# Pronto runner for ESLint (using eslint from npm) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/doits/pronto-eslint_npm.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/doits/pronto-eslint_npm) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/doits/pronto-eslint_npm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/doits/pronto-eslint_npm) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/pronto-eslint_npm.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/pronto-eslint_npm) Pronto runner for [ESlint](http://eslint.org), pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX. [What is Pronto?](https://github.com/mmozuras/pronto) Uses official eslint executable installed by `npm` in contrast to [pronto-eslint][pronto-eslint]. :exclamation:**Not maintained anymore**:exclamation:: This gem is not maintened anymore and will receive no updates. If you want to step in as a maintainer, please open an issue to discuss it. [pronto-eslint]: https://github.com/mmozuras/pronto-eslint ## Prerequisites You'll need to install [eslint by yourself with npm][eslint-install]. If `eslint` is in your `PATH`, everything will simply work, otherwise you have to provide pronto-eslint-npm your custom executable path (see [below](#configuration-of-eslintnpm)). [eslint-install]: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/getting-started ## Configuration of ESLint Configuring ESLint via [.eslintrc and consorts][eslintrc] and excludes via [.eslintignore][eslintignore] will work just fine with pronto-eslint-npm. [eslintrc]: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#configuration-file-formats [eslintignore]: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#ignoring-files-and-directories ## Configuration of ESLintNPM pronto-eslint-npm can be configured by placing a `.pronto_eslint_npm.yml` inside the directory where pronto is run. Following options are available: | Option | Meaning | Default | | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | eslint_executable | ESLint executable to call. | `eslint` (calls `eslint` in `PATH`) | | files_to_lint | What files to lint. Absolute path of offending file will be matched against this Regexp. | `(\.js\|\.es6)$` | | cmd_line_opts | Command line options to pass to eslint when running | '' | Example configuration to call custom eslint executable and only lint files ending with `.my_custom_extension`: ```yaml # .pronto_eslint_npm.yml eslint_executable: '/my/custom/node/path/.bin/eslint' files_to_lint: '\.my_custom_extension$' cmd_line_opts: '--ext .html,.js,.es6' ```