# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Persistable::Creatable do describe ".create" do context "when provided an array of attributes" do context "when no block is passed" do let(:people) do Person.create([{ title: "sir" }, { title: "madam" }]) end it "creates the first document" do expect(people.first.title).to eq("sir") end it "persists the first document" do expect(people.first).to be_persisted end it "creates the second document" do expect(people.last.title).to eq("madam") end it "persists the second document" do expect(people.last).to be_persisted end end context "when no block is passed" do let(:people) do Person.create([{ title: "sir" }, { title: "madam" }]) do |person| person.age = 36 end end it "creates the first document" do expect(people.first.title).to eq("sir") end it "persists the first document" do expect(people.first).to be_persisted end it "passes the block to the first document" do expect(people.first.age).to eq(36) end it "creates the second document" do expect(people.last.title).to eq("madam") end it "persists the second document" do expect(people.last).to be_persisted end it "passes the block to the second document" do expect(people.last.age).to eq(36) end end end context "when providing attributes" do let(:person) do Person.create(title: "Sensei") end it "it saves the document" do expect(person).to be_persisted end it "returns the document" do expect(person).to be_a_kind_of(Person) end context "when creating an embedded document" do let(:address) do Address.create(addressable: person) end it "persists the document" do expect(address).to be_persisted end end context "when creating an embedded document with store_as option" do let(:user) do User.create end before(:all) do User.embeds_many( :addresses, class_name: "Address", store_as: "user_adresses", validate: false ) Address.embedded_in :user end before do user.addresses.create!(city: "nantes") end let(:document) do user.collection.find(_id: user.id).first end it "should not persist in address key on User document" do expect(document.keys).to_not include("addresses") end it "should persist on user_addesses key on User document" do expect(document.keys).to include("user_adresses") end end end context "when passing in a block" do let(:person) do Person.create do |peep| peep.ssn = "666-66-6666" end end it "sets the attributes" do expect(person.ssn).to eq("666-66-6666") end it "persists the document" do expect(person).to be_persisted end end context "when the document is a subclass of a root class" do context "when using the default discriminator key" do let!(:browser) do Browser.create(version: 3, name: "Test") end let(:collection) do Canvas.collection end let(:attributes) do collection.find({ name: "Test"}).first end it "persists the versions" do expect(attributes["version"]).to eq(3) end it "persists the type" do expect(attributes["_type"]).to eq("Browser") end it "persists the attributes" do expect(attributes["name"]).to eq("Test") end end context "when using a custom discriminator key" do before do Canvas.discriminator_key = "dkey" end after do Canvas.discriminator_key = nil end let!(:browser) do Browser.create(version: 3, name: "Test") end let(:collection) do Canvas.collection end let(:attributes) do collection.find({ name: "Test"}).first end it "persists the new discriminator key" do expect(attributes["dkey"]).to eq("Browser") end end context "when using a custom discriminator key and discriminator value" do before do Canvas.discriminator_key = "dkey" Browser.discriminator_value = "dvalue" end after do Canvas.discriminator_key = nil Browser.discriminator_value = nil end let!(:browser) do Browser.create(version: 3, name: "Test") end let(:collection) do Canvas.collection end let(:attributes) do collection.find({ name: "Test"}).first end it "persists the new discriminator key" do expect(attributes["dkey"]).to eq("dvalue") end end end context "when the document is a subclass of a subclass" do let!(:firefox) do Firefox.create(version: 2, name: "Testy") end let(:collection) do Canvas.collection end let(:attributes) do collection.find({ name: "Testy"}).first end before do Browser.create(name: 'Safari', version: '4.0.0') end it "persists the versions" do expect(attributes["version"]).to eq(2) end it "persists the type" do expect(attributes["_type"]).to eq("Firefox") end it "persists the attributes" do expect(attributes["name"]).to eq("Testy") end it "returns the document when querying for superclass" do expect(Browser.where(name: "Testy").first).to eq(firefox) end it "returns the document when querying for root class" do expect(Canvas.where(name: "Testy").first).to eq(firefox) end it "returns on of this subclasses if you find by _type" do expect(Canvas.where(:_type.in => ['Firefox']).count).to eq(1) end end context "when the document is subclassed" do let!(:firefox) do Firefox.create(name: "firefox") end it "finds the document with String args" do expect(Firefox.find(firefox.id.to_s)).to eq(firefox) end context "when querying for parent documents" do let(:canvas) do Canvas.where(name: "firefox").first end it "returns matching subclasses" do expect(canvas).to eq(firefox) end end end context "when document is a subclass and its parent is an embedded document" do let!(:canvas) do Canvas.create(name: "canvas") end before do canvas.create_palette canvas.palette.tools << Pencil.new canvas.palette.tools << Eraser.new end let(:from_db) do Canvas.find(canvas.id) end it "properly saves the subclasses" do expect(from_db.palette.tools.map(&:class)).to eq([Pencil, Eraser]) end end context "when creating references_many documents from a parent association" do let!