#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rmagick' imgl = Magick::ImageList.new imgl.new_image(200, 200, Magick::HatchFill.new('white', 'lightcyan2')) gc = Magick::Draw.new # Move the origin to the center. gc.translate(100, 100) max_x = imgl.columns / 2 max_y = imgl.rows / 2 # Rotate 45 degrees gc.rotate(45) gc.stroke('red') gc.stroke_width(3) # Draw down-pointing arrow gc.line(0, -max_y, 0, max_y) gc.line(0, max_y, 10, max_y - 10) gc.line(0, max_y, -10, max_y - 10) # Draw right-pointing arrow gc.line(-max_x, 0, max_x, 0) gc.line(max_x, 0, max_x - 10, -10) gc.line(max_x, 0, max_x - 10, 10) # Add labels gc.font_weight(Magick::NormalWeight) gc.font_style(Magick::NormalStyle) gc.fill('black') gc.stroke('transparent') gc.text(8, 15, "'0,0'") gc.text(110, 16, 'x') gc.text(12, 115, 'y') gc.draw(imgl) imgl.border!(1, 1, 'lightcyan2') imgl.write('rotate.gif')