# Changelog ## 3.3.0 * Improve libsass compatibility * Support using Bower package with Rails ## Main bootstrap file is now a partial (_bootstrap.scss), for compatibility with Compass 1+. Fixed a number of bugs. [Issues closed in v3.2.0.2](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3Av3.2.0.2). ## Fixed a number of bugs: [Issues closed in v3.2.0.1](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3Av3.2.0.1). ## - Assets (Sass, JS, fonts) moved from `vendor/assets` to `assets`. `bootstrap.js` now contains concatenated JS. - Compass generator now copies JS and fonts, and provides a better default `styles.sass`. - Compass, Sprockets, and Mincer asset path helpers are now provided in pure Sass: `bootstrap-compass`, `bootstrap-sprockets`, and `bootstrap-mincer`. Asset path helpers must be imported before `bootstrap`, more in Readme. - Sprockets / Mincer JS manifest has been moved to `bootstrap-sprockets.js`. It can be required without adding Bootstrap JS directory to load path, as it now uses relative paths. - Sprockets: `depend_on_asset` (`glyphicons.scss`) has been changed to `depend_on` to work around an issue with `depend_on_asset`. [More information](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass/issues/592#issuecomment-46570286). ## - Updated Bower docs ## - #523: Rails 3.2 compatibility - Bugfixes from upstream up to 7eb532262fbd1112215b5a547b9285794b5360ab. ## - #518: `scale` mixin Sass compatibility issue ## * compiles with libsass master ## * fix vendor paths for compass ## * Fully automated (lots of string juggling) LESS -> Sass conversion. - *Gleb Mazovetskiy* * Ported rake task from vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap to convert Bootstrap upstream - *Peter Gumeson* * Moved javascripts to us `bootstrap-component.js` to `bootstrap/component.js` - *Peter Gumeson* ## * Allow sass-rails `>= 3.2` - *Thomas McDonald* ## ## * Update to Bootstrap 2.3.2 - *Dan Allen* ## * Find the correct Sprockets context for the `image_path` function - *Tristan Harward, Gleb Mazovetskiy* ## * Fix changes to image url - *Gleb Mazovetskiy* * Copy _variables into project on Compass install - *Phil Thompson* * Add `bootstrap-affix` to the Compass template file - *brief* ## (yanked) * Change how image_url is handled internally - *Tristan Harward* * Fix some font variables not having `!default` - *Thomas McDonald* ## * [#290] Update to Bootstrap 2.3.0 - *Tristan Harward* * Fix `rake:debug` with new file locations - *Thomas McDonald* * Add draft contributing document - *Thomas McDonald* * [#260] Add our load path to the global Sass load path - *Tristan Harward* * [#275] Use GitHub notation in Sass head testing gemfile - *Timo Schilling* * [#279, #283] Readme improvements - *theverything, Philip Arndt* ## * [#270] Update to Bootstrap 2.2.2 - *Tristan Harward* * [#266] Add license to gemspec - *Peter Marsh* ## * [#258] Use `bootstrap` prefix for `@import`ing files in `bootstrap/bootstrap.scss` - *Umair Siddique* ## * [#246] Update to Bootstrap 2.2.1 - *Tristan Harward* * [#246] Pull Bootstrap updates from jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap - *Tristan Harward* ## * Update to Bootstrap 2.1.1 * [#222] Remove 100% multiplier in vertical-three-colours * [#227] Fix IE component animation collapse * [#228] Fix variables documentation link * [#231] Made .input-block-level a class as well as mixin ## * [#219] Fix expected a color. Got: transparent. * [#207] Add missing warning style for table row highlighting * [#208] Use grid-input-span for input spans ## * Updated to Bootstrap 2.1 * Changed some mixin names to be more consistent. Nested mixins in Less are separated by a `-` when they are flattened in Sass. ## * Fix `.row-fluid > spanX` nesting * Small Javascript fixes for those staying on the 2.0.4 release * Add `!default` to z-index variables. ## * Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.4 * Switched to Bootstrap 2.0.3+'s method of separating responsive files * [#149, #150] Fix off by one error introduced with manual revert of media query breakpoints * `rake debug` and `rake test` both compile bootstrap & bootstrap-responsive ## * [#145, #146] Fix button alignment in collapsing navbar as a result of an incorrect variable ## 2.0.3 * Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.3 * [#106] Support for Rails < 3.1 through Compass * [#132] Add CI testing * [#106] Support Rails w/Compass * [#134] Fix support for Rails w/Compass ## 2.0.2 * [#86] Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.2 Things of note: static navbars now have full width. (to be fixed in 2.0.3) `.navbar-inner > .container { width:940px; }` seems to work in the meanwhile * [#62] Fixed asset compilation taking a *very* long time. * [#69, #79, #80] \(Hopefully) clarified README. Now with less cat humour. * [#91] Removed doubled up Sass extensions for Rails. * [#63, #73] Allow for overriding of image-path * [[SO](http://stackoverflow.com/a/9909626/241212)] Added makeFluidColumn mixin for defining fluid columns. Fluid rows must use `@extend .row-fluid`, and any column inside it can use `@include makeFluidColumn(num)`, where `num` is the number of columns. Unfortunately, there is a rather major limitation to this: margins on first-child elements must be overriden. See the attached Stack Overflow answer for more information. ## 2.0.1 * Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.1 * Modified `@mixin opacity()` to take an argument `0...1` rather than `0...100` to be consistent with Compass. ## 2.0.0 * Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.0