# frozen_string_literal: true module Octokit class Client # Methods for the Organizations API # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/ module Organizations # Get an organization # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing GitHub organization. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/#get-an-organization # @example # Octokit.organization('github') # @example # Octokit.org('github') def organization(org, options = {}) get Organization.path(org), options end alias org organization # Update an organization. # # Requires authenticated client with proper organization permissions. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param values [Hash] The updated organization attributes. # @option values [String] :billing_email Billing email address. This address is not publicized. # @option values [String] :company Company name. # @option values [String] :email Publicly visible email address. # @option values [String] :location Location of organization. # @option values [String] :name GitHub username for organization. # @option values [String] :default_repository_permission The default permission members have on organization repositories. # @option values [Boolean] :members_can_create_repositories Set true to allow members to create repositories on the organization. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing GitHub organization. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/#edit-an-organization # @example # @client.update_organization('github', { # :billing_email => 'support@github.com', # :company => 'GitHub', # :email => 'support@github.com', # :location => 'San Francisco', # :name => 'github' # }) # @example # @client.update_org('github', {:company => 'Unicorns, Inc.'}) def update_organization(org, values, options = {}) patch Organization.path(org), options.merge(values) end alias update_org update_organization # Get organizations for a user. # # Nonauthenticated calls to this method will return organizations that # the user is a public member. # # Use an authenicated client to get both public and private organizations # for a user. # # Calling this method on a `@client` will return that users organizations. # Private organizations are included only if the `@client` is authenticated. # # @param user [Integer, String] GitHub user login or id of the user to get # list of organizations. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing organizations. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/#list-your-organizations # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/#list-user-organizations # @example # Octokit.organizations('pengwynn') # @example # @client.organizations('pengwynn') # @example # Octokit.orgs('pengwynn') # @example # Octokit.list_organizations('pengwynn') # @example # Octokit.list_orgs('pengwynn') # @example # @client.organizations def organizations(user = nil, options = {}) paginate "#{User.path user}/orgs", options end alias list_organizations organizations alias list_orgs organizations alias orgs organizations # List all GitHub organizations # # This provides a list of every organization, in the order that they # were created. # # @param options [Hash] Optional options. # @option options [Integer] :since The integer ID of the last # Organization that you’ve seen. # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/#list-all-organizations # # @return [Array] List of GitHub organizations. def all_organizations(options = {}) paginate 'organizations', options end alias all_orgs all_organizations # List organization repositories # # Public repositories are available without authentication. Private repos # require authenticated organization member. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id for which # to list repos. # @option options [String] :type ('all') Filter by repository type. # `all`, `public`, `member`, `sources`, `forks`, or `private`. # # @return [Array] List of repositories # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-organization-repositories # @example # Octokit.organization_repositories('github') # @example # Octokit.org_repositories('github') # @example # Octokit.org_repos('github') # @example # @client.org_repos('github', {:type => 'private'}) def organization_repositories(org, options = {}) paginate "#{Organization.path org}/repos", options end alias org_repositories organization_repositories alias org_repos organization_repositories # Get organization members # # Public members of the organization are returned by default. An # authenticated client that is a member of the GitHub organization # is required to get private members. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing users. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#members-list # @example # Octokit.organization_members('github') # @example # Octokit.org_members('github') def organization_members(org, options = {}) options = options.dup path = 'public_' if options.delete(:public) paginate "#{Organization.path org}/#{path}members", options end alias org_members organization_members # Get organization public members # # Lists the public members of an organization # # @param org [String] Organization GitHub username. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing users. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#public-members-list # @example # Octokit.organization_public_members('github') # @example # Octokit.org_public_members('github') def organization_public_members(org, options = {}) organization_members org, options.merge(public: true) end alias org_public_members organization_public_members # Check if a user is a member of an organization. # # Use this to check if another user is a member of an organization that # you are a member. If you are not in the organization you are checking, # use .organization_public_member? instead. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to check. # # @return [Boolean] Is a member? # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#check-membership # # @example Check if a user is in your organization # @client.organization_member?('your_organization', 'pengwynn') # => false def organization_member?(org, user, options = {}) result = boolean_from_response(:get, "#{Organization.path org}/members/#{user}", options) if !result && last_response && last_response.status == 302 boolean_from_response :get, last_response.headers['Location'] else result end end alias org_member? organization_member? # Check if a user is a public member of an organization. # # If you are checking for membership of a user of an organization that # you are in, use .organization_member? instead. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to check. # # @return [Boolean] Is a public member? # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#check-public-membership # # @example Check if a user is a hubbernaut # @client.organization_public_member?('github', 'pengwynn') # => true def organization_public_member?