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Are you missing a plugin?Foreman OpenSCAP summaryA summary of reports for OpenSCAP policiesAction with sub plansActionsAll messagesAnsible roleAnsible variablesApply policy to host groupsApply policy to hostsAre required variables for theforeman.foreman_scap_client present?Array of host IDsArray of hostgroup IDsAssign Compliance PolicyAssign hostgroups to an OVAL PolicyAssign hosts to an OVAL PolicyAssign openscap_proxy to %s before proceeding.BackCancelCannot generate HTML guide, no valid OpenSCAP proxy server found.Cannot generate HTML guide, scap content is missing.Change OpenSCAP ProxyChangedChanged file does not include existing SCAP content profilesChanged?Choose Tailoring FileChoose day in monthChoose existing SCAP ContentChoose periodChoose weekdayComplianceCompliance PoliciesCompliance ReportsCompliance Reports BreakdownCompliance policy summaryCompliance policy: %sCompliantCompliant hostsCompliant with the policyCould not find host identified by: %sCould not update Ansible Variables with override: trueCould not validate %s. Please make sure you have appropriate proxy version to use this functionalityCould not validate %{file_type}. Error %{error}Create OVAL contentCreate SCAP contentCreate a PolicyCreate a Tailoring fileCreate an OVAL PolicyDashboardDataStream Tailoring fileDateDefault XCCDF profileDeleteDelete a PolicyDelete an ARF ReportDelete an OVAL PolicyDelete compliance policy %s with all of its reports?Delete compliance report for %s?Delete reportsDelete scap content %s?Delete tailoring file %s?Deleted policyDeletes a Tailoring fileDeletes an OVAL contentDeletes an SCAP contentDeployment OptionsDescriptionDetails for Compliance Policy %sDirectory to upload when using "directory" upload typeDocumentationDownloadDownload ARF report in HTMLDownload HTMLDownload XML in bzipDownload a Tailoring file as XMLDownload an SCAP content as XMLDownload bzipped ARF reportEdit %sEffective ProfileError!FailedFailed and OtheredFailed onlyFailed to delete %s compliance reportsFailed to delete ARF Report for host %{host_name} reported at %{reported_at}Failed to downloaded ARF report as bzip: %sFailed to downloaded ARF report in HTML: %sFailed to fetch spool status from proxyFailed to save when overriding parameters for %{config_tool}, cause: %{errors}Failed to upload Arf Report, OpenSCAP proxy name or url not found in params when uploading for %s and host is missing openscap_proxyFailed|FFile UploadFile paths to upload when using "files" upload typeFull ReportGeneralHas Errata?HostHost Breakdown ChartHost GroupsHost compliance detailsHost detailsHost does not exist anymoreHost is assigned to policyHost is deletedHost is not assigned to policy but reports were found. You may want to delete the reports or assign the policy again.HostgroupsHostnameHosts BreakdownHosts CountHosts failing this ruleHosts no longer assigned: %sHosts othering this ruleHosts passing this ruleHow the policy should be deployedID of OpenSCAP ProxyImport Puppet classesImport factsIn Foreman, a compliance