require 'reel/rack' module MotherBrain class RestGateway < Reel::Rack::Server class << self # @raise [Celluloid::DeadActorError] if rest gateway has not been started # # @return [Celluloid::Actor(Gateway)] def instance MB::Application[:rest_gateway] or raise Celluloid::DeadActorError, "REST Gateway not running" end # Start the REST Gateway and add it to the application's registry. # # @note you probably don't want to manually start the REST Gateway unless you are testing. Start # the entire application with {} def start(options = {}) MB::Application[:rest_gateway] = new(options) end # Stop the currently running REST Gateway # # @note you probably don't want to manually stop the REST Gateway unless you are testing. Stop # the entire application with {MB::Application.stop} def stop instance.shutdown end end include MB::Logging DEFAULT_PORT = ENV["PORT"] ? ENV["PORT"].to_i : 26100 DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { host: '', port: DEFAULT_PORT, quiet: false }.freeze VALID_OPTIONS = [ :host, :port, :quiet ].freeze finalizer :finalize_callback # @option options [String] :host ('') # @option options [Integer] :port (26100) # @option options [Boolean] :quiet (false) def initialize(options = {}) log.debug { "REST Gateway starting..." } options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options.slice(*VALID_OPTIONS)) app = # reel-rack uses Rack standard capitalizations in > 0.0.2 options[:Host] = options[:host] options[:Port] = options[:port] { "REST Gateway listening on #{options[:host]}:#{options[:port]}" } begin super(app, options) rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE log.fatal { "Port #{options[:port]} is already in use. Unable to start rest gateway." } end end private def finalize_callback log.debug { "REST Gateway stopping..." } self.shutdown end end end