# Adding functions that is accessible everywhere.
module Kernel
# :call-seq:
# alda(*args) -> true or false
# Runs the alda command.
# Does not capture output.
# alda 'version'
# alda 'play', '-c', 'piano: a'
# alda 'repl'
# Returns whether the exit status is +0+.
def alda *args
system Alda.executable, *args
module Alda
# The Array of possible values of ::generation.
# It is just the array [:v1, :v2]
# You can use +:v1?+ and +:v2?+ to get whether the current generation is +:v1+ or +:v2+.
# For example, Alda.v1? is the same as Alda.generation == :v1.
# You can also use +:v1!+ and +:v2!+ to set the generation to +:v1+ or +:v2+.
# For example, Alda.v1! is the same as Alda.generation = :v1.
GENERATIONS = %i[v1 v2].freeze
GENERATIONS.each do |gen|
module_function define_method("#{gen}?") { @generation == gen }
module_function define_method("#{gen}!") { @generation = gen }
# The available subcommands of alda executable.
# This is a Hash, with keys being possible values of ::generation,
# and values being an Array of symbols of the available commands of that generation.
# Alda is able to invoke +alda+ at the command line.
# The subcommand is the name of the method invoked upon Alda.
# The keyword arguments are interpreted as the subcommand options.
# To specify the command options, use ::[].
# The return value is the string output by the command in STDOUT.
# If the exit code is nonzero, an Alda::CommandLineError is raised.
# Alda.version
# # => "Client version: 1.4.0\nServer version: [27713] 1.4.0\n"
# Alda.parse code: 'bassoon: o3 c'
# # => "{\"chord-mode\":false,\"current-instruments\":...}\n"
# The available commands are:
# * If ::generation is +:v1+:
# +help+, +update+, +repl+, +up+, +start_server+, +init+, +down+, +stop_server+,
# +downup+, +restart_server+, +list+, +status+, +version+, +play+, +stop+, +parse+,
# +instruments+, and +export+.
# * If ::generation is +:v2+:
# +doctor+, +export+, +help+, +import+, +instruments+, +parse+, +play+,
# +ps+, +repl+, +shutdown+, +stop+, +telemetry+, +update+, and +version+.
# Trying to run a command that is not support by the current generation set by ::generation
# will raise an Alda::GenerationError.
v1: %i[
help update repl up start_server init down stop_server
downup restart_server list status version play stop parse
instruments export
v2: %i[
doctor export help import instruments parse play ps repl shutdown stop
telemetry update version
# The Hash of available commands.
# The symbols of commands are keys
# and each value is an Array of generations where the command is available.
COMMANDS = COMMANDS_FOR_VERSIONS.each_with_object({}) do |(gen, commands), r|
commands.each { (r[_1] ||= []).push gen }
COMMANDS.each do |command, generations|
define_method command do |*args, **opts|
Alda::GenerationError.assert_generation generations
result = Alda.pipe command, *args, **opts, &:read
raise CommandLineError.new $?, result if $?.exitstatus.nonzero?
end.tap { module_function _1 }
class << self
# The path to the +alda+ executable.
# The default value is "alda",
# which will depend on your +PATH+.
attr_accessor :executable
# The commandline options set using ::[].
# Not the subcommand options.
# Clear it using ::clear_options.
attr_reader :options
# The major version of the +alda+ command used.
# Possible values: +:v1+ or +:v2+ (i.e. one of the values in Alda::GENERATIONS).
# If you try to specify it to values other than those, an ArgumentError will be raised.
# This affects several things due to some incompatible changes from \Alda 1 to \Alda 2.
# You may use ::deduce_generation to automatically set it,
# or use #v1! or #v2! to set it in a shorter way.
attr_accessor :generation
def generation= gen # :nodoc:
raise ArgumentError, "bad generation: #{gen}" unless GENERATIONS.include? gen
@generation = gen
# :call-seq:
# Alda[**opts] -> self
# Sets the options of alda command.
# Not the subcommand options.
# # This example only works for Alda 1.
# Alda[port: 1108].up # => "[1108] ..."
# Alda.status # => "[1108] ..."
# Further set options will be merged.
# The options can be seen by ::options.
# To clear them, use ::clear_options.
def [] **opts
@options.merge! opts
# :call-seq:
# clear_options() -> nil
# Clears the command line options.
# Makes ::options an empty Array.
def clear_options
@executable = 'alda'
@options = {}
@env = {
# :call-seq:
# env() -> Hash
# env(hash) -> Hash
# env(hash) { ... } -> Object
# When called with no arguments,
# returns the commandline environment variables (a Hash)
# used when running +alda+ on command line.
# It is {"ALDA_DISABLE_SPAWNING"=>"yes","ALDA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY"=>"yes"} by default
# (for speeding up the command line responses:
# {alda-lang/alda#368}[https://github.com/alda-lang/alda/issues/368]).
# When called with an argument +hash+,
# merge the old environment variables with +hash+ and set
# the merged Hash as the new environment variables.
# Returns the new environment variables (a Hash).
# When called with an argument +hash+ and a block,
# execute the block with the environment being set to the merge of the old environment
# and +hash+, and then restore the old environment.
# Returns the returned value of the block.
def env hash = nil, &block
if hash
@env = (old_env = @env).merge hash.map { |k, v| [k.to_s, v.to_s] }.to_h
block ? block.().tap { @env = old_env } : @env
# :call-seq:
# pipe(command, *args, **opts) -> IO
# pipe(command, *args, **opts) { |io| ... } -> Object
# Runs +alda+ in command line as a child process and returns the pipe IO
# or pass the IO to the block.
# See COMMANDS_FOR_VERSIONS for an explanation of +args+ and +opts+.
def pipe command, *args, **opts, &block
add_option = ->((key, val)) do
next unless val
args.push "--#{Alda::Utils.snake_to_slug key}"
args.push val.to_s unless val == true
# executable
args.unshift Alda.executable
args.map! &:to_s
# options
Alda.options.each &add_option
# subcommand
args.push command.to_s
# subcommand options
opts.each &add_option
# subprocess
spawn_options = Alda::Utils.win_platform? ? { new_pgroup: true } : { pgroup: true }
IO.popen Alda.env, args, **spawn_options, &block
# :call-seq:
# processes() -> Array
# Returns a Array of details about running \Alda processes.
# Only available for \Alda 2.
# Each element in the Array is a Hash,
# and each Hash has the following keys:
# - +:id+: the player-id of the process, a three-letter String.
# - +:port+: the port number of the process, an Integer.
# - +:state+: the state of the process, a Symbol (may be +nil+, +:ready+, +:active+, or +:starting+).
# - +:expiry+: a human-readable description of expiry time of the process, a String (may be +nil+).
# - +:type+: the type of the process, a Symbol (may be +:player+ or +:repl_server+).
def processes
raise GenerationError.new [:v2] if v1?
Alda.ps.lines(chomp: true)[1..].map do |line|
id, port, state, expiry, type = line.split ?\t
port = port.to_i
state = state == ?- ? nil : state.to_sym
expiry = nil if expiry == ?-
type = Alda::Utils.slug_to_snake type
{ id: id, port: port, state: state, expiry: expiry, type: type }
# :call-seq:
# up?() -> true or false
# Whether the alda server is up.
# Checks whether there are any play processes in ::processes in \Alda 2.
def up?
Alda.v1? ? Alda.status.include?('up') : Alda.processes.any? { _1[:type] == :player }
# :call-seq:
# down? -> true or false
# Whether the alda server is down.
# Checks whether there are no play processes in ::processes in \Alda 2.
def down?
Alda.v1? ? Alda.status.include?('down') : Alda.processes.none? { _1[:type] == :player }
# :call-seq:
# deduce_generation -> one of Alda::GENERATIONS
# Deduce the generation of \Alda being used by running alda version in command line,
# and then set ::generation accordingly.
def deduce_generation
/(?\d+)\.(?\d+)\.(?\d+)/ =~ Alda.version
@generation = major == '1' ? :v1 : :v2
module_function :env, :pipe, :processes, :up?, :down?, :deduce_generation