policy checklist is defined via %s.In Foreman, scap_contents represent the SCAP security guides on your hosts, and create SCAP profiles for you to assign to hosts / host groups via %sIn Foreman, tailoring_files represent the custom modifications to default XCCDF profiles and they can be applied to hosts via %sIncompliantIncompliant hostsInconclusiveInconclusive resultsIs %s param set to be overriden?Is foreman_ansible present?Is theforeman.foreman_scap_client present?It may sometimes be required to adjust the security policy to your specific needs. Latest Compliance ReportsLatest reports for policy: %sList ARF reportsList OVAL PoliciesList OVAL contentsList PoliciesList SCAP content profilesList SCAP contentsList Tailoring filesLoading...LocationsMessageMore detailsNameNever auditedNew Compliance PolicyNew PolicyNew SCAP ContentNew Tailoring FileNextNoNo ARF reports for this policyNo CVEs found.No OVAL Contents found.No OVAL Policies foundNo OVAL Policy foundNo OpenSCAP Proxy selected.No OpenSCAP proxy found for %{class} with id %{id}No Tailoring file assigned for policy with id %sNo Vulnerabilities foundNo available proxy to validate. Returned with error: %sNo compliance policy selected.No compliance reports selectedNo compliance reports were found.No hosts selectedNo proxy found for %{name} or %{url}No proxy found!No proxy with OpenSCAP feature is running.No proxy with OpenSCAP feature was found.No report for this policyNo reports availableNo valid policy ID providedNoneNone foundNone!Not auditedNot compliant with the policyNothing to showNumber of EventsNumber of a day in month, note that not all months have same count of daysOVAL ContentOVAL ContentsOVAL Contents tableOVAL PoliciesOVAL Policies TableOVAL Policy descriptionOVAL Policy nameOVAL Policy schedule cron line (only if period == "custom")OVAL Policy schedule day of month (only if period == "monthly")OVAL Policy schedule period (weekly, monthly, custom)OVAL Policy schedule weekday (only if period == "weekly")OVAL content nameOVAL policy successfully configured with %s.OVAL scanOnce SCAP content is present, you can create a policy, assign select host groups and schedule to run.OpenSCAP ProxyOpenSCAP Proxy to use for fetching SCAP content and uploading ARF reports. Leave blank and override appropriate parameters when using proxy load balancer.Openscap ProxyOrganizationsOriginal file name of the OVAL content fileOriginal file name of the XML fileOtherOtheredOthered|OPassedPassed|PPlease ConfirmPlease make sure you understand them by reading ourPlease specify import type, received: %{received}, expected one of: %{expected}PoliciesPolicies with hosts:PolicyPolicy %sPolicy AttributesPolicy OVAL content IDPolicy SCAP content IDPolicy SCAP content profile IDPolicy assignedPolicy descriptionPolicy is missingPolicy namePolicy schedule cron line (only if period == "custom")Policy schedule day of month (only if period == "monthly")Policy schedule period (weekly, monthly, custom)Policy schedule weekday (only if period == "weekly")Policy with id %s not found.Proxy failed to send