(:container) do ShippingContainer.create end let(:driver) do Driver.create end it "does not bleed relations from one subclass to another" do expect(Truck.relations.keys).to eq(%w/ shipping_container driver crates seats bed /) expect(Car.relations.keys).to eq(%w/ shipping_container driver crates seats /) end context "when appending new documents" do before do container.vehicles << Car.new container.vehicles << Truck.new end it "allows STI from << using model.new" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car, Truck ]) end end context "when appending persisted documents" do before do container.vehicles << Car.create container.vehicles << Truck.create end it "allows STI from << using model.create" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car, Truck ]) end end context "when building related documents" do before do container.vehicles.build({}, Car).save container.vehicles.build({}, Truck).save end it "allows STI from the build call" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car, Truck ]) end end context "when building with a type attribute" do before do container.vehicles.build({ "_type" => "Car" }) container.vehicles.build({ "_type" => "Truck" }) end it "respects the _type attribute from the build call" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car, Truck ]) end end context "when creating related documents" do before do container.vehicles.create({}, Car) container.vehicles.create({}, Truck) end it "allows STI from the create call" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car, Truck ]) end end context "when creating with a type attribute" do before do container.vehicles.create({ "_type" => "Car" }) container.vehicles.create({ "_type" => "Truck" }) end it "respects the _type attribute from the create call" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car, Truck ]) end end context "#find_or_initialize_by" do context "when using the default discriminator key" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_initialize_by({ driver_id: driver.id }, Car) end it "initializes the given type document" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car ]) end it "initializes with the given attributes" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:driver)).to eq([ driver ]) end it "initializes with a type field that equals the class" do expect( container.vehicles.first.attributes["_type"] ).to eq("Car") end end context "when using a custom discriminator key" do before do Vehicle.discriminator_key = "dkey" container.vehicles.find_or_initialize_by({ driver_id: driver.id }, Car) end it "initializes the given type document" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car ]) end it "initializes with the given attributes" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:driver)).to eq([ driver ]) end it "initializes with a dkey field that equals the class" do expect( container.vehicles.first.attributes["dkey"] ).to eq("Car") end end end context "#find_or_create_by" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_create_by({ driver_id: driver.id }, Car) end it "creates the given type document" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car ]) end it "creates with the given attributes" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:driver)).to eq([ driver ]) end it "creates the correct number of documents" do expect(container.vehicles.size).to eq(1) end context "when executing with a found document" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_create_by({ driver_id: driver.id }, Car) end it "does not create an additional document" do expect(container.vehicles.size).to eq(1) end end context "when executing with an additional new document" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_create_by({ driver_id: driver.id }, Truck) end it "creates the new additional document" do expect(container.vehicles.size).to eq(2) end end context 'when searching by a Time value' do let!(:account) do Account.create!(name: 'test', period_started_at: Time.now.utc) end let!(:queried_consumption) do account.consumption_periods.find_or_create_by(started_at: account.period_started_at) end before do account.reload end it 'does not change the Time value' do expect(queried_consumption).to eq(account.current_consumption) end end end context "#find_or_create_by!" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_create_by!({ driver_id: driver.id }, Car) end it "creates the given type document" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:class)).to eq([ Car ]) end it "creates with the given attributes" do expect(container.vehicles.map(&:driver)).to eq([ driver ]) end it "creates the correct number of documents" do expect(container.vehicles.size).to eq(1) end context "when executing with a found document" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_create_by!({ driver_id: driver.id }, Car) end it "does not create an additional document" do expect(container.vehicles.size).to eq(1) end end context "when executing with an additional new document" do before do container.vehicles.find_or_create_by!({ driver_id: driver.id }, Truck) end it "creates the new additional document" do expect(container.vehicles.size).to eq(2) end end end end end describe ".create!" do context "when provided an array of attributes" do context "when no block is passed" do let(:people) do Person.create!([{ title: "sir" }, { title: "madam" }]) end it "creates the first document" do expect(people.first.title).to eq("sir") end it "persists the first document" do expect(people.first).to be_persisted end it "creates the second document" do expect(people.last.title).to eq("madam") end it "persists the second document" do expect(people.last).to be_persisted end end context "when no block is passed" do let(:people) do Person.create!([{ title: "sir" }, { title: "madam" }]) do |person| person.age = 36 end end it "creates the first document" do expect(people.first.title).to eq("sir") end it "persists the first document" do expect(people.first).to be_persisted end it "passes the block to the first document" do expect(people.first.age).to eq(36) end it "creates the second document" do expect(people.last.title).to eq("madam") end it "persists the second document" do expect(people.last).to be_persisted end it "passes the block to the second document" do expect(people.last.age).to eq(36) end end end context "inserting with a field that is not unique" do context "when a unique index exists" do before do Person.index({ ssn: 1 }, { unique: true }) Person.create_indexes end after do Person.collection.drop end it "raises an error" do expect { 4.times { Person.create!(ssn: "555-55-1029") } }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::OperationFailure) end end end context "when passing in a block" do let(:person) do Person.create! do |peep| peep.ssn = "666-66-6666" end end it "sets the attributes" do expect(person.ssn).to eq("666-66-6666") end it "persists the document" do expect(person).to be_persisted end end context "when setting the composite key" do let(:account) do Account.create!(name: "Hello") end it "saves the document" do expect(account).to be_persisted end end context "when a callback aborts the chain" do it "raises a callback error" do expect { Oscar.create! }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::Callback) end end end end