€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xthe core configuration optionsqNX configure-hubqKuUsubstitution_defsq}q Uparse_messagesq ]q Ucurrent_sourceq NU decorationq NUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUthe-core-configuration-optionsqhU configure-hubquUchildrenq]q(cdocutils.nodes target q)q}q(U rawsourceqX.. _configure-hub:qUparentqhUsourceqcdocutils.nodes reprunicode qXU/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/options/hub.rstq…q}qbUtagnameq Utargetq!U attributesq"}q#(Uidsq$]q%Ubackrefsq&]q'Udupnamesq(]q)Uclassesq*]q+Unamesq,]q-Urefidq.huUlineq/KUdocumentq0hh]q1ubcdocutils.nodes section q2)q3}q4(hUhhhhUexpect_referenced_by_nameq5}q6hhsh Usectionq7h"}q8(h(]q9h*]q:h&]q;h$]q<(hheh,]q=(hheuh/Kh0hUexpect_referenced_by_idq>}q?hhsh]q@(cdocutils.nodes title qA)qB}qC(hXThe Core Configuration OptionsqDhh3hhh UtitleqEh"}qF(h(]qGh*]qHh&]qIh$]qJh,]qKuh/Kh0hh]qLcdocutils.nodes Text qMXThe Core Configuration OptionsqN…qO}qP(hhDhhBubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qQ)qR}qS(hX„The options below control the MathJax Hub, and so determine the code behavior of MathJax. They are given with their default values.qThh3hhh U paragraphqUh"}qV(h(]qWh*]qXh&]qYh$]qZh,]q[uh/Kh0hh]q\hMX„The options below control the MathJax Hub, and so determine the code behavior of MathJax. They are given with their default values.q]…q^}q_(hhThhRubaubcsphinx.addnodes index q`)qa}qb(hUhh3hhh Uindexqch"}qd(h$]qeh&]qfh(]qgh*]qhh,]qiUentriesqj]qkuh/Nh0hh]qlubcsphinx.addnodes desc qm)qn}qo(hUhh3hhh Udescqph"}qq(Unoindexqr‰UdomainqsUh$]qth&]quh(]qvh*]qwh,]qxUobjtypeqyXdescribeqzUdesctypeq{hzuh/Nh0hh]q|(csphinx.addnodes desc_signature q})q~}q(hX$jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"]q€hhnhhh Udesc_signatureqh"}q‚(h$]qƒh&]q„h(]q…h*]q†h,]q‡Ufirstqˆ‰uh/Kh0hh]q‰csphinx.addnodes desc_name qŠ)q‹}qŒ(hh€hh~hhh U desc_nameqh"}qŽ(h(]qh*]qh&]q‘h$]q’h,]q“uh/Kh0hh]q”hMX$jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"]q•…q–}q—(hUhh‹ubaubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_content q˜)q™}qš(hUhhnhhh U desc_contentq›h"}qœ(h(]qh*]qžh&]qŸh$]q h,]q¡uh/Kh0hh]q¢hQ)q£}q¤(hX A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup. Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page. These are found in the ``MathJax/jax`` directory.q¥hh™hhh hUh"}q¦(h(]q§h*]q¨h&]q©h$]qªh,]q«uh/K h0hh]q¬(hMXðA comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup. Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page. These are found in the q­…q®}q¯(hXðA comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup. Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page. These are found in the q°hh£ubcdocutils.nodes literal q±)q²}q³(hX``MathJax/jax``q´h"}qµ(h(]q¶h*]q·h&]q¸h$]q¹h,]qºuhh£h]q»hMX MathJax/jaxq¼…q½}q¾(hUhh²ubah Uliteralq¿ubhMX directory.qÀ…qÁ}qÂ(hX directory.qÃhh£ubeubaubeubh`)qÄ}qÅ(hUhh3hhh hch"}qÆ(h$]qÇh&]qÈh(]qÉh*]qÊh,]qËUentriesqÌ]qÍuh/Nh0hh]qÎubhm)qÏ}qÐ(hUhh3hhh hph"}qÑ(hr‰hsUh$]qÒh&]qÓh(]qÔh*]qÕh,]qÖhyXdescribeq×h{h×uh/Nh0hh]qØ(h})qÙ}qÚ(hXextensions: []qÛhhÏhhh hh"}qÜ(h$]qÝh&]qÞh(]qßh*]qàh,]qáhˆ‰uh/Kh0hh]qâhŠ)qã}qä(hhÛhhÙhhh hh"}qå(h(]qæh*]qçh&]qèh$]qéh,]qêuh/Kh0hh]qëhMXextensions: []qì…qí}qî(hUhhãubaubaubh˜)qï}qð(hUhhÏhhh h›h"}qñ(h(]qòh*]qóh&]qôh$]qõh,]qöuh/Kh0hh]q÷hQ)qø}qù(hX A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup. The default directory is ``MathJax/extensions``. The ``tex2jax`` and ``mml2jax`` preprocessors can be listed here, as well as a number of TeX-specific extensions (see the :ref:`TeX and LaTeX input ` section of the :ref:`Getting Started ` document for more details). There is also a ``FontWarnings`` extension that you can use to inform your user that mathematics fonts are available that they can download to improve their experience of your site.qúhhïhhh hUh"}qû(h(]qüh*]qýh&]qþh$]qÿh,]ruh/Kh0hh]r(hMXRA comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup. The default directory is r…r}r(hXRA comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup. The default directory is rhhøubh±)r}r(hX``MathJax/extensions``rh"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]r h$]r h,]ruhhøh]rhMXMathJax/extensionsr…r}r(hUhjubah h¿ubhMX. The r…r}r(hX. The rhhøubh±)r}r(hX ``tex2jax``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhhøh]r hMXtex2jaxr!