module Sequel
module Plugins
# The nested_attributes plugin allows you to create, update, and delete
# associated objects directly by calling a method on the current object.
# Nested attributes are defined using the nested_attributes class method:
# Artist.one_to_many :albums
# Artist.plugin :nested_attributes
# Artist.nested_attributes :albums
# The nested_attributes call defines a single method, association_attributes=,
# (e.g. albums_attributes=). So if you have an Artist instance:
# a =>'YJM')
# You can create new album instances related to this artist:
# a.albums_attributes = [{:name=>'RF'}, {:name=>'MO'}]
# Note that this doesn't send any queries to the database yet. That doesn't happen till
# you save the object:
# That will save the artist first, and then save both albums. If either the artist
# is invalid or one of the albums is invalid, none of the objects will be saved to the
# database, and all related validation errors will be available in the artist's validation
# errors.
# In addition to creating new associated objects, you can also update existing associated
# objects. You just need to make sure that the primary key field is filled in for the
# associated object:
# a.update(:albums_attributes => [{:id=>1, :name=>'T'}])
# Since the primary key field is filled in, the plugin will update the album with id 1 instead
# of creating a new album.
# If you would like to delete the associated object instead of updating it, you add a _delete
# entry to the hash:
# a.update(:albums_attributes => [{:id=>1, :_delete=>true}])
# This will delete the related associated object from the database. If you want to leave the
# associated object in the database, but just remove it from the association, add a _remove
# entry in the hash:
# a.update(:albums_attributes => [{:id=>1, :_remove=>true}])
# The above example was for a one_to_many association, but the plugin also works similarly
# for other association types. For one_to_one and many_to_one associations, you need to
# pass a single hash instead of an array of hashes.
# This plugin is mainly designed to make it easy to use on html forms, where a single form
# submission can contained nested attributes (and even nested attributes of those attributes).
# You just need to name your form inputs correctly:
# artist[name]
# artist[albums_attributes][0][:name]
# artist[albums_attributes][1][:id]
# artist[albums_attributes][1][:name]
# Your web stack will probably parse that into a nested hash similar to:
# {:artist=>{:name=>?, :albums_attributes=>{0=>{:name=>?}, 1=>{:id=>?, :name=>?}}}}
# Then you can do:
# artist.update(params[:artist])
# To save changes to the artist, create the first album and associate it to the artist,
# and update the other existing associated album.
module NestedAttributes
# Depend on the instance_hooks plugin.
def self.apply(model)
module ClassMethods
# Module to store the nested_attributes setter methods, so they can
# call be overridden and call super to get the default behavior
attr_accessor :nested_attributes_module
# Allow nested attributes to be set for the given associations. Options:
# * :destroy - Allow destruction of nested records.
# * :fields - If provided, should be an Array or proc. If it is an array,
# restricts the fields allowed to be modified through the
# association_attributes= method to the specific fields given. If it is
# a proc, it will be called with the associated object and should return an
# array of the allowable fields.
# * :limit - For *_to_many associations, a limit on the number of records
# that will be processed, to prevent denial of service attacks.
# * :reject_if - A proc that is given each attribute hash before it is
# passed to its associated object. If the proc returns a truthy
# value, the attribute hash is ignored.
# * :remove - Allow disassociation of nested records (can remove the associated
# object from the parent object, but not destroy the associated object).
# * :strict - Kept for backward compatibility. Setting it to false is
# equivalent to setting :unmatched_pk to :ignore.
# * :transform - A proc to transform attribute hashes before they are
# passed to associated object. Takes two arguments, the parent object and
# the attribute hash. Uses the return value as the new attribute hash.
# * :unmatched_pk - Specify the action to be taken if a primary key is
# provided in a record, but it doesn't match an existing associated
# object. Set to :create to create a new object with that primary
# key, :ignore to ignore the record, or :raise to raise an error.
# The default is :raise.
# If a block is provided, it is used to set the :reject_if option.
def nested_attributes(*associations, &block)
include(self.nested_attributes_module ||= unless nested_attributes_module
opts = associations.last.is_a?(Hash) ? associations.pop : {}
reflections ={|a| association_reflection(a) || raise(Error, "no association named #{a} for #{self}")}
reflections.each do |r|
r[:nested_attributes] = opts
r[:nested_attributes][:unmatched_pk] ||= opts.delete(:strict) == false ? :ignore : :raise
r[:nested_attributes][:reject_if] ||= block
# Add a nested attribute setter method to a module included in the
# class.
def def_nested_attribute_method(reflection)
nested_attributes_module.class_eval do
if reflection.returns_array?
define_method("#{reflection[:name]}_attributes=") do |array|
nested_attributes_list_setter(reflection, array)
define_method("#{reflection[:name]}_attributes=") do |h|
nested_attributes_setter(reflection, h)
module InstanceMethods
# Check that the keys related to the association are not modified inside the block. Does
# not use an ensure block, so callers should be careful.
def nested_attributes_check_key_modifications(reflection, obj)
keys ={|x| obj.send(x)}
unless keys =={|x| obj.send(x)}
raise(Error, "Modifying association dependent key(s) when updating associated objects is not allowed")
# Create a new associated object with the given attributes, validate
# it when the parent is validated, and save it when the object is saved.
# Returns the object created.
def nested_attributes_create(reflection, attributes)
obj =
nested_attributes_set_attributes(reflection, obj, attributes)
after_validation_hook{validate_associated_object(reflection, obj)}
if reflection.returns_array?