a report from spool to Foreman. This indicates a corrupted report format. Report has been moved to directory for storing corrupted files on proxy for later inspection.Puppet classRationaleRef IdReferencesRemote action:Report MetricsReport StatusReported AtReported at %sReportsRequest timed out. Please try increasing Settings -> proxy_request_timeoutRequired %{msg_name} %{class} was not found, please ensure it is imported first.ResourceResultRule ResultsRun OVAL scanRun OpenSCAP scanSCAP ContentSCAP ContentsSCAP DataStream fileSCAP contentSCAP content nameSCAP contentsSCAP policies summaryScan All HostgroupsScheduleSelect ActionSelect Compliance PolicySelect OpenSCAP ProxySelect all items in this pageSeverityShow GuideShow a PolicyShow a Tailoring fileShow a policy's SCAP contentShow a policy's Tailoring fileShow an ARF reportShow an OVAL PolicyShow an OVAL contentShow an SCAP contentShow config information for foreman_scap_clientShow log messages:Smart Class ParametersSomething went wrong while selecting compliance reports - %sSomething went wrong while selecting hosts - %sSpool errorsStatus chartStatus tableSubmitSuccessfully deleted %s compliance reportsSuccessfully deleted ARF report.Summary from %{time} ago to nowSummary report for OpenScap from ForemanSummary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}Sync contents that have remote source URLTable of CVEs for OVAL policyTailoring FileTailoring FilesTailoring file IDTailoring file nameTailoring file profile IDThe Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), combines a number of open standards that are used to enumerate software flaws and configuration issues related to security. The following %{key_name} were missing for %{item_name}: %{key_names}. Make sure they are imported before proceeding.The following Ansible Variables were not found: %{missing_vars}, please import them before running this action again.The following Smart Proxies need to be updated to unlock the feature: %s. The following proxies could not be reached: %s. Please make sure they are available so Foreman can check their versions.The identifier of the hostThere are significant differences in deployment options.This feature is temporarily disabled. This profile will be used to override the one from scap contentTotalTotal hosts with policy: %sTotal hosts with reports where policy is no longer assigned.Total of one hostTotal of %{hosts} hostsType of the uploadURL of the OVAL content fileUnable to get HTML version of requested report from Smart ProxyUnable to get XML version of requested report from Smart ProxyUnassign Compliance PolicyUnknown Compliance statusUnknown OVAL statusUpdate a PolicyUpdate a Tailoring fileUpdate an OVAL PolicyUpdate an OVAL contentUpdate an SCAP contentUpdated hosts: Assigned with OpenSCAP Proxy: %sUpdated hosts: Assigned with compliance policy: %sUpdated hosts: Unassigned from compliance policy '%s'Upload New SCAP ContentUpload New Tailoring fileUpload an ARF reportUpload an OVAL report - a list of CVEs for given hostUpload new SCAP content fileUpload new