…r"}r#(hUhjubah h¿ubhMX and r$…r%}r&(hX and r'hhøubh±)r(}r)(hX ``mml2jax``r*h"}r+(h(]r,h*]r-h&]r.h$]r/h,]r0uhhøh]r1hMXmml2jaxr2…r3}r4(hUhj(ubah h¿ubhMX[ preprocessors can be listed here, as well as a number of TeX-specific extensions (see the r5…r6}r7(hX[ preprocessors can be listed here, as well as a number of TeX-specific extensions (see the r8hhøubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref r9)r:}r;(hX0:ref:`TeX and LaTeX input `r<hhøh U pending_xrefr=h"}r>(Ureftyper?Xrefr@U reftargetrAXtex-and-latex-inputrBU refdomainrCXstdrDh$]rEh&]rFU refexplicitrGˆh(]rHh*]rIh,]rJUrefdocrKU options/hubrLuh/Kh]rMcdocutils.nodes emphasis rN)rO}rP(hj<h"}rQ(h(]rRh*]rS(UxrefrTjDXstd-refrUeh&]rVh$]rWh,]rXuhj:h]rYhMXTeX and LaTeX inputrZ…r[}r\(hUhjOubah Uemphasisr]ubaubhMX section of the r^…r_}r`(hX section of the rahhøubj9)rb}rc(hX(:ref:`Getting Started `rdhhøh j=h"}re(UreftyperfXrefrgjAXgetting-startedrhU refdomainriXstdrjh$]rkh&]rlU refexplicitrmˆh(]rnh*]roh,]rpjKjLuh/Kh]rqjN)rr}rs(hjdh"}rt(h(]ruh*]rv(jTjjXstd-refrweh&]rxh$]ryh,]rzuhjbh]r{hMXGetting Startedr|…r}}r~(hUhjrubah j]ubaubhMX. document for more details). There is also a r…r€}r(hX. document for more details). There is also a r‚hhøubh±)rƒ}r„(hX``FontWarnings``r…h"}r†(h(]r‡h*]rˆh&]r‰h$]rŠh,]r‹uhhøh]rŒhMX FontWarningsr…rŽ}r(hUhjƒubah h¿ubhMX• extension that you can use to inform your user that mathematics fonts are available that they can download to improve their experience of your site.r…r‘}r’(hX• extension that you can use to inform your user that mathematics fonts are available that they can download to improve their experience of your site.r“hhøubeubaubeubh`)r”}r•(hUhh3hhh hch"}r–(h$]r—h&]r˜h(]r™h*]ršh,]r›Uentriesrœ]ruh/Nh0hh]ržubhm)rŸ}r (hUhh3hhh hph"}r¡(hr‰hsUh$]r¢h&]r£h(]r¤h*]r¥h,]r¦hyXdescriber§h{j§uh/Nh0hh]r¨(h})r©}rª(hX config: []r«hjŸhhh hh"}r¬(h$]r­h&]r®h(]r¯h*]r°h,]r±hˆ‰uh/K%h0hh]r²hŠ)r³}r´(hj«hj©hhh hh"}rµ(h(]r¶h*]r·h&]r¸h$]r¹h,]rºuh/K%h0hh]r»hMX config: []r¼…r½}r¾(hUhj³ubaubaubh˜)r¿}rÀ(hUhjŸhhh h›h"}rÁ(h(]rÂh*]rÃh&]rÄh$]rÅh,]rÆuh/K%h0hh]rÇhQ)rÈ}rÉ(hXCA comma-separated list of configuration files to load when MathJax starts up, e.g., to define local macros, etc., and there is a sample config file named ``config/local/local.js``. The default directory is the `MathJax/config` directory. The ``MMLorHTML.js`` configuration is the only other predefined configuration file.rÊhj¿hhh hUh"}rË(h(]rÌh*]rÍh&]rÎh$]rÏh,]rÐuh/K h0hh]rÑ(hMXšA comma-separated list of configuration files to load when MathJax starts up, e.g., to define local macros, etc., and there is a sample config file named rÒ…rÓ}rÔ(hXšA comma-separated list of configuration files to load when MathJax starts up, e.g., to define local macros, etc., and there is a sample config file named rÕhjÈubh±)rÖ}r×(hX``config/local/local.js``rØh"}rÙ(h(]rÚh*]rÛh&]rÜh$]rÝh,]rÞuhjÈh]rßhMXconfig/local/local.jsrà…rá}râ(hUhjÖubah h¿ubhMX . The default directory is the rã…rä}rå(hX . The default directory is the ræhjÈubcdocutils.nodes title_reference rç)rè}ré(hX`MathJax/config`rêh"}rë(h(]rìh*]ríh&]rîh$]rïh,]rðuhjÈh]rñhMXMathJax/configrò…ró}rô(hUhjèubah Utitle_referencerõubhMX directory. The rö…r÷}rø(hX directory. The rùhjÈubh±)rú}rû(hX``MMLorHTML.js``rüh"}rý(h(]rþh*]rÿh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjÈh]rhMX MMLorHTML.jsr…r}r(hUhjúubah h¿ubhMX? configuration is the only other predefined configuration file.r…r}r (hX? configuration is the only other predefined configuration file.r hjÈubeubaubeubh`)r }r (hUhh3hhh hch"}r (h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubhm)r}r(hUhh3hhh hph"}r(hr‰hsUh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rhyXdescriberh{juh/Nh0hh]r(h})r }r!(hXstyleSheets: []r"hjhhh hh"}r#(h$]r$h&]r%h(]r&h*]r'h,]r(hˆ‰uh/K+h0hh]r)hŠ)r*}r+(hj"hj hhh hh"}r,(h(]r-h*]r.h&]r/h$]r0h,]r1uh/K+h0hh]r2hMXstyleSheets: []r3…r4}r5(hUhj*ubaubaubh˜)r6}r7(hUhjhhh h›h"}r8(h(]r9h*]r:h&]r;h$]r<h,]r=uh/K+h0hh]r>hQ)r?