(org, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :get, "#{Organization.path org}/public_members/#{user}", options end alias org_public_member? organization_public_member? # List pending organization invitations # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing invitations. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#list-pending-organization-invitations # # @example # @client.organization_invitations('github') def organization_invitations(org, options = {}) get "#{Organization.path org}/invitations", options end alias org_invitations organization_invitations # List outside collaborators for an organization # # Requires authenticated organization members. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing users. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/outside_collaborators/#list-outside-collaborators # # @example # @client.outside_collaborators('github') def outside_collaborators(org, options = {}) paginate "#{Organization.path org}/outside_collaborators", options end # Remove outside collaborator from an organization # # Requires authenticated organization members. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username to be removed as outside collaborator # @return [Boolean] Return true if outside collaborator removed from organization, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/outside-collaborators/#remove-outside-collaborator # # @example # @client.remove_outside_collaborator('github', 'lizzhale') def remove_outside_collaborator(org, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "#{Organization.path org}/outside_collaborators/#{user}", options end # Converts an organization member to an outside collaborator # # Requires authenticated organization members. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username to be removed as outside collaborator # @return [Boolean] Return true if outside collaborator removed from organization, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/outside-collaborators/#convert-member-to-outside-collaborator # # @example # @client.convert_to_outside_collaborator('github', 'lizzhale') def convert_to_outside_collaborator(org, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :put, "#{Organization.path org}/outside_collaborators/#{user}", options end # List teams # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing teams. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-teams # @example # @client.organization_teams('github') # @example # @client.org_teams('github') def organization_teams(org, options = {}) paginate "#{Organization.path org}/teams", options end alias org_teams organization_teams # Create team # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @option options [String] :name Team name. # @option options [Array] :repo_names Repositories for the team. # @option options [Array] :maintainers Maintainers for the team. # @option options [Integer] :parent_team_id ID of a team to set as the parent team. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing new team. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#create-team # @example # @client.create_team('github', { # :name => 'Designers', # :repo_names => ['github/dotfiles'] # }) def create_team(org, options = {}) if options.key?(:permission) octokit_warn 'Deprecated: Passing :permission option to #create_team. Assign team repository permission by passing :permission to #add_team_repository instead.' end if options.key?(:parent_team_id) options = ensure_api_media_type(:nested_teams, options) end post "#{Organization.path org}/teams", options end # Get team # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing team. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#get-team # @example # @client.team(100000) def team(team_id, options = {}) get "teams/#{team_id}", options end # Get team by name and org # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param team_slug [String] Team slug. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing team. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/teams/#get-team-by-name # @example # @client.team_by_name("github", "justice-league") def team_by_name(org, team_slug, options = {}) get "#{Organization.path(org)}/teams/#{team_slug}", options end # List child teams # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing team. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-child-teams # @example # @client.child_teams(100000, :accept => "application/vnd.github.hellcat-preview+json") def child_teams(team_id, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:nested_teams, options) paginate "teams/#{team_id}/teams", options end # Update team # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @option options [String] :name Team name. # @option options [String] :permission Permissions the team has for team repositories. # # `pull` - team members can pull, but not push to or administer these repositories. # `push` - team members can pull and push, but not administer these repositories. # `admin` - team members can pull, push and administer these repositories. # @option options [Integer] :parent_team_id ID of a team to set as the parent team. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing updated team. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#edit-team # @example # @client.update_team(100000, { # :name => 'Front-end Designers', # :permission => 'push' # }) def update_team(team_id, options = {}) if options.key?(:parent_team_id) options = ensure_api_media_type(:nested_teams, options) end patch "teams/#{team_id}", options end # Delete team # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @return [Boolean] True if deletion successful, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#delete-team # @example # @client.delete_team(100000) def delete_team(team_id, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "teams/#{team_id}", options end # List team members # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing users. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-team-members # @example # @client.team_members(100000) def team_members(team_id, options = {}) paginate "teams/#{team_id}/members", options end # Add team member # # Requires authenticated organization owner or member with team # `admin` permission. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of new team member. # @return [Boolean] True on successful addition, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#add-team-member # @example # @client.add_team_member(100000, 'pengwynn') # # @example # # Opt-in to future behavior for this endpoint. Adds the member to the # # team if they're already an org member. If not, the method will return # # 422 and indicate the user should call the new Team Membership endpoint. # @client.add_team_member \ # 100000, # 'pengwynn', # :accept => "application/vnd.github.the-wasp-preview+json" # @see https://developer.github.com/changes/2014-08-05-team-memberships-api/ def add_team_member(team_id, user, options = {}) # There's a bug in this API call. The docs say to leave the body blank, # but it fails if the body is both blank and the content-length header # is not 0. boolean_from_response :put, "teams/#{team_id}/members/#{user}", options.merge({ name: user }) end # Remove team member # # Requires authenticated organization owner or member with team # `admin` permission. