require File.expand_path('test/helper') require 'autotest' require 'shoulda' class TestAutotestIntegration < Test::Unit::TestCase def temp_dir "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/tmp" end def autotest_executable '../../bin/autotest' end def run_autotest(flag_string='') `cd #{temp_dir} && #{autotest_executable} #{flag_string}` end def write(file, text) file = "#{temp_dir}/#{file}" dir = File.dirname(file) `mkdir -p #{dir}` unless, 'w'){|f| f.write text } end def write_passing_tests times write('test/test_x.rb', %{ class TestX < Test::Unit::TestCase; #{times}.times{|i| define_method("test_\#{i}"){ assert true }}; end }) end context 'integration' do context 'green run' do setup do `rm -rf #{temp_dir}` `mkdir #{temp_dir}` write('.autotest', "Autotest.add_hook(:all_good){print 'all_good';exit}") end teardown do `rm -rf #{temp_dir}` end should 'do nothing when run inside an empty directory' do assert_equal run_autotest, 'all_good' end should 'runs all tests' do write('test/test_x.rb', '') assert_match %r{test/test_x.rb}, run_autotest end should 'include output from tests' do write('test/test_x.rb', "print 'YES'") assert_match %r{YES}, run_autotest end should 'show one dot per passing test' do write_passing_tests 10 assert_match %r{[^\.]#{'\.'*10}[^\.]}, run_autotest end should 'show test summary' do write_passing_tests 10 assert_match /Finished in \d\.\d+ seconds\.\s*10 tests, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/m, run_autotest end should 'call good hooks in correct order' do write('.autotest', "Autotest::ALL_HOOKS.each{|hook| Autotest.add_hook(hook){print hook;hook == :all_good ? exit : nil }}") write_passing_tests 1 assert_match /\n#{%w[ran_command green all_good died]*''}$/m, run_autotest end should 'run with alternate config file location' do write('.autotest_alternate', "Autotest.add_hook(:all_good){print 'all_good';exit}") assert_equal run_autotest('-r .autotest_alternate'), 'all_good' end should 'support files with whitespaces' do write('test/test_a x.rb', "print 'YES'") assert_match %r{YES}, run_autotest end should 'use given style' do write('spec/a_spec.rb', "print 'YES'") assert_match %r{YES}, run_autotest('--style rspec2') end should 'run in parallel' do write('test/test_a.rb', "require 'test/unit';print 'YES'") write('test/test_b.rb', "require 'test/unit';print 'YEP'") result = run_autotest('--parallel') assert_match %r{YES}, result assert_match %r{YEP}, result end end end end