}r@(hXA comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded when MathJax starts up. The default directory is the `MathJax/config` directory.rAhj6hhh hUh"}rB(h(]rCh*]rDh&]rEh$]rFh,]rGuh/K(h0hh]rH(hMXrA comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded when MathJax starts up. The default directory is the rI…rJ}rK(hXrA comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded when MathJax starts up. The default directory is the rLhj?ubjç)rM}rN(hX`MathJax/config`rOh"}rP(h(]rQh*]rRh&]rSh$]rTh,]rUuhj?h]rVhMXMathJax/configrW…rX}rY(hUhjMubah jõubhMX directory.rZ…r[}r\(hX directory.r]hj?ubeubaubeubh`)r^}r_(hUhh3hhh hch"}r`(h$]rah&]rbh(]rch*]rdh,]reUentriesrf]rguh/Nh0hh]rhubhm)ri}rj(hUhh3hhh hph"}rk(hr‰hsUh$]rlh&]rmh(]rnh*]roh,]rphyXdescriberqh{jquh/Nh0hh]rr(h})rs}rt(hX styles: {}ruhjihhh hh"}rv(h$]rwh&]rxh(]ryh*]rzh,]r{hˆ‰uh/K0h0hh]r|hŠ)r}}r~(hjuhjshhh hh"}r(h(]r€h*]rh&]r‚h$]rƒh,]r„uh/K0h0hh]r…hMX styles: {}r†…r‡}rˆ(hUhj}ubaubaubh˜)r‰}rŠ(hUhjihhh h›h"}r‹(h(]rŒh*]rh&]rŽh$]rh,]ruh/K0h0hh]r‘hQ)r’}r“(hXHCSS `selector: rules;` styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.r”hj‰hhh hUh"}r•(h(]r–h*]r—h&]r˜h$]r™h,]ršuh/K.h0hh]r›(hMXCSS rœ…r}rž(hXCSS rŸhj’ubjç)r }r¡(hX`selector: rules;`r¢h"}r£(h(]r¤h*]r¥h&]r¦h$]r§h,]r¨uhj’h]r©hMXselector: rules;rª…r«}r¬(hUhj ubah jõubhMX2 styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.r­…r®}r¯(hX2 styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.r°hj’ubeubaubeubh`)r±}r²(hUhh3hhh hch"}r³(h$]r´h&]rµh(]r¶h*]r·h,]r¸Uentriesr¹]rºuh/Nh0hh]r»ubhm)r¼}r½(hUhh3hhh hph"}r¾(hr‰hsUh$]r¿h&]rÀh(]rÁh*]rÂh,]rÃhyXdescriberÄh{jÄuh/Nh0hh]rÅ(h})rÆ}rÇ(hXpreJax: null and postJax: nullrÈhj¼hhh hh"}rÉ(h$]rÊh&]rËh(]rÌh*]rÍh,]rÎhˆ‰uh/KQh0hh]rÏhŠ)rÐ}rÑ(hjÈhjÆhhh hh"}rÒ(h(]rÓh*]rÔh&]rÕh$]rÖh,]r×uh/KQh0hh]rØhMXpreJax: null and postJax: nullrÙ…rÚ}rÛ(hUhjÐubaubaubh˜)rÜ}rÝ(hUhj¼hhh h›h"}rÞ(h(]rßh*]ràh&]ráh$]râh,]rãuh/KQh0hh]rä(hQ)rå}ræ(hX'Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags. If you are not using one of the preprocessors, you need to insert something extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer. IE removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks are redundent, and since a ``r}hjhhh U literal_blockr~h"}r(Ulinenosr€‰UlanguagerXhtmlr‚U xml:spacerƒUpreserver„h$]r…h&]r†h(]r‡h*]rˆh,]r‰uh/Kbh0hh]rŠhMXP[math]r‹…rŒ}r(hUhj{ubaubhQ)rŽ}r(hXPwould display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.rhjhhh hUh"}r‘(h(]r’h*]r“h&]r”h$]r•h,]r–uh/Kch0hh]r—hMXPwould display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.r˜…r™}rš(hjhjŽubaubhQ)r›}rœ(hX7See also the ``preJax`` and ``postJax`` comments above.rhjhhh hUh"}rž(h(]rŸh*]r h&]r¡h$]r¢h,]r£uh/Kfh0hh]r¤(hMX See also the r¥…r¦}r§(hX See also the r¨hj›ubh±)r©}rª(hX ``preJax``r«h"}r¬(h(]r­h*]r®h&]r¯h$]r°h,]r±uhj›h]r²hMXpreJaxr³…r´}rµ(hUhj©ubah h¿ubhMX and r¶…r·}r¸(hX and r¹hj›ubh±)rº}r»(hX ``postJax``r¼h"}r½(h(]r¾h*]r¿h&]rÀh$]rÁh,]rÂuhj›h]rÃhMXpostJaxrÄ…rÅ}rÆ(hUhjºubah h¿ubhMX comments above.rÇ…rÈ}rÉ(hX comments above.rÊhj›ubeubeubeubh`)rË}rÌ(hUhh3hhh hch"}rÍ(h$]rÎh&]rÏh(]rÐh*]rÑh,]rÒUentriesrÓ]rÔuh/Nh0hh]rÕubhm)rÖ}r×(hUhh3hhh hph"}rØ(hr‰hsUh$]rÙh&]rÚh(]rÛh*]rÜh,]rÝhyXdescriberÞh{jÞuh/Nh0hh]rß(h})rà}rá(hXshowProcessingMessages: truerâhjÖhhh hh"}rã(h$]räh&]råh(]ræh*]rçh,]rèhˆ‰uh/Knh0hh]réhŠ)rê}rë(hjâhjàhhh hh"}rì(h(]ríh*]rîh&]rïh$]rðh,]rñuh/Knh0hh]ròhMXshowProcessingMessages: trueró…rô}rõ(hUhjêubaubaubh˜)rö}r÷(hUhjÖhhh h›h"}rø(h(]rùh*]rúh&]rûh$]rüh,]rýuh/Knh0hh]rþhQ)rÿ}r(hXÔThis value controls whether the `Processing Math: nn%` message are displayed in the lower left-hand corner. Set to ``false`` to prevent those messages (though file loading and other messages will still be shown).rhjöhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kjh0hh]r(hMX This value controls whether the r …r }r (hX This value controls whether the r hjÿubjç)r }r(hX`Processing Math: nn%`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjÿh]rhMXProcessing Math: nn%r…r}r(hUhj ubah jõubhMX= message are displayed in the lower left-hand corner. Set to r…r}r(hX= message are displayed in the lower left-hand corner. Set to rhjÿubh±)r}r(hX ``false``r h"}r!