module Reform class Form < Contract class InvalidOptionsCombinationError < StandardError; end def self.default_nested_class Form end require "reform/form/validate" include Validate # override Contract#validate with additional behaviour. require "reform/form/populator" # called after populator: form.deserialize(params) # as this only included in the typed pipeline, it's not applied for scalars. Deserialize = ->(input, options) { input.deserialize(options[:fragment]) } # TODO: (result:, fragment:, **o) once we drop 2.0. module Property # Add macro logic, e.g. for :populator. # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def property(name, options = {}, &block) if (options.keys & %i[skip_if populator]).size == 2 raise "[Reform] #{self}:property:#{name} Do not use skip_if and populator together, use populator with skip! instead" ) end # if composition and inherited we also need this setting # to correctly inherit modules options[:_inherited] = options[:inherit] if options.key?(:on) && options.key?(:inherit) if options.key?(:parse) options[:deserializer] ||= {} options[:deserializer][:writeable] = options.delete(:parse) end options[:writeable] ||= options.delete(:writable) if options.key?(:writable) # for virtual collection we need at least to have the collection equal to [] to # avoid issue when the populator if (options.keys & %i[collection virtual]).size == 2 options = { default: [] }.merge(options) end definition = super # letdisposable and declarative gems sort out inheriting of properties, and so on. definition.merge!(deserializer: {}) unless definition[:deserializer] # always keep :deserializer per property. deserializer_options = definition[:deserializer] # Populators internal_populator = if block = definition[:populate_if_empty] internal_populator = end if block = definition[:populator] # populator wins over populate_if_empty when :inherit internal_populator = end definition.merge!(internal_populator: internal_populator) unless options[:internal_populator] external_populator = # always compute a parse_pipeline for each property of the deserializer and inject it via :parse_pipeline. # first, letrepresentable compute the pipeline functions by invoking #parse_functions. if definition[:nested] parse_pipeline = ->(input, opts) do functions = opts[:binding].send(:parse_functions) pipeline = Representable::Pipeline[*functions] # Pipeline[StopOnExcluded, AssignName, ReadFragment, StopOnNotFound, OverwriteOnNil, Collect[#, #, Deserialize], Set] pipeline = Representable::Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, external_populator, replace: Representable::CreateObject::Instance) pipeline = Representable::Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, Representable::Decorate, delete: true) pipeline = Representable::Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, Deserialize, replace: Representable::Deserialize) pipeline = Representable::Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, Representable::SetValue, delete: true) # FIXME: only diff to options without :populator end else parse_pipeline = ->(input, opts) do functions = opts[:binding].send(:parse_functions) pipeline = Representable::Pipeline[*functions] # Pipeline[StopOnExcluded, AssignName, ReadFragment, StopOnNotFound, OverwriteOnNil, Collect[#, #, Deserialize], Set] # FIXME: this won't work with property :name, inherit: true (where there is a populator set already). pipeline = Representable::Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, external_populator, replace: Representable::SetValue) if definition[:populator] # FIXME: only diff to options without :populator pipeline end end deserializer_options[:parse_pipeline] ||= parse_pipeline if proc = definition[:skip_if] proc = if proc == :all_blank deserializer_options.merge!(skip_parse: proc) # TODO: same with skip_parse ==> External end # per default, everything should be writeable for the deserializer (we're only writing on the form). however, allow turning it off. deserializer_options.merge!(writeable: true) unless deserializer_options.key?(:writeable) definition end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity end extend Property require "disposable/twin/changed" feature Disposable::Twin::Changed require "disposable/twin/sync" feature Disposable::Twin::Sync feature Disposable::Twin::Sync::SkipGetter require "disposable/twin/save" feature Disposable::Twin::Save require "reform/form/prepopulate" include Prepopulate def skip! Representable::Pipeline::Stop end require "reform/form/call" include Call end end