Tailoring FileUpload scap contents in bulkView ReportView full reportWas %s configured successfully?Was %{model_name} %{name} configured successfully?XCCDF ProfileXCCDF Profile in Tailoring FileXML containing OVAL contentXML containing SCAP contentXML containing tailoring fileYesYou can specify custom cron line, e.g. "0 3 * * *", separate each of 5 values by spaceYou don't seem to have any ARF report. ARF report is a summary of a single scan occurrence on a particular host for a given Compliance Policy.cannot assign to %s, all assigned policies must be deployed in the same way, check 'deploy by' for each assigned policydocumentationdoes not come from selected tailoring filedoes not consist of 5 parts separated by spacedoes not have the selected SCAP content profileforeman_ansible plugin not found, please install it before running this action again.hostgroupshostsinvalid type %sis not a valid valueis not included in SCAP_RESULTitems selected. Uncheck to Clearmust be between 1 and 31must be present when tailoring file presentmust be present when tailoring file profile presentmust have Openscap featuretheforeman.foreman_scap_client Ansible Role not found, please import it before running this action again.these Compliance reportsProject-Id-Version: Foreman Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 07:48+0000 Last-Translator: FIRST AUTHOR , 2016 Language-Team: Chinese (China) ( MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_CN Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 对策略 %s 通过 %s%s - 以下合规报告将被改变根据策略的 %s 合规报告%s 最新报告一直以來的 %s 报告发现了 %s 个 spool 错误,在代理上直接检查相关的文件找到了 %s 个漏洞找到了 %s 个有可用补丁的漏洞已选择 %{type} 将策略部署到客户端,但是%{type} 不可用。您是否缺少插件?Foreman OpenSCAP 摘要OpenSCAP 策略报告摘要有子计划的操作操作所有信息Ansible 角色Ansible 变量应用策略到主机组对主机应用策略是否存在 forforeman.foreman_scap_client 所需的变量?主机 ID 数组主机组 ID 的数组分配合规政策将主机组分配给一个 OVAL 策略将主机分配给一个 OVAL 策略在继续前,把 openscap_proxy 分配给 %s。返回取消无法生成 HTML 指南,找不到有效的 OpenSCAP 代理服务器。无法生成 HTML 指南,scap 内容丢失。改变 OpenSCAP 代理已改变更改的文件不含现有的 SCAP 内容配置文件已改变?选择 Tailoring 文件选择月中的一天选择现有的SCAP内容选择期间选择星期几合规合规性策略合规报告合规报告故障合规策略概述合规策略:%s合规合规主机与策略合规无法找到由 %s 标识的主机无法使用替代更新 Ansible 变量:true无法验证 %s。请确保您具备合适的代理服务器版本,以便使用此功能无法验证%{file_type} 。错误 %{error}创建 OVAL 内容建立 SCAP 內容创建策略创建定制文件创建一个 OVAL 策略仪表板数据流 Tailoring 文件日期默认的 XCCDF 配置集刪除删除一个策略删除 ARF 报告删除 OVAL 策略是否删除所有报告中的合规策略 %s?为 %s 刪除合规报告?删除报告删除 scap 内容 %s?删除 tailoring 文件 %s?删除策略删除定制文件删除 OVAL 内容刪除 SCAP 內容部署选项描述合规政策 %s 详情当使用 “directory” 上载类型时要上传的目录文档下載下载 HTML 格式的 ARF 报告下载 HTML下载 XML,格式为 bzip将一个 Tailoring 文件下载为 XML将 SCAP 内容下载为 XML下载压缩 ARF 报告编辑 %s有效配置文件错误!失败失败和其他只有失敗刪除 %s 合规报告失败无法删除主机 %{host_name} 在 %{reported_at} 报告的 ARF 报告无法将 ARF 报告下载为 bzip:%s无法以 HTML 格式下载 ARF 报告:%s从代理获取 spool 状态失败覆盖%{config_tool} 的参数时无法保存,原因是:%{errors}上传 Arf Report 失败,在为 %s 上传时没有在参数中找到 OpenSCAP 代理名或 url,主机缺少 openscap_proxyFailed|F上传文件当使用 “files” 上传类型时要上传的文件路径完整报告常规有勘误?主机主机分解图主机组主机合规性详细信息主机详情主机已不存在主机已分配给策略主机被删除主机未分配给策略,但是找到了报告。您可能要删除报告或再次分配策略。主机组主机名主机分解主机数主机在这个规则上失败不再分配的主机:%s主机除了这个规则主机通过了这个规则应如何部署策略OpenSCAP 代理服务器的 ID导入 Puppet 类导入事实在 Foreman 中,合规策略检查清单通过 %s 定义。