(h(]r"h*]r#h&]r$h$]r%h,]r&uhjÿh]r'hMXfalser(…r)}r*(hUhjubah h¿ubhMXX to prevent those messages (though file loading and other messages will still be shown).r+…r,}r-(hXX to prevent those messages (though file loading and other messages will still be shown).r.hjÿubeubaubeubh`)r/}r0(hUhh3hhh hch"}r1(h$]r2h&]r3h(]r4h*]r5h,]r6Uentriesr7]r8uh/Nh0hh]r9ubhm)r:}r;(hUhh3hhh hph"}r<(hr‰hsUh$]r=h&]r>h(]r?h*]r@h,]rAhyXdescriberBh{jBuh/Nh0hh]rC(h})rD}rE(hXmessageStyle: "normal"rFhj:hhh hh"}rG(h$]rHh&]rIh(]rJh*]rKh,]rLhˆ‰uh/Kvh0hh]rMhŠ)rN}rO(hjFhjDhhh hh"}rP(h(]rQh*]rRh&]rSh$]rTh,]rUuh/Kvh0hh]rVhMXmessageStyle: "normal"rW…rX}rY(hUhjNubaubaubh˜)rZ}r[(hUhj:hhh h›h"}r\(h(]r]h*]r^h&]r_h$]r`h,]rauh/Kvh0hh]rbhQ)rc}rd(hXThis value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner. Set it to ``"none"`` to eliminate all messages, or set it to ``"simple"`` to show "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name or the percentage of the mathematics processed.rehjZhhh hUh"}rf(h(]rgh*]rhh&]rih$]rjh,]rkuh/Kqh0hh]rl(hMX\This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner. Set it to rm…rn}ro(hX\This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner. Set it to rphjcubh±)rq}rr(hX ``"none"``rsh"}rt(h(]ruh*]rvh&]rwh$]rxh,]ryuhjch]rzhMX"none"r{…r|}r}(hUhjqubah h¿ubhMX) to eliminate all messages, or set it to r~…r}r€(hX) to eliminate all messages, or set it to rhjcubh±)r‚}rƒ(hX ``"simple"``r„h"}r…(h(]r†h*]r‡h&]rˆh$]r‰h,]rŠuhjch]r‹hMX"simple"rŒ…r}rŽ(hUhj‚ubah h¿ubhMX€ to show "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name or the percentage of the mathematics processed.r…r}r‘(hX€ to show "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name or the percentage of the mathematics processed.r’hjcubeubaubeubh`)r“}r”(hUhh3hhh hch"}r•(h$]r–h&]r—h(]r˜h*]r™h,]ršUentriesr›]rœuh/Nh0hh]rubhm)rž}rŸ(hUhh3hhh hph"}r (hr‰hsUh$]r¡h&]r¢h(]r£h*]r¤h,]r¥hyXdescriber¦h{j¦uh/Nh0hh]r§(h})r¨}r©(hX/displayAlign: "center" and displayIndent: "0em"rªhjžhhh hh"}r«(h$]r¬h&]r­h(]r®h*]r¯h,]r°hˆ‰uh/K€h0hh]r±hŠ)r²}r³(hjªhj¨hhh hh"}r´(h(]rµh*]r¶h&]r·h$]r¸h,]r¹uh/K€h0hh]rºhMX/displayAlign: "center" and displayIndent: "0em"r»…r¼}r½(hUhj²ubaubaubh˜)r¾}r¿(hUhjžhhh h›h"}rÀ(h(]rÁh*]rÂh&]rÃh$]rÄh,]rÅuh/K€h0hh]rÆhQ)rÇ}rÈ(hXGThese two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations. The first can be ``"left"``, ``"center"``, or ``"right"``, and determines the alignment of displayed equations. When the alignment is not ``"center"``, the second determines an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.rÉhj¾hhh hUh"}rÊ(h(]rËh*]rÌh&]rÍh$]rÎh,]rÏuh/Kyh0hh]rÐ(hMXbThese two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations. The first can be rÑ…rÒ}rÓ(hXbThese two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations. The first can be rÔhjÇubh±)rÕ}rÖ(hX ``"left"``r×h"}rØ(h(]rÙh*]rÚh&]rÛh$]rÜh,]rÝuhjÇh]rÞhMX"left"rß…rà}rá(hUhjÕubah h¿ubhMX, râ…rã}rä(hX, råhjÇubh±)ræ}rç(hX ``"center"``rèh"}ré(h(]rêh*]rëh&]rìh$]ríh,]rîuhjÇh]rïhMX"center"rð…rñ}rò(hUhjæubah h¿ubhMX, or ró…rô}rõ(hX, or röhjÇubh±)r÷}rø(hX ``"right"``rùh"}rú(h(]rûh*]rüh&]rýh$]rþh,]rÿuhjÇh]rhMX"right"r…r}r(hUhj÷ubah h¿ubhMXR, and determines the alignment of displayed equations. When the alignment is not r…r}r(hXR, and determines the alignment of displayed equations. When the alignment is not rhjÇubh±)r}r (hX ``"center"``r h"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]rh$]rh,]ruhjÇh]rhMX"center"r…r}r(hUhjubah h¿ubhMX_, the second determines an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.r…r}r(hX_, the second determines an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.rhjÇubeubaubeubh`)r}r(hUhh3hhh hch"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]r Uentriesr!]r"uh/Nh0hh]r#ubhm)r$}r%(hUhh3hhh hph"}r&(hr‰hsUh$]r'h&]r(h(]r)h*]r*h,]r+hyXdescriber,h{j,uh/Nh0hh]r-(h})r.}r/(hXdelayStartupUntil: "none"r0hj$hhh hh"}r1(h$]r2h&]r3h(]r4h*]r5h,]r6hˆ‰uh/Kˆh0hh]r7hŠ)r8}r9(hj0hj.hhh hh"}r:(h(]r;h*]r<h&]r=h$]r>h,]r?uh/Kˆh0hh]r@hMXdelayStartupUntil: "none"rA…rB}rC(hUhj8ubaubaubh˜)rD}rE(hUhj$hhh h›h"}rF(h(]rGh*]rHh&]rIh$]rJh,]rKuh/Kˆh0hh]rLhQ)rM}rN(hX*Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can. If you expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called. If so, set this to ``"onload"``.rOhjDhhh hUh"}rP(h(]rQh*]rRh&]rSh$]rTh,]rUuh/Kƒh0hh]rV(hMXNormally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can. If you expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called. If so, set this to rW…rX}rY(hXNormally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can. If you expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called. If so, set this to rZhjMubh±)r[}r\(hX ``"onload"``r]h"}r^(h(]r_h*]r`h&]rah$]rbh,]rcuhjMh]rdhMX"onload"re…rf}rg(hUhj[ubah h¿ubhMX.