require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/java" require 'yaml' require 'open-uri' require 'fileutils' class Naether # :title:Naether::Bootstrap # # Helper for bootstrapping Naether # # = Authors # Michael Guymon # class Bootstrap @@dependencies = nil class << self def default_local_repo ENV['M2_REPO'] || File.expand_path('~/.m2/repository') end # Find naether jar relative to the gem install def naether_jar Dir.glob(File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../naether*.jar")).first end # write bootstrap dependencies to yaml file def write_dependencies( jar_path = nil, dest = 'jar_dependencies.yml' ) Naether::Java.load_jars_dir( jar_path || Naether::JAR_LIB ) deps = {}; if Naether.platform == 'java' deps[:dependencies] = com.slackworks.naether.Bootstrap.dependencies.to_a else bootstrap = Rjb::import('com.slackworks.naether.Bootstrap') deps[:dependencies] = bootstrap.dependencies.toArray().map{ |dep| dep.toString() } end dest, 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( deps, out ) end end # List of Java dependencies for Naether def dependencies( dep_file=nil ) if @@dependencies return @@dependencies end if dep_file.nil? dep_file = "#{File.dirname( __FILE__ )}/../../jar_dependencies.yml" end dep = YAML.load_file( dep_file ) @@dependencies = dep[:dependencies] end def download_dependencies( dest, opts = {} ) if !File.exists? dest FileUtils.mkdir_p( dest ) end deps = {} if opts[:deps] deps[:missing] = opts[:deps] else deps = check_local_repo_for_deps( opts[:local_repo] ) end deps[:downloaded] = [] if deps[:missing].size > 0 puts "Downloading jars for Naether" deps[:missing].each do |dep| notation = dep.split(":") group = notation[0].gsub("\.", File::SEPARATOR) artifact = notation[1] type = notation[2] version = notation[3] jar = "#{artifact}-#{version}.#{type}" maven_path = "#{dest}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{jar}" if !File.exists? maven_path maven_mirror = "{group}/#{artifact}/#{version}/#{jar}" open(maven_path, 'wb') do |io| io.print open(maven_mirror).read end deps[:downloaded] << { dep => maven_path } else deps[:exists] << { dep => maven_path } end end end deps end def check_local_repo_for_deps(local_repo = nil) local_repo = local_repo || default_local_repo local_repo = File.expand_path(local_repo) #puts "Checking #{local_repo} for jars to bootstrap Naether" deps = {:exists => [], :missing => [] } dependencies.each do |dep| notation = dep.split(":") group = notation[0].gsub("\.", File::SEPARATOR) artifact = notation[1].gsub("\.", File::SEPARATOR) type = notation[2] version = notation[3] jar = "#{artifact}-#{version}.#{type}" maven_path = "#{local_repo}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{group}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{artifact}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{version}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{jar}" if File.exists? maven_path deps[:exists] << { dep => maven_path } else deps[:missing] << dep end end deps end def install_dependencies_to_local_repo( jars_or_dir, opts = {} ) @naether = nil jars = [] unless jars_or_dir.is_a? Array @naether = Naether.create_from_paths( jars_or_dir, opts[:naether_jar_dir] ) jars = Dir.glob( "#{jars_or_dir}#{File::SEPARATOR}*.jar" ) else @naether = Naether.create_from_jars( jars_or_dir ) jars = jars_or_dir end if opts[:local_repo] @naether.local_repo_path = opts[:local_repo] end dependencies.each do |dep| notation = dep.split(":") group = notation[0].gsub("\.", File::SEPARATOR) artifact = notation[1].gsub("\.", File::SEPARATOR) type = notation[2] version = notation[3] name = "#{artifact}-#{version}.#{type}" jar = { |x| x =~ /#{name}/ } if jar.size > 0 jar = jar[0] @naether.install( dep, nil, jar ) else puts "Could not find jar for #{dep}" end end @naether end end end end