在 Foreman 中,scap_contents 代表主机上的 SCAP 安全指南,并创建 SCAP 配置文件,供您通过 %s 分配到主机/主机组在 Foreman 中,tailoring_files 代表对默认 XCCDF 配置文件的自定义更改,它们可通过 %s 应用于主机不合规不合规主机非決定性非決定性的结果是否设置了 %s 参数?foreman_ansible 存在吗?是否存在 foreman.foreman_scap_client?有些可能需要根据您的具体需求调整安全策略。最新合规报告最新的政策报告:%s列出 ARF 报告列出 OVAL 政策列出 OVAL 内容列出策略列出 SCAP 内容配置集列出 SCAP 內容列出 Tailoring 文件载入中...位置信息更多细节名称从未审核新的合规政策新建策略新建 SCAP 内容新建定制文件下一个否此政策沒有 ARF 報告找不到 CVE。找不到 OVAL 内容。找不到 OVAL 政策找不到 OVAL 政策没有选择 OpenSCAP 代理。没有找到 id 为 %%{id} 的 %%{class} 的 OpenSCAP 代理服务器没有为 id %s 的策略分配定制文件没有找到漏洞没有可用的代理进行验证。返回错误: %s未选择合规政策。未选择合规报告没有找到合规报告。未选择主机找不到 %{name} 或 %{url} 的代理服务器找不到代理服务器!目前没有具备 OpenSCAP 功能的代理服务器在运行。未找到具备 OpenSCAP 功能的代理服务器。没有此策略的报告无可用报告未提供有效的策略 ID没有未找到无!未审计与策略不合规没有可显示的信息事件数量月份中的日子,請注意並不是所有月份都有同樣的天數OVAL 内容OVAL 內容OVAL 内容表OVAL 策略OVAL 策略表OVAL 政策描述OVAL 政策名称OVAL 策略调度 cron 行(只在时段为 "custom" 时适用)OVAL 每月的策略调度日(只在时段为 "monthly" 时适用)OVAL 策略调度时段(每周、每月、自定义)OVAL 策略调度工作日(只在时段为 "weekly" 时适用)OVAL 内容名称已成功使用 %s 配置了OVAL策略。OVAL 扫描存在 SCAP 内容时,您可以创建策略、分配选定主机组,并调度运行时间。OpenSCAP 代理用来获取 SCAP 内容以及上传 ARF 报告的 OpenSCAP 代理。如果为空,则在使用代理负责均衡器时覆盖相应的参数。Openscap 代理机构OVAL 内容文件的原文件名称XML 文件的原文件名称其他其它Othered|O通过Passed|P请确认请通过阅读我们的手册确保您了解它们请指定导入类型,已收到:%%{received},预期为%%{expected} 中的一个策略策略带有主机:策略策略 %s策略属性策略 OVAL 内容 ID策略 SCAP 内容 ID策略 SCAP 内容配置文件 ID分配的策略政策描述策略缺失政策名称策略调度 cron 行(只在时段为 "custom" 时适用)每月的策略调度日(只在时段为 "monthly" 时适用)策略调度时段(周、月、自定义)策略调度工作日(只在时段为 "weekly" 时适用)没有找到带有 id %s 的策略。代理服务器未能从 spool 发送报告至 Foreman。这表示报告格式损坏。报告已被移动至目录,以便将破坏文件存储到代理服务器上供以后检查。Puppet 类别理由参考 id参考远程操作:报告指标报告状态报告于报告于 %s报表请求超时。请尝试增加 Settings -> proxy_request_timeout没有找到所需的%{msg_name}%{class},请确认它已被导入。资源结果规则结果运行 OVAL 扫描运行 OpenSCAP 扫描SCAP 內容SCAP 內容SCAP 数据流文件SCAP 內容SCAP 内容名称SCAP 內容SCAP 策略摘要扫描所有主机组调度选择操作选择合规政策选择 OpenSCAP 代理选择这个页中的所有项严重性显示指南显示策略显示定制文件显示政策的 SCAP 內容显示策略的 Tailoring 文件显示 ARF 报告显示 OVAL 政策显示 OVAL 内容显示 SCAP 內容显示 foreman_scap_client 的配置信息显示日志信息:智能类参数在选择合规报告时出错 - %s选择主机时出错 - %sSpool 错误状态图状态表提交刪除 %s 合规报告成功成功删除了 ARF 报告。从 %{time} 到现在的摘要来自于 Foreman 的 OpenScap 概述报告來自 Foreman 服务器的摘要报告,于 %{foreman_url}同步具有远程源 URL 的内容OVAL 策略的 CVE 表定制文件Tailoring 文件定制文件 ID定制文件名称定制文件配置文件 ID安全内容自动化协议(SCAP)是由一系列用来枚举与安全性有关的软件漏洞和 配置问题的开源标准。%{item_name} 缺少以下 %{key_name}:%{key_names}。在继续操作之前,请确保已将其导入。找不到以下 Ansible 变量:%{missing_vars},请再次导入它们,然后再运行此操作。下列智能代理服务器需要更新,以便解锁功能:%s。 无法访问下列代理服务器:%s。请确保它们可用,以便 Foreman 检查其版本。主机 ID部署选项之间存在重大差异。此功能暂时被禁用。这个配置文件将用于覆盖 scap 内容中的配置文件总计带有策略的主机总数:%s具有不再分配策略的报告的主机总数。总共一个主机上传类型OVAL 内容文件的 URL无法从智能代理获取所请求报告的 HTML 版本无法从智能代理获取所请求报告的 XML 版本取消分配合规政策未知的合规状态未知的 OVAL 状态更新策略更新定制文件更新 OVAL 策略更新 OVAL 内容更新 SCAP 內容更新的主机:分配了 OpenSCAP 代理:%s更新的主机:分配了合规策略:%s更新的主机:从合规策略 '%s' 中取消分配上载新的 SCAP 内容上传新定制文件上传 ARF 報告上传一个 OVAL 报告 - 给定主机的 CVE 列表上载新的 SCAP 内容文件上传新定制文件批量上传 SCAP 内容查看报表查看完整报告%s 配置成功吗?%{model_name}%%{name}配置成功了吗?XCCDF 配置集定制文件中的 XCCDF 配置文件包含 OVAL 内容的 XML包含 SCAP 内容的 XML包含定制文件的 XML是您可以设置定制的 cron 行,如 "0 3 * * *",其中的 5 个值由空格分隔您似乎没有 ARF 报告。ARF 报告是针对给定的合规策略对特定主机执行单次扫描的摘要。无法分配给 %s,必须以相同的方式部署所有分配的策略,请为每个分配的策略选择 'deploy by'。文档不是来自所选的定制文件不是由使用空格分开的 5 个部分组成不具备所选的 SCAP 内容配置文件没有找到 foreman_ansible 插件,请先安装它,然后再次运行此操作。主机组主机无效类型 %s不是有效值未包含在 SCAP_RESULT 中选择的项。取消选中以清除数字必须在 1 到 31 之间定制当前的文件时必须存在定制当前的文件配置文件时必须存在必须具备 Openscap 功能没有找到 theforeman.foreman_scap_client Ansible 角色,请先将其导入,然后再运行此操作。这些合规报告