…rh}ri(hX.hjMubeubaubeubh`)rj}rk(hUhh3hhh hch"}rl(h$]rmh&]rnh(]roh*]rph,]rqUentriesrr]rsuh/Nh0hh]rtubhm)ru}rv(hUhh3hhh hph"}rw(hr‰hsUh$]rxh&]ryh(]rzh*]r{h,]r|hyXdescriber}h{j}uh/Nh0hh]r~(h})r}r€(hXskipStartupTypeset: falserhjuhhh hh"}r‚(h$]rƒh&]r„h(]r…h*]r†h,]r‡hˆ‰uh/Kh0hh]rˆhŠ)r‰}rŠ(hjhjhhh hh"}r‹(h(]rŒh*]rh&]rŽh$]rh,]ruh/Kh0hh]r‘hMXskipStartupTypeset: falser’…r“}r”(hUhj‰ubaubaubh˜)r•}r–(hUhjuhhh h›h"}r—(h(]r˜h*]r™h&]ršh$]r›h,]rœuh/Kh0hh]rhQ)rž}rŸ(hXìNormally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as the page is loaded. If you want to delay that process, in which case you will need to call :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Typeset()` yourself by hand, set this value to ``true``.r hj•hhh hUh"}r¡(h(]r¢h*]r£h&]r¤h$]r¥h,]r¦uh/K‹h0hh]r§(hMX¡Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as the page is loaded. If you want to delay that process, in which case you will need to call r¨…r©}rª(hX¡Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as the page is loaded. If you want to delay that process, in which case you will need to call r«hjžubj9)r¬}r­(hX:meth:`MathJax.Hub.Typeset()`r®hjžh j=h"}r¯(Ureftyper°Xmethr±jAXMathJax.Hub.Typesetr²U refdomainr³Xpyr´h$]rµh&]r¶U refexplicitr·‰h(]r¸h*]r¹h,]rºjKjLUpy:classr»NU py:moduler¼Nuh/K‹h]r½h±)r¾}r¿(hj®h"}rÀ(h(]rÁh*]rÂ(jTj´Xpy-methrÃeh&]rÄh$]rÅh,]rÆuhj¬h]rÇhMXMathJax.Hub.Typeset()rÈ…rÉ}rÊ(hUhj¾ubah h¿ubaubhMX% yourself by hand, set this value to rË…rÌ}rÍ(hX% yourself by hand, set this value to rÎhjžubh±)rÏ}rÐ(hX``true``rÑh"}rÒ(h(]rÓh*]rÔh&]rÕh$]rÖh,]r×uhjžh]rØhMXtruerÙ…rÚ}rÛ(hUhjÏubah h¿ubhMX.…rÜ}rÝ(hX.hjžubeubaubeubh`)rÞ}rß(hUhh3hhh hch"}rà(h$]ráh&]râh(]rãh*]räh,]råUentriesræ]rçuh/Nh0hh]rèubhm)ré}rê(hUhh3hhh hph"}rë(hr‰hsUh$]rìh&]ríh(]rîh*]rïh,]rðhyXdescriberñh{jñuh/Nh0hh]rò(h})ró}rô(hXmenuSettings: { ... }rõhjéhhh hh"}rö(h$]r÷h&]røh(]rùh*]rúh,]rûhˆ‰uh/Kºh0hh]rühŠ)rý}rþ(hjõhjóhhh hh"}rÿ(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kºh0hh]rhMXmenuSettings: { ... }r…r}r(hUhjýubaubaubh˜)r }r (hUhjéhhh h›h"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kºh0hh]r(hQ)r}r(hX˜This block contains settings for the mathematics contextual menu that act as the defaults for the user's settings in that menu. The possible values are:rhj hhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K’h0hh]rhMX˜This block contains settings for the mathematics contextual menu that act as the defaults for the user's settings in that menu. The possible values are:r…r}r(hjhjubaubh`)r}r (hUhj hhh hch"}r!(h$]r"h&]r#h(]r$h*]r%h,]r&Uentriesr']r(uh/Nh0hh]r)ubhm)r*}r+(hUhj hhh hph"}r,(hr‰hsUh$]r-h&]r.h(]r/h*]r0h,]r1hyXdescriber2h{j2uh/Nh0hh]r3(h})r4}r5(hX zoom: "none"r6hj*hhh hh"}r7(h$]r8h&]r9h(]r:h*]r;h,]r<hˆ‰uh/K›h0hh]r=hŠ)r>}r?(hj6hj4hhh hh"}r@(h(]rAh*]rBh&]rCh$]rDh,]rEuh/K›h0hh]rFhMX zoom: "none"rG…rH}rI(hUhj>ubaubaubh˜)rJ}rK(hUhj*hhh h›h"}rL(h(]rMh*]rNh&]rOh$]rPh,]rQuh/K›h0hh]rRhQ)rS}rT(hX This indicates when typeset mathematics should be zoomed. It can be set to ``"None"``, ``"Hover"``, ``"Click"``, or ``"Double-Click"`` to set the zoom trigger.rUhjJhhh hUh"}rV(h(]rWh*]rXh&]rYh$]rZh,]r[uh/K˜h0hh]r\(hMXLThis indicates when typeset mathematics should be zoomed. It can be set to r]…r^}r_(hXLThis indicates when typeset mathematics should be zoomed. It can be set to r`hjSubh±)ra}rb(hX ``"None"``rch"}rd(h(]reh*]rfh&]rgh$]rhh,]riuhjSh]rjhMX"None"rk…rl}rm(hUhjaubah h¿ubhMX, rn…ro}rp(hX, rqhjSubh±)rr}rs(hX ``"Hover"``rth"}ru(h(]rvh*]rwh&]rxh$]ryh,]rzuhjSh]r{hMX"Hover"r|…r}}r~(hUhjrubah h¿ubhMX, r…r€}r(hX, r‚hjSubh±)rƒ}r„(hX ``"Click"``r…h"}r†(h(]r‡h*]rˆh&]r‰h$]rŠh,]r‹uhjSh]rŒhMX"Click"r…rŽ}r(hUhjƒubah h¿ubhMX, or r…r‘}r’(hX, or r“hjSubh±)r”}r•(hX``"Double-Click"``r–h"}r—(h(]r˜h*]r™h&]ršh$]r›h,]rœuhjSh]rhMX"Double-Click"rž…rŸ}r (hUhj”ubah h¿ubhMX to set the zoom trigger.r¡…r¢}r£(hX to set the zoom trigger.r¤hjSubeubaubeubh`)r¥}r¦(hUhj hhh hch"}r§(h$]r¨h&]r©h(]rªh*]r«h,]r¬Uentriesr­]r®uh/Nh0hh]r¯ubhm)r°}r±(hUhj hhh hph"}r²(hr‰hsUh$]r³h&]r´h(]rµh*]r¶h,]r·hyXdescriber¸h{j¸uh/Nh0hh]r¹(h})rº}r»(hX1CTRL: false, ALT: false, CMD: false, Shift: falser¼hj°hhh hh"}r½(h$]r¾h&]r¿h(]rÀh*]rÁh,]rÂhˆ‰uh/K¥h0hh]rÃhŠ)rÄ}rÅ(hj¼hjºhhh hh"}rÆ(h(]rÇh*]rÈh&]rÉh$]rÊh,]rËuh/K¥h0hh]rÌhMX1CTRL: false, ALT: false, CMD: false, Shift: falserÍ…rÎ}rÏ(hUhjÄubaubaubh˜)rÐ}rÑ(hUhj°hhh h›h"}rÒ(h(]rÓh*]rÔh&]rÕh$]rÖh,]r×uh/K¥h0hh]rØhQ)rÙ}rÚ(hX€These values indicate which keys must be pressed in order for math zoom to be triggered. For example, if ``CTRL`` is set to ``true`` and ``zoom`` is ``"Click"``, then math will be zoomed only when the user control-clicks on mathematics (i.e., clicks while holding down the `CTRL` key). If more than one is ``true``, then all the indicated keys must be pressed for the zoom to occur.rÛhjÐhhh hUh"}rÜ(h(]rÝh*]rÞh&]rßh$]ràh,]ráuh/Kžh0hh]râ(hMXjThese values indicate which keys must be pressed in order for math zoom to be triggered. For example, if rã…rä}rå(hXjThese values indicate which keys must be pressed in order for math zoom to be triggered. For example, if ræhjÙubh±)rç}rè(hX``CTRL``réh"}rê(h(]rëh*]rìh&]ríh$]rîh,]rïuhjÙh]rðhMXCTRLrñ…rò}ró(hUhjçubah h¿ubhMX is set to rô…rõ}rö(hX is set to r÷hjÙubh±)rø}rù(hX``true``rúh"}rû(h(]rüh*]rýh&]rþh$]rÿh,]ruhjÙh]rhMXtruer…r}r(hUhjøubah h¿ubhMX and r…r}r(hX and rhjÙubh±)r }r (hX``zoom``r h"}r (h(]r h*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjÙh]rhMXzoomr…r}r(hUhj ubah h¿ubhMX is r…r}r(hX is rhjÙubh±)r}r(hX ``"Click"``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]r h$]r!h,]r"uhjÙh]r#hMX"Click"r$…r%}r&(hUhjubah h¿ubhMXq, then math will be zoomed only when the user control-clicks on mathematics (i.e., clicks while holding down the r'…r(}r)(hXq, then math will be zoomed only when the user control-clicks on mathematics (i.e., clicks while holding down the r*hjÙubjç)r+}r,(hX`CTRL`r-h"}r.(h(]r/h*]r0h&]r1h$]r2h,]r3uhjÙh]r4hMXCTRLr5…r6}r7(hUhj+ubah jõubhMX key). If more than one is r8…r9}r:(hX key). If more than one is r;hjÙubh±)r<}r=(hX``true``r>h"}r?(h(]r@h*]rAh&]rBh$]rCh,]rDuhjÙh]rEhMXtruerF…rG}rH(hUhj<ubah h¿ubhMXD, then all the indicated keys must be pressed for the zoom to occur.rI…rJ}rK(hXD, then all the indicated keys must be pressed for the zoom to occur.rLhjÙubeubaubeubh`)rM}rN(hUhj hhh hch"}rO(h$]rPh&]rQh(]rRh*]rSh,]rTUentriesrU]rVuh/Nh0hh]rWubhm)rX}rY(hUhj hhh hph"}rZ(hr‰hsUh$]r[h&]r\h(]r]h*]r^h,]r_hyXdescriber`h{j`uh/Nh0hh]ra(h})rb}rc(hXzscale: "200%"rdhjXhhh hh"}re(h$]rfh&]rgh(]rhh*]rih,]rjhˆ‰uh/K«h0hh]rkhŠ)rl}rm(hjdhjbhhh hh"}rn(h(]roh*]rph&]rqh$]rrh,]rsuh/K«h0hh]rthMXzscale: "200%"ru…rv}rw(hUhjlubaubaubh˜)rx}ry(hUhjXhhh h›h"}rz(h(]r{h*]r|h&]r}h$]r~h,]ruh/K«h0hh]r€hQ)r}r‚(hXThis is the zoom scaling factor, and it can be set to any of the values available in the `Zoom Factor` menu of the `Settings` submenu of the contextual menu.rƒhjxhhh hUh"}r„(h(]r…h*]r†h&]r‡h$]rˆh,]r‰uh/K¨h0hh]rŠ(hMXYThis is the zoom scaling factor, and it can be set to any of the values available in the r‹…rŒ}r(hXYThis is the zoom scaling factor, and it can be set to any of the values available in the rŽhjubjç)r}r(hX `Zoom Factor`r‘h"}r’(h(]r“h*]r”h&]r•h$]r–h,]r—uhjh]r˜hMX Zoom Factorr™…rš}r›(hUhjubah jõubhMX menu of the rœ…r}rž(hX menu of the rŸhjubjç)r }r¡(hX `Settings`r¢h"}r£(h(]r¤h*]r¥h&]r¦h$]r§h,]r¨uhjh]r©hMXSettingsrª…r«}r¬(hUhj ubah jõubhMX submenu of the contextual menu.r­…r®}r¯(hX submenu of the contextual menu.r°hjubeubaubeubh`)r±}r²(hUhj hhh hch"}r³(h$]r´h&]rµh(]r¶h*]r·h,]r¸Uentriesr¹]rºuh/Nh0hh]r»ubhm)r¼}r½(hUhj hhh hph"}r¾(hr‰hsUh$]r¿h&]rÀh(]rÁh*]rÂh,]rÃhyXdescriberÄh{jÄuh/Nh0hh]rÅ(h})rÆ}rÇ(hXcontext: "MathJax"rÈhj¼hhh hh"}rÉ(h$]rÊh&]rËh(]rÌh*]rÍh,]rÎhˆ‰uh/K¶h0hh]rÏhŠ)rÐ}rÑ(hjÈhjÆhhh hh"}rÒ(h(]rÓh*]rÔh&]rÕh$]rÖh,]r×uh/K¶h0hh]rØhMXcontext: "MathJax"rÙ…rÚ}rÛ(hUhjÐubaubaubh˜)rÜ}rÝ(hUhj¼hhh h›h"}rÞ(h(]rßh*]ràh&]ráh$]râh,]rãuh/K¶h0hh]rähQ)rå}ræ(hXÂThis controls what contextual menu will be presented when a right click (on a PC) or CTRL-click (on the Mac) occurs over a typeset equation. When set to ``"MathJax"``, the MathJax contextual menu will appear; when set to ``"Browser"``, the browser's contextual menu will be used. For example, in Internet Explorer with the MathPlayer plugin, if this is set to ``"Browser"``, you will get the MathPlayer contextual menu rather than the MathJax menu.rçhjÜhhh hUh"}rè(h(]réh*]rêh&]rëh$]rìh,]ríuh/K®h0hh]rî(hMXšThis controls what contextual menu will be presented when a right click (on a PC) or CTRL-click (on the Mac) occurs over a typeset