SQLite format 3@  Oto tablepostsposts CREATE TABLE "posts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY tablepostspostsCREATE TABLE "posts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "content" text, "votes" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_aWN tablepostspostsCREATE TABLE "posts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "content" text, "votes" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)LMktablecommentscommentsCREATE TABLE "comments" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "content" text, "post_id" integer, "author_id" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)xLGtableauthorsauthorsCREATE TABLE "authors" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255))=//indexunique_schema_migrationsschema_migrationsCREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version")q//tableschema_migrationsschema_migrationsCREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL)htablecommentscommentsCREATE TABLE "comments" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NP++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)_tablepostspostsCREATE TABLE "posts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT N [MAAOnly until someone posts better!2011-11-30 19:42:06.0732682011-11-30 19:42:06.073268XGAAAre you really the best post?2011-11-30 19:42:06.0714582011-11-30 19:42:06.071458UAAAwow, that was a nice post!2011-11-30 19:42:06.0692242011-11-30bobjoe  comments authors posts  0 0 g~]~7Je~ dx~]MAAOnly until someone posts better!OM33Only until someone posts better!2011-11-30 23:56:442011-11-30 23:56:44LG33Are you really the best post?2011-11-30 23:56:442011-11-30 23:56:44IA33wow, that was a nice post!2011-11-30 23:56:442011-11-30 23:56:44 --PR(RQPO0OMMJJ@IHGHFEDDPCBHA@@?(>>===`=;;X;h:880hP`8H 0hx`8 h@PpH0pH 0x(`Xxߦ(ߦߦަަݦpݦܦۦۦhۦ@ۦ(ڦ٦ئئئpئHئצXצ֦h֦@֦֦զ0?qEX HP318tvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/tzinfo-0.3.31/lib9.1]X]\@\\[P[([[ZZYHYXWWWhW@WVxVVUUUTHT TSSSSXS0SSRRhR@RRQQxQPQ(QQP`PPOOOHO ON0NN@r#;3AAsecond postThis isd#;333second postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 23:56:442011-11-30 23:56:44k!9E33first postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 23:56:442011-11-30 23:56:44 "3DUfwr#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:55:08.4256272011-11-30 13:55:08.425627y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:55:08.4183232011-11-30 13:55:08.418323r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:54:52.9399882011-11-30 13:54:52.939988y !9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:54:52.9326572011-11-30 13:54:52.932657r #;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:54:15.4263202011-11-30 13:54:15.426320y !9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:54:15.4189542011-11-30 13:54:15.418954r #;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:52:26.0060172011-11-30 13:52:26.006017y !9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:52:25.9982842011-11-30 13:52:25.998284r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:51:56.4813592011-11-30 13:51:56.481359y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:51:56.4737962011-11-30 13:51:56.473796r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:51:14.1239742011-11-30 13:51:14.123974y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:51:14.1165872011-11-30 13:51:14.116587r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:51:02.4386452011-11-30 13:51:02.438645y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:51:02.4309242011-11-30 13:51:02.430924r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 14:01:00.5534152011-11-30 14:01:00.553415y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 14:01:00.5462612011-11-30 14:01:00.546261 D"3Dr#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:56:56.0700562011-11-30 13:56:56.070056y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:56:56.0625492011-11-30 13:56:56.062549r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:56:37.9309232011-11-30 13:56:37.930923y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:56:37.9237822011-11-30 13:56:37.923782r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:56:22.3625502011-11-30 13:56:22.362550y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:56:22.3546312011-11-30 13:56:22.354631r#;3AAsecond postThis is the second postI am the best post!2011-11-30 13:55:51.3524152011-11-30 13:55:51.352415y!9EAAfirst postThis is the first postI am a very good first post!2011-11-30 13:55:51.3448832011-11-30 13:55:51.344883