module Neo4j
module Rails
# Makes Neo4j nodes and relationships behave like active record objects.
# That means for example that you don't have to care about transactions since they will be
# automatically be created when needed. Validation, Callbacks etc. are also supported.
# @example Traverse
# class Person < Neo4j::Rails::Model
# end
# person = Person.find(...)
# person.outgoing(:foo) << Person.create
# person.outgoing(:foo).depth(:all)...
# person.outgoing(:friends).map{|f| f.outgoing(:knows).to_a}.flatten
# @example Declared Relationships: has_n and has_one
# class Person < Neo4j::Rails::Model
# end
# class Person
# has_n(:friends).to(Person)
# has_n(:employed_by)
# end
# << other_node
# => 'kalle')
# @example Declared Properties and Index
# class Person < Neo4j::Rails::Model
# property :name
# property :age, :type => Fixnum, :index => :exact
# end
# Person.create(:name => 'kalle', :age => 42, :undeclared_prop => 3.14)
# Person.find_by_age(42)
# @example Callbacks
# class Person < Neo4j::Rails::Model
# before_save :do_something
# def do_something
# end
# end
# = Class Method Modules
# * {Neo4j::Rails::Persistence::ClassMethods} defines methods like: create and destroy_all
# * {Neo4j::Rails::Attributes::ClassMethods} defines the property and columns methods.
# * {Neo4j::Rails::NestedAttributes::ClassMethods} defines accepts_nested_attributes_for
# * {Neo4j::Rails::HasN::ClassMethods} defines has_n and has_one
# * {Neo4j::Rails::Finders::ClassMethods} defines find
# * {Neo4j::Rails::Compositions::ClassMethods} defines composed_of method
# * {Neo4j::Rails::AcceptId::ClassMethods} defines accepts_id_for method.
class Model
extend ActiveModel::Translation
include Neo4j::NodeMixin
include ActiveModel::Dirty # track changes to attributes
include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity # handle attribute hash assignment
include ActiveModel::Observing # enable observers
include Neo4j::Rails::Identity
include Neo4j::Rails::Persistence # handles how to save, create and update the model
include Neo4j::Rails::NodePersistence # handles how to save, create and update the model
include Neo4j::Rails::Attributes # handles how to save and retrieve attributes and override the property class method
include Neo4j::Rails::NestedAttributes
include Neo4j::Rails::HasN # allows some additional options on the #property class method
include Neo4j::Rails::Serialization # enable to_xml and to_json
include Neo4j::Rails::Validations # enable validations
include Neo4j::Rails::Callbacks # enable callbacks
include Neo4j::Rails::Timestamps # handle created_at, updated_at timestamp properties
include Neo4j::Rails::Finders # ActiveRecord style find
include Neo4j::Rails::Relationships # for none persisted relationships
include Neo4j::Rails::Compositions
include Neo4j::Rails::AcceptId
include Neo4j::Rails::Relationships
# --------------------------------------
# Public Class Methods
# --------------------------------------
class << self
# Determines whether to use Time.local (using :local) or Time.utc (using :utc) when pulling
# dates and times from the database. This is set to :local by default.
# @api public
def default_timezone
@default_timezone || :local
# @api public
def default_timezone=(zone)
@default_timezone = zone
# Set the i18n scope to overwrite ActiveModel.
# @return [ Symbol ] :neo4j
# @api public
def i18n_scope