equation. When set to rï…rð}rñ(hXšThis controls what contextual menu will be presented when a right click (on a PC) or CTRL-click (on the Mac) occurs over a typeset equation. When set to ròhjåubh±)ró}rô(hX ``"MathJax"``rõh"}rö(h(]r÷h*]røh&]rùh$]rúh,]rûuhjåh]rühMX "MathJax"rý…rþ}rÿ(hUhjóubah h¿ubhMX7, the MathJax contextual menu will appear; when set to r …r }r (hX7, the MathJax contextual menu will appear; when set to r hjåubh±)r }r (hX ``"Browser"``r h"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]r h$]r h,]r uhjåh]r hMX "Browser"r …r }r (hUhj ubah h¿ubhMX, the browser's contextual menu will be used. For example, in Internet Explorer with the MathPlayer plugin, if this is set to r …r }r (hX, the browser's contextual menu will be used. For example, in Internet Explorer with the MathPlayer plugin, if this is set to r hjåubh±)r }r (hX ``"Browser"``r h"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]r h$]r h,]r uhjåh]r hMX "Browser"r …r }r! (hUhj ubah h¿ubhMXK, you will get the MathPlayer contextual menu rather than the MathJax menu.r" …r# }r$ (hXK, you will get the MathPlayer contextual menu rather than the MathJax menu.r% hjåubeubaubeubhQ)r& }r' (hX‘There are also settings for ``format``, ``renderer``, and ``font``, but these are maintained by MathJax and should not be set by the page author.r( hj hhh hUh"}r) (h(]r* h*]r+ h&]r, h$]r- h,]r. uh/K·h0hh]r/ (hMXThere are also settings for r0 …r1 }r2 (hXThere are also settings for r3 hj& ubh±)r4 }r5 (hX ``format``r6 h"}r7 (h(]r8 h*]r9 h&]r: h$]r; h,]r< uhj& h]r= hMXformatr> …r? }r@ (hUhj4 ubah h¿ubhMX, rA …rB }rC (hX, rD hj& ubh±)rE }rF (hX ``renderer``rG h"}rH (h(]rI h*]rJ h&]rK h$]rL h,]rM uhj& h]rN hMXrendererrO …rP }rQ (hUhjE ubah h¿ubhMX, and rR …rS }rT (hX, and rU hj& ubh±)rV }rW (hX``font``rX h"}rY (h(]rZ h*]r[ h&]r\ h$]r] h,]r^ uhj& h]r_ hMXfontr` …ra }rb (hUhjV ubah h¿ubhMXO, but these are maintained by MathJax and should not be set by the page author.rc …rd }re (hXO, but these are maintained by MathJax and should not be set by the page author.rf hj& ubeubeubeubh`)rg }rh (hUhh3hNh hch"}ri (h$]rj h&]rk h(]rl h*]rm h,]rn Uentriesro ]rp uh/Nh0hh]rq ubhm)rr }rs (hUhh3hNh hph"}rt (hr‰hsUh$]ru h&]rv h(]rw h*]rx h,]ry hyXdescriberz h{jz uh/Nh0hh]r{ (h})r| }r} (hXerrorSettings: { ... }r~ hjr hhh hh"}r (h$]r€ h&]r h(]r‚ h*]rƒ h,]r„ hˆ‰uh/KÑh0hh]r… hŠ)r† }r‡ (hj~ hj| hhh hh"}rˆ (h(]r‰ h*]rŠ h&]r‹ h$]rŒ h,]r uh/KÑh0hh]rŽ hMXerrorSettings: { ... }r …r }r‘ (hUhj† ubaubaubh˜)r’ }r“ (hUhjr hhh h›h"}r” (h(]r• h*]r– h&]r— h$]r˜ h,]r™ uh/KÑh0hh]rš (hQ)r› }rœ (hXàThis block contains settings that control how MathJax responds to unexpected errors while processing mathematical equations. Rather than simply crash, MathJax can report an error and go on. The options you can set include:r hj’ hhh hUh"}rž (h(]rŸ h*]r  h&]r¡ h$]r¢ h,]r£ uh/K½h0hh]r¤ hMXàThis block contains settings that control how MathJax responds to unexpected errors while processing mathematical equations. Rather than simply crash, MathJax can report an error and go on. The options you can set include:r¥ …r¦ }r§ (hj hj› ubaubh`)r¨ }r© (hUhj’ hhh hch"}rª (h$]r« h&]r¬ h(]r­ h*]r® h,]r¯ Uentriesr° ]r± uh/Nh0hh]r² ubhm)r³ }r´ (hUhj’ hhh hph"}rµ (hr‰hsUh$]r¶ h&]r· h(]r¸ h*]r¹ h,]rº hyXdescriber» h{j» uh/Nh0hh]r¼ (h})r½ }r¾ (hX$message: ["[Math Processing Error"]]r¿ hj³ hhh hh"}rÀ (h$]rÁ h&]r h(]rà h*]rÄ h,]rÅ hˆ‰uh/KÊh0hh]rÆ hŠ)rÇ }rÈ (hj¿ hj½ hhh hh"}rÉ (h(]rÊ h*]rË h&]rÌ h$]rÍ h,]rÎ uh/KÊh0hh]rÏ hMX$message: ["[Math Processing Error"]]rÐ …rÑ }rÒ (hUhjÇ ubaubaubh˜)rÓ }rÔ (hUhj³ hhh h›h"}rÕ (h(]rÖ h*]r× h&]rØ h$]rÙ h,]rÚ uh/KÊh0hh]rÛ hQ)rÜ }rÝ (hX2This is an HTML snippet that will be inserted at the location of the mathematics for any formula that causes MathJax to produce an internal error (i.e., an error in the MathJax code itself). See the :ref:`description of HTML snippets ` for details on how to represent HTML code in this way.rÞ hjÓ hhh hUh"}rß (h(]rà h*]rá h&]râ h$]rã h,]rä uh/KÄh0hh]rå (hMXÈThis is an HTML snippet that will be inserted at the location of the mathematics for any formula that causes MathJax to produce an internal error (i.e., an error in the MathJax code itself). See the ræ …rç }rè (hXÈThis is an HTML snippet that will be inserted at the location of