send(reflection[:name]) << obj
after_save_hook{send(reflection.add_method, obj)}
associations[reflection[:name]] = obj
# Because we are modifying the associations cache manually before the
# setter is called, we still want to run the setter code even though
# the cached value will be the same as the given value.
@set_associated_object_if_same = true
# Don't need to validate the object twice if :validate association option is not false
# and don't want to validate it at all if it is false.
if reflection[:type] == :many_to_one
after_save_hook{send(reflection.setter_method, obj)}
# Take an array or hash of attribute hashes and set each one individually.
# If a hash is provided it, sort it by key and then use the values.
# If there is a limit on the nested attributes for this association,
# make sure the length of the attributes_list is not greater than the limit.
def nested_attributes_list_setter(reflection, attributes_list)
attributes_list = attributes_list.sort_by{|x| x.to_s}.map{|k,v| v} if attributes_list.is_a?(Hash)
if (limit = reflection[:nested_attributes][:limit]) && attributes_list.length > limit
raise(Error, "number of nested attributes (#{attributes_list.length}) exceeds the limit (#{limit})")
attributes_list.each{|a| nested_attributes_setter(reflection, a)}
# Remove the given associated object from the current object. If the
# :destroy option is given, destroy the object after disassociating it
# (unless destroying the object would automatically disassociate it).
# Returns the object removed.
def nested_attributes_remove(reflection, obj, opts={})
if !opts[:destroy] || reflection.remove_before_destroy?
before_save_hook do
if reflection.returns_array?
send(reflection.remove_method, obj)
send(reflection.setter_method, nil)
after_save_hook{obj.destroy} if opts[:destroy]
# Set the fields in the obj based on the association, only allowing
# specific :fields if configured.
def nested_attributes_set_attributes(reflection, obj, attributes)
if fields = reflection[:nested_attributes][:fields]
fields = if fields.respond_to?(:call)
obj.set_only(attributes, fields)
# Modify the associated object based on the contents of the attributes hash:
# * If a :transform block was given to nested_attributes, use it to modify the attribute hash.
# * If a block was given to nested_attributes, call it with the attributes and return immediately if the block returns true.
# * If a primary key exists in the attributes hash and it matches an associated object:
# ** If _delete is a key in the hash and the :destroy option is used, destroy the matching associated object.
# ** If _remove is a key in the hash and the :remove option is used, disassociated the matching associated object.
# ** Otherwise, update the matching associated object with the contents of the hash.
# * If a primary key exists in the attributes hash but it does not match an associated object,
# either raise an error, create a new object or ignore the hash, depending on the :unmatched_pk option.
# * If no primary key exists in the attributes hash, create a new object.
def nested_attributes_setter(reflection, attributes)
if a = reflection[:nested_attributes][:transform]
attributes =, attributes)
return if (b = reflection[:nested_attributes][:reject_if]) &&
klass = reflection.associated_class
sym_keys = Array(klass.primary_key)
str_keys ={|k| k.to_s}
if (pk = attributes.values_at(*sym_keys)).all? || (pk = attributes.values_at(*str_keys)).all?
pk ={|k| k.to_s}
obj = Array(send(reflection[:name])).find{|x| Array({|k| k.to_s} == pk}
if obj
attributes = attributes.dup.delete_if{|k,v| str_keys.include? k.to_s}
if reflection[:nested_attributes][:destroy] && klass.db.send(:typecast_value_boolean, attributes.delete(:_delete) || attributes.delete('_delete'))
nested_attributes_remove(reflection, obj, :destroy=>true)
elsif reflection[:nested_attributes][:remove] && klass.db.send(:typecast_value_boolean, attributes.delete(:_remove) || attributes.delete('_remove'))
nested_attributes_remove(reflection, obj)
nested_attributes_update(reflection, obj, attributes)
elsif pk.all? && reflection[:nested_attributes][:unmatched_pk] != :create
if reflection[:nested_attributes][:unmatched_pk] == :raise
raise(Error, "no matching associated object with given primary key (association: #{reflection[:name]}, pk: #{pk})")
nested_attributes_create(reflection, attributes)
# Update the given object with the attributes, validating it when the
# parent object is validated and saving it when the parent is saved.
# Returns the object updated.
def nested_attributes_update(reflection, obj, attributes)
nested_attributes_update_attributes(reflection, obj, attributes)
after_validation_hook{validate_associated_object(reflection, obj)}
# Don't need to validate the object twice if :validate association option is not false
# and don't want to validate it at all if it is false.
# Update the attributes for the given object related to the current object through the association.
def nested_attributes_update_attributes(reflection, obj, attributes)
nested_attributes_check_key_modifications(reflection, obj) do
nested_attributes_set_attributes(reflection, obj, attributes)
# Validate the given associated object, adding any validation error messages from the
# given object to the parent object.
def validate_associated_object(reflection, obj)
return if reflection[:validate] == false
association = reflection[:name]
obj.errors.full_messages.each{|m| errors.add(association, m)} unless obj.valid?