module OrigenTesters module SmartestBasedTester class V93K_SMT8 require 'origen_testers/smartest_based_tester/base/test_suite' class TestSuite < Base::TestSuite ATTRS = %w( name comment bypass test_method pattern specification seq burst spec_namespace spec_path seq_namespace seq_path ) ALIASES = { spec: :specification, test_function: :test_method } DEFAULTS = { } NO_STRING_TYPES = [:list_strings, :list_classes, :class] # Generate accessors for all attributes and their aliases ATTRS.each do |attr| if attr == 'name' || attr == 'pattern' attr_reader attr.to_sym else attr_accessor attr.to_sym end end # Define the aliases ALIASES.each do |_alias, val| define_method("#{_alias}=") do |v| send("#{val}=", v) end define_method("#{_alias}") do send(val) end end def lines # Initialize path setting # prefix = test method library prefix expectations # self.spec_namespace = instance override from the tester specification namespace # self.seq_namespace = instance override from the tester sequence namespace # self.spec_path = instance override from the tester specification path # self.seq_path = instance override from the tester sequence path if Origen.interface.respond_to? :custom_smt8_prefix prefix = Origen.interface.custom_smt8_prefix else prefix = 'measurement.' end spec_namespace = self.spec_namespace || tester.package_namespace spec_path = self.spec_path || tester.spec_path seq_namespace = self.seq_namespace || tester.package_namespace seq_path = self.seq_path || tester.seq_path l = [] l << "suite #{name} calls #{test_method.klass[0].downcase + test_method.klass[1..-1]} {" if pattern && !pattern.to_s.empty? l << " #{prefix}pattern = setupRef(#{seq_namespace}.patterns.#{pattern});" end if seq && !seq.to_s.empty? l << " #{prefix}operatingSequence = setupRef(#{seq_namespace}.#{seq_path}.#{seq});" end if burst && !burst.to_s.empty? l << " #{prefix}operatingSequence = setupRef(#{seq_namespace}.#{seq_path}.#{burst});" end if specification && !specification.to_s.empty? l << " #{prefix}specification = setupRef(#{spec_namespace}.#{spec_path}.#{specification});" end if bypass l << ' bypass = true;' end test_method.sorted_parameters.each do |param| name = param[0] unless name.is_a?(String) name = name.to_s[0] == '_' ? name.to_s.camelize(:upper) : name.to_s.camelize(:lower) end if [true, false].include? test_method.format(param[0]) l << " #{name} = #{wrap_if_string(test_method.format(param[0]))};" elsif NO_STRING_TYPES.include?(param.last) && test_method.format(param[0]).is_a?(String) && !test_method.format(param[0]).empty? l << " #{name} = #{test_method.format(param[0])};" elsif test_method.format(param[0]).is_a?(String) && !test_method.format(param[0]).empty? l << " #{name} = #{wrap_if_string(test_method.format(param[0]))};" elsif param.last.is_a? Hash if !test_method.format(name).nil? && !test_method.format(name).is_a?(Hash) fail "#{name} parameter structure requires a Hash but value provided is #{test_method.format(name).class}" elsif test_method.format(name).nil? && tester.print_all_params l = add_nested_params(l, name, 'param0', {}, param.last, 1) elsif test_method.format(name).nil? # Do nothing else test_method.format(name).each do |key, meta_hash| l = add_nested_params(l, name, key, meta_hash, param.last, 1) end end end end l << '}' l end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists: Avoid parameter lists longer than 5 parameters. def add_nested_params(l, name, key, value_hash, nested_params, nested_loop_count) nested_params_accepted_keys = [] skip_keys = [] unless value_hash.nil? unless value_hash.is_a?(Hash) fail "Provided value to nested params was not a Hash. Instead the value was #{value_hash.class}" end dynamic_spacing = ' ' * (4 * nested_loop_count) l << "#{dynamic_spacing}#{name}[#{key}] = {" unless name.nil? nested_params.each do |nested_param| # Guarentee hash is using all symbol keys # Since we cannot guarentee ruby version is greater than 2.5, we have to use an older syntax to value_hash = value_hash.inject({}) { |memo, (k, v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo } nested_key = nested_param.first.to_sym nested_key_underscore = nested_key.to_s.underscore.to_sym nested_params_accepted_keys << nested_key nested_params_accepted_keys << nested_key_underscore # We cannot create nested member functions with aliases # Requirement for hash parameter passing is to pass one of the key types and not both if value_hash.keys.include?(nested_key) && value_hash.keys.include?(nested_key_underscore) && nested_key != nested_key_underscore fail 'You are using a hash based test method and provided both the parameter name and alias name.' end nested_key = nested_key_underscore if value_hash.keys.include?(nested_key_underscore) if nested_param.last.first.is_a?(Hash) && value_hash[nested_key].is_a?(Hash) value_hash[nested_key].each do |inner_key, inner_meta_hash| l = add_nested_params(l, nested_param.first, inner_key, value_hash.dig(nested_key, inner_key), nested_param.last.first, nested_loop_count + 1) skip_keys << nested_key end elsif nested_param.last.first.is_a?(Hash) && tester.print_all_params l = add_nested_params(l, nested_param.first, 'param0', {}, nested_param.last.first, nested_loop_count + 1) end type = nested_param.last.first if NO_STRING_TYPES.include?(nested_param.last.first) && value_hash[nested_key] && !skip_keys.include?(nested_key) l << " #{dynamic_spacing}#{nested_param.first} = #{test_method.handle_val_type(value_hash[nested_key], type, nested_param.first)};" elsif value_hash[nested_key] && !skip_keys.include?(nested_key) l << " #{dynamic_spacing}#{nested_param.first} = #{wrap_if_string(test_method.handle_val_type(value_hash[nested_key], type, nested_param.first))};" elsif NO_STRING_TYPES.include?(nested_param.last.first) && !nested_param.last.last.is_a?(Hash) && tester.print_all_params && !skip_keys.include?(nested_key) l << " #{dynamic_spacing}#{nested_param.first} = #{test_method.handle_val_type(nested_param.last.last, type, nested_param.first)};" elsif !nested_param.last.last.is_a?(Hash) && tester.print_all_params && !skip_keys.include?(nested_key) l << " #{dynamic_spacing}#{nested_param.first} = #{wrap_if_string(test_method.handle_val_type(nested_param.last.last, type, nested_param.first))};" end end l << "#{dynamic_spacing}};" unless name.nil? # Sanity check there are not overpassed parameters value_hash.keys.each do |nested_key| unless nested_params_accepted_keys.include?(nested_key.to_sym) fail "You provided a parameter \'#{nested_key}\' that was not an accepted parameter to the hash parameter \'#{name}\'" end end end l end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists: Avoid parameter lists longer than 5 parameters. end end end end