); hash.put(typeId, entry.toUnpackerTuple(ctx)); } } return hash; } public void put(RubyModule mod, int typeId, boolean recursive, IRubyObject packerProc, IRubyObject packerArg, IRubyObject unpackerProc, IRubyObject unpackerArg) { ExtensionEntry entry = new ExtensionEntry(mod, typeId, recursive, packerProc, packerArg, unpackerProc, unpackerArg); extensionsByModule.put(mod, entry); extensionsByTypeId[typeId + 128] = entry; extensionsByAncestor.clear(); } public ExtensionEntry lookupExtensionByTypeId(int typeId) { ExtensionEntry e = extensionsByTypeId[typeId + 128]; if (e != null && e.hasUnpacker()) { return e; } return null; } public ExtensionEntry lookupExtensionForObject(IRubyObject object) { RubyModule lookupClass = null; ExtensionEntry entry = null; /* * Objects of type Integer (Fixnum, Bignum), Float, Symbol and frozen * String have no singleton class and raise a TypeError when trying to get * it. */ lookupClass = object.getMetaClass(); entry = extensionsByModule.get(lookupClass); if (entry != null && entry.hasPacker()) { return entry; } RubyModule realClass = object.getType(); if (realClass != lookupClass) { entry = extensionsByModule.get(realClass); if (entry != null && entry.hasPacker()) { return entry; } } entry = findEntryByModuleOrAncestor(lookupClass); if (entry != null && entry.hasPacker()) { return entry; } return null; } private ExtensionEntry findEntryByModuleOrAncestor(final RubyModule mod) { ThreadContext ctx = mod.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(); for (RubyModule extensionModule : extensionsByModule.keySet()) { RubyArray ancestors = (RubyArray)mod.callMethod(ctx, "ancestors"); if (ancestors.callMethod(ctx, "include?", extensionModule).isTrue()) { return extensionsByModule.get(extensionModule); } } return null; } public static class ExtensionEntry { private final RubyModule mod; private final int typeId; private final boolean recursive; private final IRubyObject packerProc; private final IRubyObject packerArg; private final IRubyObject unpackerProc; private final IRubyObject unpackerArg; public ExtensionEntry(RubyModule mod, int typeId, boolean recursive, IRubyObject packerProc, IRubyObject packerArg, IRubyObject unpackerProc, IRubyObject unpackerArg) { this.mod = mod; this.typeId = typeId; this.recursive = recursive; this.packerProc = packerProc; this.packerArg = packerArg; this.unpackerProc = unpackerProc; this.unpackerArg = unpackerArg; } public RubyModule getExtensionModule() { return mod; } public int getTypeId() { return typeId; } public boolean isRecursive() { return recursive; } public boolean hasPacker() { return packerProc != null; } public boolean hasUnpacker() { return unpackerProc != null; } public IRubyObject getPackerProc() { return packerProc; } public IRubyObject getUnpackerProc() { return unpackerProc; } public RubyArray toPackerTuple(ThreadContext ctx) { return ctx.runtime.newArray(new IRubyObject[] {ctx.runtime.newFixnum(typeId), packerProc, packerArg}); } public RubyArray toUnpackerTuple(ThreadContext ctx) { return ctx.runtime.newArray(new IRubyObject[] {mod, unpackerProc, unpackerArg}); } public IRubyObject[] toPackerProcTypeIdPair(ThreadContext ctx) { return new IRubyObject[] {packerProc, ctx.runtime.newFixnum(typeId)}; } } }