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to boot. # @return [Boolean] True if user removed, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#remove-team-member # @example # @client.remove_team_member(100000, 'pengwynn') def remove_team_member(team_id, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "teams/#{team_id}/members/#{user}", options end # Check if a user is a member of a team. # # Use this to check if another user is a member of a team that # you are a member. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to check. # # @return [Boolean] Is a member? # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#get-team-member # # @example Check if a user is in your team # @client.team_member?(100000, 'pengwynn') # => false def team_member?(team_id, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :get, "teams/#{team_id}/members/#{user}", options end # List pending team invitations # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing invitations. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-pending-team-invitations # # @example # @client.team_invitations('github') def team_invitations(team_id, options = {}) get "teams/#{team_id}/invitations", options end # List team repositories # # Requires authenticated organization member. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @return [Array] Array of hashes representing repositories. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-team-repos # @example # @client.team_repositories(100000) # @example # @client.team_repos(100000) def team_repositories(team_id, options = {}) paginate "teams/#{team_id}/repos", options end alias team_repos team_repositories # Check if a repo is managed by a specific team # # @param team_id [Integer] Team ID. # @param repo [String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository. # @return [Boolean] True if managed by a team. False if not managed by # the team OR the requesting user does not have authorization to access # the team information. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#check-if-a-team-manages-a-repository # @example # @client.team_repository?(8675309, 'octokit/octokit.rb') # @example # @client.team_repo?(8675309, 'octokit/octokit.rb') def team_repository?(team_id, repo, _options = {}) boolean_from_response :get, "teams/#{team_id}/repos/#{Repository.new(repo)}" end alias team_repo? team_repository? # Add team repository # # This can also be used to update the permission of an existing team # # Requires authenticated user to be an owner of the organization that the # team is associated with. Also, the repo must be owned by the # organization, or a direct form of a repo owned by the organization. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param repo [String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository. # @option options [String] :permission The permission to grant the team. # Only valid on organization-owned repositories. # Can be one of: pull, push, or admin. # If not specified, the team's permission attribute will be # used to determine what permission to grant the team on this repository. # @return [Boolean] True if successful, false otherwise. # @see Octokit::Repository # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#add-or-update-team-repository # @example # @client.add_team_repository(100000, 'github/developer.github.com') # @example # @client.add_team_repo(100000, 'github/developer.github.com') # @example Add a team with admin permissions # @client.add_team_repository(100000, 'github/developer.github.com', permission: 'admin') def add_team_repository(team_id, repo, options = {}) boolean_from_response :put, "teams/#{team_id}/repos/#{Repository.new(repo)}", options end alias add_team_repo add_team_repository # Remove team repository # # Removes repository from team. Does not delete the repository. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param repo [String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository. # @return [Boolean] Return true if repo removed from team, false otherwise. # @see Octokit::Repository # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#remove-team-repository # @example # @client.remove_team_repository(100000, 'github/developer.github.com') # @example # @client.remove_team_repo(100000, 'github/developer.github.com') def remove_team_repository(team_id, repo, _options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "teams/#{team_id}/repos/#{Repository.new(repo)}" end alias remove_team_repo remove_team_repository # Remove organization member # # Requires authenticated organization owner or member with team `admin` access. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of user to remove. # @return [Boolean] True if removal is successful, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#remove-a-member # @example # @client.remove_organization_member('github', 'pengwynn') # @example # @client.remove_org_member('github', 'pengwynn') def remove_organization_member(org, user, options = {}) # this is a synonym for: for team in org.teams: remove_team_member(team.id, user) # provided in the GH API v3 boolean_from_response :delete, "#{Organization.path org}/members/#{user}", options end alias remove_org_member remove_organization_member # Publicize a user's membership of an organization # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of user to publicize. # @return [Boolean] True if publicization successful, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#publicize-a-users-membership # @example # @client.publicize_membership('github', 'pengwynn') def publicize_membership(org, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :put, "#{Organization.path org}/public_members/#{user}", options end # Conceal a user's membership of an organization. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of user to unpublicize. # @return [Boolean] True of unpublicization successful, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#conceal-a-users-membership # @example # @client.unpublicize_membership('github', 'pengwynn') # @example # @client.conceal_membership('github', 'pengwynn') def unpublicize_membership(org, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "#{Organization.path org}/public_members/#{user}", options end alias conceal_membership unpublicize_membership # List all teams for the authenticated user across all their orgs # # @return [Array] Array of team resources. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-user-teams def user_teams(options = {}) paginate 'user/teams', options end # Check if a user has a team membership. # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to check. # # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash of team membership info # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#get-team-membership # # @example Check if a user has a membership for a team # @client.team_membership(1234, 'pengwynn') def team_membership(team_id, user, options = {}) get "teams/#{team_id}/memberships/#{user}", options end # Add or invite a user to a team # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to invite. # # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash of team membership info # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#add-or-update-team-membership # # @example Check if a user has a membership for a team # @client.add_team_membership(1234, 'pengwynn') def add_team_membership(team_id, user, options = {}) put "teams/#{team_id}/memberships/#{user}", options end # Remove team membership # # @param team_id [Integer] Team id. # @param user [String] GitHub username of the user to boot. # @return [Boolean] True if user removed, false otherwise. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#remove-team-membership # @example # @client.remove_team_membership(100000, 'pengwynn') def remove_team_membership(team_id, user, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "teams/#{team_id}/memberships/#{user}", options end # List all organizations memberships for the authenticated user # # @return [Array] Array of organizations memberships. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#list-your-organization-memberships def organization_memberships(options = {}) paginate 'user/memberships/orgs', options end alias org_memberships organization_memberships # Get an organization membership # # @param org [Integer, String] The GitHub Organization. # @option options [String] :user The login of the user, otherwise authenticated user. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing the organization membership. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#get-your-organization-membership # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#get-organization-membership def organization_membership(org, options = {}) options = options.dup if user = options.delete(:user) get "#{Organization.path(org)}/memberships/#{user}", options else get "user/memberships/orgs/#{org}", options end end alias org_membership organization_membership # Edit an organization membership # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @option options [String] :role The role of the user in the organization. # @option options [String] :state The state that the membership should be in. # @option options [String] :user The login of the user, otherwise authenticated user. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing the updated organization membership. # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#edit-your-organization-membership # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#add-or-update-organization-membership def update_organization_membership(org, options = {}) options = options.dup if user = options.delete(:user) options.delete(:state) put "#{Organization.path(org)}/memberships/#{user}", options else options.delete(:role) patch "user/memberships/orgs/#{org}", options end end alias update_org_membership update_organization_membership # Remove an organization membership # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Boolean] Success # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#remove-organization-membership def remove_organization_membership(org, options = {}) options = options.dup user = options.delete(:user) user && boolean_from_response(:delete, "#{Organization.path(org)}/memberships/#{user}", options) end alias remove_org_membership remove_organization_membership # Initiates the generation of a migration archive. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param repositories [Array] :repositories Repositories for the organization. # @option options [Boolean, optional] :lock_repositories Indicates whether repositories should be locked during migration # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing the new migration. # @example # @client.start_migration('github', ['github/dotfiles']) # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/migrations#start-an-organization-migration def start_migration(org, repositories, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:migrations, options) options[:repositories] = repositories post "#{Organization.path(org)}/migrations", options end # Lists the most recent migrations. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Array] Array of migration resources. # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/migrations#list-organization-migrations def migrations(org, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:migrations, options) paginate "#{Organization.path(org)}/migrations", options end # Fetches the status of a migration. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param id [Integer] ID number of the migration. # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/migrations#get-an-organization-migration-status def migration_status(org, id, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:migrations, options) get "#{Organization.path(org)}/migrations/#{id}", options end # Fetches the URL to a migration archive. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param id [Integer] ID number of the migration. # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/migrations#download-an-organization-migration-archive def migration_archive_url(org, id, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:migrations, options) url = "#{Organization.path(org)}/migrations/#{id}/archive" response = client_without_redirects(options).get(url) response.headers['location'] end # Deletes a previous migration archive. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param id [Integer] ID number of the migration. # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/migrations#delete-an-organization-migration-archive def delete_migration_archive(org, id, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:migrations, options) delete "#{Organization.path(org)}/migrations/#{id}/archive", options end # Unlock a previous migration archive. # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @param id [Integer] ID number of the migration. # @param repo [String] Name of the repository. # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/migrations#unlock-an-organization-repository def unlock_repository(org, id, repo, options = {}) options = ensure_api_media_type(:migrations, options) delete "#{Organization.path(org)}/migrations/#{id}/repos/#{repo}/lock", options end # Get GitHub Actions billing for an organization # # Requires authenticated organization owner. # # @param org [String, Integer] Organization GitHub login or id. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Hash representing GitHub Actions billing for an organization. # @see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/billing#get-github-actions-billing-for-an-organization # # @example # @client.billing_actions('github') def billing_actions(org) get "#{Organization.path(org)}/settings/billing/actions" end end end end