the mathematics for any formula that causes MathJax to produce an internal error (i.e., an error in the MathJax code itself). See the ré hjÜ ubj9)rê }rë (hX3:ref:`description of HTML snippets `rì hjÜ h j=h"}rí (Ureftyperî Xrefrï jAX html-snippetsrð U refdomainrñ Xstdrò h$]ró h&]rô U refexplicitrõ ˆh(]rö h*]r÷ h,]rø jKjLuh/KÄh]rù jN)rú }rû (hjì h"}rü (h(]rý h*]rþ (jTjò Xstd-refrÿ eh&]r h$]r h,]r uhjê h]r hMXdescription of HTML snippetsr …r }r (hUhjú ubah j]ubaubhMX7 for details on how to represent HTML code in this way.r …r }r (hX7 for details on how to represent HTML code in this way.r hjÜ ubeubaubeubh`)r }r (hUhj’ hhh hch"}r (h$]r h&]r h(]r h*]r h,]r Uentriesr ]r uh/Nh0hh]r ubhm)r }r (hUhj’ hhh hph"}r (hr‰hsUh$]r h&]r h(]r h*]r h,]r hyXdescriber h{j uh/Nh0hh]r (h})r }r! (hX/style: {color:"#CC0000", "font-style":"italic"}r" hj hhh hh"}r# (h$]r$ h&]r% h(]r& h*]r' h,]r( hˆ‰uh/KÐh0hh]r) hŠ)r* }r+ (hj" hj hhh hh"}r, (h(]r- h*]r. h&]r/ h$]r0 h,]r1 uh/KÐh0hh]r2 hMX/style: {color:"#CC0000", "font-style":"italic"}r3 …r4 }r5 (hUhj* ubaubaubh˜)r6 }r7 (hUhj hhh h›h"}r8 (h(]r9 h*]r: h&]r; h$]r< h,]r= uh/KÐh0hh]r> hQ)r? }r@ (hXÛThis is the CSS style description to use for the error messages produced by internal MathJax errors. See the section on :ref:`CSS style objects ` for details on how these are specified in JavaScript.rA hj6 hhh hUh"}rB (h(]rC h*]rD h&]rE h$]rF h,]rG uh/KÍh0hh]rH (hMXyThis is the CSS style description to use for the error messages produced by internal MathJax errors. See the section on rI …rJ }rK (hXyThis is the CSS style description to use for the error messages produced by internal MathJax errors. See the section on rL hj? ubj9)rM }rN (hX,:ref:`CSS style objects `rO hj? h j=h"}rP (UreftyperQ XrefrR jAXcss-style-objectsrS U refdomainrT XstdrU h$]rV h&]rW U refexplicitrX ˆh(]rY h*]rZ h,]r[ jKjLuh/KÍh]r\ jN)r] }r^ (hjO h"}r_ (h(]r` h*]ra (jTjU Xstd-refrb eh&]rc h$]rd h,]re uhjM h]rf hMXCSS style objectsrg …rh }ri (hUhj] ubah j]ubaubhMX6 for details on how these are specified in JavaScript.rj …rk }rl (hX6 for details on how these are specified in JavaScript.rm hj? ubeubaubeubeubeubeubehUU transformerrn NU footnote_refsro }rp Urefnamesrq }rr Usymbol_footnotesrs ]rt Uautofootnote_refsru ]rv Usymbol_footnote_refsrw ]rx U citationsry ]rz h0hU current_liner{ NUtransform_messagesr| ]r} cdocutils.nodes system_message r~ )r }r€ (hUh"}r (h(]r‚ Ulevelrƒ Kh$]r„ h&]r… Usourcer† hh*]r‡ h,]rˆ Uliner‰ KUtyperŠ UINFOr‹ uh]rŒ hQ)r }rŽ (hUh"}r (h(]r h*]r‘ h&]r’ h$]r“ h,]r” uhj h]r• hMX3Hyperlink target "configure-hub" is not referenced.r– …r— }r˜ (hUhj ubah hUubah Usystem_messager™ ubaUreporterrš NUid_startr› KU autofootnotesrœ ]r U citation_refsrž }rŸ Uindirect_targetsr  ]r¡ Usettingsr¢ (cdocutils.frontend Values r£ or¤ }r¥ (Ufootnote_backlinksr¦ KUrecord_dependenciesr§ NU rfc_base_urlr¨ Uhttp://tools.ietf.org/html/r© U tracebackrª KUpep_referencesr« NUstrip_commentsr¬ NU toc_backlinksr­ Uentryr® U language_coder¯ Uenr° U datestampr± NU report_levelr² KU _destinationr³ NU halt_levelr´ KU strip_classesrµ NhENUerror_encoding_error_handlerr¶ Ubackslashreplacer· Udebugr¸ NUembed_stylesheetr¹ ‰Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerrº Ustrictr» U sectnum_xformr¼ KUdump_transformsr½ NU docinfo_xformr¾ KUwarning_streamr¿ NUpep_file_url_templaterÀ Upep-%04drÁ Uexit_status_levelr KUconfigrà NUstrict_visitorrÄ NUcloak_email_addressesrÅ ˆUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerÆ ‰UenvrÇ NUdump_pseudo_xmlrÈ NUexpose_internalsrÉ NUsectsubtitle_xformrÊ ‰U source_linkrË NUrfc_referencesrÌ NUoutput_encodingrÍ Uutf-8rÎ U source_urlrÏ NUinput_encodingrÐ U utf-8-sigrÑ U_disable_configrÒ NU id_prefixrÓ UU tab_widthrÔ KUerror_encodingrÕ UUTF-8rÖ U_sourcer× UU/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/options/hub.rstrØ U generatorrÙ NUdump_internalsrÚ NU pep_base_urlrÛ Uhttp://www.python.org/dev/peps/rÜ Uinput_encoding_error_handlerrÝ j» Uauto_id_prefixrÞ Uidrß Udoctitle_xformrà ‰Ustrip_elements_with_classesrá NU _config_filesrâ ]rã Ufile_insertion_enabledrä KU raw_enabledrå KU dump_settingsræ NubUsymbol_footnote_startrç KUidsrè }ré (hh3hh3uUsubstitution_namesrê }rë h h0h"}rì (h(]rí h$]rî h&]rï Usourcerð hh*]rñ h,]rò uU footnotesró ]rô Urefidsrõ }rö h]r÷ hasub.