== 0.1.3 2008-12-01 (UNPUBLISHED) * Fixed bug when a VMail list is empty * Corrected case of tokboxer.rb == 0.1.2 2008-11-27 * VMail objects now hold both the message id and the vmail id * Added basic exception management == 0.1.1 2008-11-26 * Fixed config problem causing missing files in the gem == 0.1.0 2008-11-13 * First gem release == 0.0.2 2008-11-05 * Added classes VMail and Call * Corrected bug with url encoding (didn't deal properly with spaces in params) * Some stupid bugs removed * Added some documentation and cleaned the gem * Removed useless dependency on rest-client (just using Net::HTTP now) == 0.0.1 2008-11-03 * Initial release with all the methods implemented